1991.02.23 - The word of God to His chosen Irineu, Lord Jesus [jenna bush book club TXT] 📗

- Author: Lord Jesus
Book online «1991.02.23 - The word of God to His chosen Irineu, Lord Jesus [jenna bush book club TXT] 📗». Author Lord Jesus
The word of God[1] to His chosen Irineu[2]
(Translated by I.A.)
Peace from heaven, peace and good strength from God! Peace to you, My loved child from heaven! Peace and blessing and empowerment in order to get up in faith and work according to the counsel of My will!
Get up and take heed, but listen to Me, so that you may stand up and work out My plan, for there will be not much time and you will confess the accomplishments that were spoken about beforehand by the spring of My words which you are feeding on as well, since I have discovered to you My work from these days, the work in which you stay and accomplish those that come towards you through My servants. Make yourself a book to write in all the words that I come to you with, for this book will testify in the days to come. And behold, add these words to this book too and work according to My well-made plan. I cannot take this spring to the surface; I cannot get it out now, but here, I work to share My work to be worked out.
I have come to you by My words and assure you that I am God, and I have placed you to be faithful to My work of these days. I have spoken from heaven and I put My servants to write on earth so that My foretold accomplishments may be seen by this heavenly thread, by this ray of light, from which I share light and life with Me and fulfillment. I am God from everlasting; and from now on, I am; I am and work the secret of the fulfillment of the times, and I do not find faith on earth. No one searches with My Spirit, and the spirit of the world has darkened the time so that the man may no longer search those that are written in all ages, and which testify about God and about His works through the Book of the Truth.
I met within the time of My body the Samaritan woman and spoke with her at Jacob’s well, but she knew the words of the prophets and knew and believed that the Messiah’s time would come, and when I told her about the fulfillment which was in front of her eyes the Samaritan woman believed in Me; she believed that I am the God Who was prophesied about, the Messiah, the One that was written about that would come and her faith remained as a testimony. Oh, and she belonged to a foreign people and still believed in Me, My child, and she went to her city and testified about God. She had a great heart and if I met with her, I let a light upon her, and My light remained in her, and she left and shared light from Me; she left with zeal and longing, with faith and love to share the light in the lands of her people.
I chose My apostles from Galilee and told them to follow Me and My teaching, and they believed in Me and remained with Me. And because they believed, My light remained in them, and then they spread the light into the world and shared My clean light. They shared Me, for I am the light of the world. I am, but who is still sharing Me today? Oh, who is sharing Me the way I am? Nobody, My child. I tell you too that no one has Me the way as I am, no one, and here are those words that once were saying: «When the Son of man comes, will He really find faith on the earth anymore?»
Those that say that they carry Me lie to Me; they who testify about Me lie to Me, as they are close with their lips to Me, but where are they with their hearts? Where? They are with their hearts in pleasures and liberties. They took the law of liberty and made it reign over them, and behold, they took over the power to share this law upon those that are disobedient. Oh, woe to the blind who is led by a blind guide, for the great horde of the chief men that sits as a judge over My creature reached to be blind too. Oh, who is to share Me anymore the way I am? Who, as from top to toe, all the body is full of wounds, wounds that give to destroy the last drop of the creature’s life. Behold My child, the Scriptures which say: «Neither you enter, nor do you allow those that are entering in to enter My kingdom». I remind you now, of that Scripture which says: «I did not come to bring peace, but rather division. I came to make those that do not see to see and to make blind those that see. And the Pharisees felt it and said: “Are we not really blind too?”» Oh, and you saw what kind of answer they received: «If you were blind, you would have no sin, but because you say that you see, your sin remains upon you.»
Oh, My child, there were years when the unfaithful beast reigned, (The red beast – the communist dictatorship, r.n.) and when I was putting forth a priest above them who was speaking according to the truth and through whom I was calling out as through John, the Baptizer, as well, when he was saying: «You offspring of vipers, how will you escape from the wrath to come?» Oh, what will happen with a man like that? For he was taken and hidden into the prisons and My words of light were put into the darkness, the same way as it happened with John, who stood up to prepare My way and My appearing into the middle of the world. (See the selection topic „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast[3]”, r.n.)
