» Religion » 1958.05.04 - The word of God, Lord Jesus [e novels to read TXT] 📗

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1958.05.04 - The word of God


                                               The Word of God[1]

                                               (Translated by I.A.)


… Oh, My children, the devil rose very angrily to destroy you My people. Therefore I call and teach you to read the holy book, for it is because of this that I left it with you, to show you all the work of the evil one. But I call you out easily; I cannot cry loudly for My vessel (Through which the Lord speaks, red. note[2].) is destroyed. When the tailor has something broken at his machine, he works with care and mercy. I have mercy on you because you wait and because you are so long way away, but look, My vessel is in front of you: It's all destroyed but because I have mercy on you, I do not let you leave empty handed.


… My sheep, My people, I call you out as My vineyard is full of thorns and I do not have cleaners. I have been calling and looking: at daybreak, at the second hour, at the third our, at the sixth hour, at the ninth hour and all the time.


My people be humble so that you may not miss the Lord, for here those who are haughty, they rebel! Humble yourselves much, for the devil is on the earth; he is the Antichrist and has the courage up to heaven to destroy everything he finds on his way, but those who are humble he cannot move from their way. (See topic: “Antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.)


Oh, well children do not look after the sun so that the day it might look longer to you and so to seem that you still have time for repentance, for you do not know the day or the hour when you will be called. Repent children for your reward is so great! Oh, if your eyes could see all, you would not eat or drink and you would fight for life and death for the highest seats in the house of the Father and to which the Father was waiting for each one of you; but you should know that you are few, few.


My little sheep, I speak to you more in parables. It is only I who knows why I speak to you this way. Do not look back as the plowman does to his furrow. Look straight ahead.


My sheep look at the crown I wore for you, My children, for the whole world, for those who sing to Me as for those who curse Me as well. But everyone would get their reward as they worked. My scythe is broken and I have nothing to mow with. My fishing rod is broken and I have nothing to catch fish with; you understand what kind of fish. My children I came down from heaven on earth to catch fish; I came down to multiply fish but look the serpents multiply. The Antichrist fights with Me; he wants to put out the light, My light on earth. Do you not see him? You will see him when the church perishes and when the priesthood perishes and many will call themselves wise people.


The hour is coming, son, when you cannot buy or sell without a stamp, (“The Seal” on the cards that the communist regime divided for bread, oil, sugar, and so on, the ones that were given with portion only to those who received them, r.n.) but you, My children, do not give up, for I do not forsake you too. Have hope and faith for in no way will you die with hunger. 


My sons, when you receive pain and have no comfort, fall on your face and ask, for I, the Lord, will give you peace and calm the storm. Ask and I shall give to you. Behold, I mostly run after the lost sheep and you need to know that you will be greatly comforted by the holy heaven because a sinful man hardly enters the holy heaven. I came down for the whole earth, for believers and unbelievers as well, but many consider My words crazy. You have had at your hand all the teaching through the Holy Scripture, through the holy church, through the lives of the saints. You have had all the Christian ordinances, but you, instead of fulfilling it, have forsaken all ordinances of salvation considering them crazy. The world takes Me as a fool now when I am calling you to Me. The world says that I am a fool, but tomorrow I will say: “Go away from Me to where you prepared your place!” What will the world say then? I comforted, I healed and you said that I was a fool. Be also a fool for Me and for My words?


… Who cares more about children, wife, mother, father, cornfields than about Me can-not be worthy of Me. These cannot take you into the kingdom of heaven. If you did evil deeds you would go in hell with them. You can have thousands of children, brothers, sisters, mother, father; these cannot save you. Only I, God, can save you. Ask from Me power and faith.


… My children, a train is a snake with an iron beak which carries thousands of people on its back, in all parts of the world, full of all kinds of sins: pride, wickedness and debauchery; it carries the work of Antichrist. Behold, that it is being fulfilled all that the prophet said, that the earth is filled with birds with iron beak, snakes with an iron beak, turtles with an iron beak.


Here, today I have come down to this vessel in the Doiceşti train station and I have spoken with a thunder voice and people of all sort were running to see and hear and they were crying and saying that they have not seen and heard something like this before. There were people of Antichrist in the train. I wanted to destroy the train, but I thought of so many thousands of people that were on the train and I said, “It is better for My vessel (Through which the Lord speaks, r.n.) to suffer for God.” She was trampled under feet. There were scented people, well dressed and when they heard, they watered their shirts crying. Oh, how many people are who do not know God! What a great discourse these people of Antichrist have done! (The Security Service of the Communist regime, r.n.) And they took actions to send My vessel into the mental hospital. But what do you say? Great is the pain of My vessel, but I will comfort her when the prophecy ceases. Now it is for you to comfort her.


You will be forbidden to pasture the grass which you know. (The Word of God, r.n.) Do you understand? I told you that I speak in parables. You will be forbidden to bear the faith, to attend the church too and the famine and drought will come this year and there will be only trouble for you. There will be fruit: prunes, wheat, corn; there will be enough of these, but My Word will be no more for you will be forbidden. I tell you more: give up the desires of the body. Marriage is not forbidden but who has love and determination to get to the saints, they are to stop. Make up your mind with no doubt. We are not talking any more about the Advent, or Lent, or about the feast of the holy apostles and Virgin Mary. In a word, refrain yourselves.


— Lord what are we to eat in the days of feasting? With what kind of food?


— Sons, if you want you can; here is your food: a little piece of bread and water, at the sundown. Here is another way: you will eat food without grease and all at sundown for the day is long and so is your will.”


— Lord, what are we to do with the Holy Communion?


— Ask for Holy Communion to be given to you every three weeks and two weeks for they will not give you more than that. I would give you each day. I have called in churches to the servants. The time has come to stop you with the hand, to stop you from praising God. Rejoice for the day has come near! It has stopped you from praising God but it has not stopped you from praying. Pray when you go to the water, when you go to work, when you go to your field, when you go to the woods. Praise God! Here, the priests, instead of finishing the service at twelve o’clock they hurry to finish it earlier. Many overlook the words of the service but do not judge rather obey. If they slap you in the right face, turn the left one too.


… You love to meet many of you but now it is not possible for the time is evil.


… Children, when you are judged do not be troubled for everything comes from above, from the Holy Spirit. Here is what the persecutor said to Verginica: “If this being suffers for God, what am I going to do with my wicked deeds which I have done and I am doing all the time?” Who made him gently? He was gentle with My prophet but the commander (From Security, r.n.) was very harsh. When My vessel was speaking, she was beaten and persecuted and the judged came and saw My vessel, Verginica, where she was locked and said sobbing: “It would have been better for you not to be born. But I do not want to be wrong here is what I say to you: you will escape keep your courage for you will be released.” (See The Life of Saint Virginia[3], r.n.)


… Here My vessel is about to travel today to see the doctor. Now she will rise and cry bitterly with the pain she is suffering due to the blows she received in the train. She was punched in her head, slapped over the mouth, over the lungs; her ribs were almost broken as she was dragged away and taken in a room in the train station and now they are taking her to the doctors. But blessed is she for great will be her reward into My kingdom when she comes, for she will be among My prophets. I prepared a place for her, unspeakable, and I am preparing and is being prepared for all those who suffer for My word and for My trumpet, Verginica. (See also the topic: “The Apocalyptic trumpets[4]”, r.n.)        


…Oh, tough days will come! Oh, how much foolish you are! The sunrise is fighting with the sundown, the dark is fighting with light; two kings are fighting, hell is fighting with heaven. Do you understand? The King of kings and the Lord of lords, all follow him for He is coming to wage war. And the vineyard will be reaped and all the grapes will be gathered together and be put in a wine press and the wine will flow, and the vineyard will be put into the fire and the grapes will be crushed.


Oh, the dungeons groan, but all are there for theft, murders, for dirty things. Rarely do you find someone there for the word of God.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

You can see more documents containing the word of God here: , and so on, r.n.



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