There were years of fog and I came and showed Myself truly in due time, as I spoke by the words of this work by which I have been speaking today as well, in order to fulfill then all My word. I came long before and spoke through this heavenly thread about the foretold time for the crushing of the beast, and about the time spoken of by the Lord by those that were fulfilled in due time.
Oh, the Lord is hardly understood and believed, for those of today say as it was written that it would be heard: «Where is the promise of his coming?» But woe to the unfaithful people, for the Scripture says: «God is not a liar in His promises and will not be slow in coming. But He is long-suffering towards us not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.» Oh, My day is pressed on and all the old things will pass. Therefore, My child, I am looking at those in heaven for they are crying. But those on earth, instead of sanctifying themselves, becoming devout and hastening of My day, lie in disbelief and here, My coming is drawing near and is coming with fire, (See selection topic: „The apocalyptic fire[4]”, r.n.) for this is written and every eye will see it. But I have a remnant which has to remain faithful to My promises and wait for the new heaven and new earth considering My patience as deliverance, but they should not let themselves fall from the strongholds where they are set by My promises.
I have come and always said by the words of this work: “Blessed is he who will not be crushed against this rock. Blessed is he who is washing his life into this vessel,” for the rock is the Lord, Himself, the One Who dwells in this mountain until the end, by the words of this work, for the teaching which will flow through this work will rise above the peaks of the mountains, so that the multitudes may flow to this river and drink clean and untroubled water from this rock and to wash in this vessel, in this saving teaching, for this is written: «From Zion the law will come out and from Jerusalem rivers of living and clean waters will flow.»
Here, I chose Romania to be Mine and to come and make Myself perfect in its midst and to stretch out My tent by this teaching that I will be speaking with once again and with the peoples, languages and nations. I chose this land to make Eden and Canaan out of it for the fullness of times; to make a heavenly Jerusalem out of it and to shed light from here over the peoples, so that they may see the entrance gate into Canaan. (See selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan[5]”, r.n.)
I have spread the word to the peoples on earth to let Romania be known and that the people may believe in My work that was spoken about beforehand, for that is why I arose to speak to the peoples about those that I have to fulfill. And here, I am talking to you My child; I am talking with you as with a friend, because you are close to Me and to My work, and to My work which speaks in Romania.
I told this to My apostles: «I do no longer call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing, but rather I call you My friends.» You are My friend, you are My child, you are My love; you are with Me and on my side, as Nicodimus was in the time of My body. He too belonged to the Synod under the rule of Anna and Caiaphas, but Nicodimus was with Me and after I passed through the death; he went to Pilate and asked for My body to take it from the cross. Joseph and Nicodimus went with fragrances and did everything for My burial, for they were looking forward to God’s kingdom and were hoping to see it. They remained with Me because they believed in Me. They were in the bodies in the times of My body; they were in the time of My passion, death and resurrection of My body, and here, you are in the time of the victory, appearance and glory of My Spirit through you; you are in the time that I have been working in the end of the fullness of times, after the counsel of My own will.
When I delivered this word to the peoples about what I have to fulfill during these days, I said that I would arise to judge kings and lords, (See selection topic: “The Judgment[6]”, r.n.) the rich and powerful, slaves and free people, for My angels will release affliction and anguish over those who have not got the seal of the Living one, and I said that I would let My wrath loose over the peoples and the smoke of the fire will rise, in which the Babylon will burn. Behold, I said and I will fulfill, and I will rise the ephah between heaven and earth, for My words cannot be abolished. (See the selection topic: „The great tribulation”, r.n.)
My blessed child, the loved and faithful one, I am coming towards you again to confirm your steadfastness. I remind you, we both remember of the work of the faith of many
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