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The second coming of Jesus Christ - The Apocalyptic Trumpets

The Apocalyptic Trumpets


“God is gone up in jubilation, the Lord with the voice of the trumpet.”(Psalm 46/6.)


“Cry aloud with strength, and spare not! Lift up thy voice like a trumpet, and declare to My people their sins, and to the house of Jacob their iniquities.” (Is. 58/1.)


“For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with God’s trumpet. The dead in Christ will rise first” (1 Thes. 4/16.)


“After these things I looked and saw a door opened in heaven. The first voice that I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me....” (Apoc. 4/1


„I saw the seven angels who stand before God and seven trumpets were given to them.” (Apoc. 8/2.)


“Then the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them.” (Apoc. 8/6.)


“But in the days when the voice of the seventh angel is about to sound,then the mystery of God will be fulfilled, as he has announced to his servants the prophets.” (Apoc. 10/7.)


“The seventh angel sounded, and great voices in heaven followed, saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ. He will reign unto the ages of ages!”” (Apoc. 11/15.)



The Apocalyptic Trumpets


Selection of texts from God’s Word upon this theme

(Translated by V.B.)


“… Peace be with you! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen! I am The Lord Jesus Christ. I am not body, but spirit. I have descended with The Holy Spirit on Earth to choose a nation and to tell them about the mysteries for this time. I am God’s Word and I have come to speak on Earth, to prepare Myself the way for the second coming. Here, I have come, as it is written in My book. This body is not Me. This is a trumpet from which I sound in this time to announce you all that will be in the days that come.”

Extract from God’s Word from The Easter Sunday, from 30-04-1955



“ … Oh, wake up! Peace be with you! Behold, I have descended to you, my children, but I have not descended into body, as in the past, I have descended into Spirit. I have not come to you to seek for yours, I have come to seek for souls. I have descended into stake to speak to My people. Behold, I have come to speak to you, in order not to take the grief that is waiting for you. Strengthen yourselves into faith, children; into faith, not into rich clothes. Blessed are the eyes which do not see and believe, and woe unto those who see, hear and do not believe!


Oh, world, now you do not know Me, but the day will come when you know everything, because here it is what Father has done to speak into a handful of dust! I have come again on Earth to heal a palsied man, lying on a bed. Behold, children, this body is in front of you. He was dead and I rose him from the dead; he was sick and I healed him. I healed him not with earthly medicine, but with heavenly ones. Seek, My children, as long as there is time left. Do not seek for the pot, but for The Spirit.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 14-05-1957



“Behold, My pot will travel to the doctor today. Now she will wake up and she will cry bitterly because of the pain that she suffers from the blows she got in the train. She was hit into her head with fists, over her mouth with palms, her ribs are almost broken, because she was dragged on the ground, they put her into a room at the station and now they are taking her to the doctors. But blessed is she, (About Virginia, red. note) for her reward will be great into My Kingdom when It will come, because she will be among my prophets. I have prepared for her a place which cannot be described, and I prepare and it is ready for all those who suffer for My Word and for My trumpet Verginica.” (See the life of Saint Virginia, r.n.)

Extract from God’s Word, from 04-05-1958



“ … My sons, the priest Ioan from Vladimiresti (The fourth trumpet, r.n.) is a bag of bones into his cell at Aiud (One of the most terrible prisons of the comunist regime in Romania, r.n.). He has no flesh on his bones, and is something to wonder for the others. But he, even there, feeds the souls with food. He has two hundred and seventy souls who pray for him. Oh, he has suffered many hardships! Neither the thieves, nor the criminals have as many labours as a christian has, but to those who suffer for Me I give numbness in order not to feel the burnings and the blows. Here, Verginica too, my vessel, how many she has suffered: how many burnings, how many stings, how many blows! But I have given her the strength to overcome them, because there was a commander (From the Security, r.n.) who yelled at her and she was terrified.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 07-06-1958



“ … The angels are holding Liturgy and Masses at Vladimiresti. (The monastery which was closed by the comunist regime) and Father wants it this way until it will be reopened. Oh, the fire on earth will be like the lightning and the evil and unfaithful ones will repent, but it will be too late then. (See “The apocalyptic fire“, r.n.)

Extract from God’s Word, from 06-02-1959



“ … My sons, Israel crossed through water before, but now what shall we do when we cross through fire? as this one whom I announce you through is the sixth trumpet. My Words are not for the evil spirits, they are for the one who makes the word you hear today. The Word of today is the door, and there is no other entrance door to My Kingdom.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 28-10-1962



“ … I have come to talk to you as I came to talk to the shepherd from Maglavit, who was deaf and mute, but when he opened his mouth, I gave him speech.” (Petrache Lupu, the second trumpet, the priest prophet Iosif Trifa being the first apocalyptic trumpet, r.n.)

Extract from God’s Word, from 15-05-1963



“ … Virginia, Virginia, make yourself a roll of paper and write all My Work for Me on it, the Work I have done so far in the ten years of prophecy, and what is going to be done from now on. Write down all the visions seen with your own eyes, write down all My Words heard with your own ears, and write down the journey you made with Me on the Earth, in the Air and up in Heavens. Write on the roll of paper about the way I, God, come down in your body and speak. Write about all I have prophesied from the beginning until today, because they have forgotten what God told them ten years ago. They have also forgotten what God told them a year ago. Virginia, make a roll, bind it well and keep it hidden until the day of fast, because hungry and thirsty nations will come to your door and they will knock like beggars to give them food. And then, you will wake up like a rich man, and, being urged by The Holy Spirit, you will feed them.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 15-04-1965



“ … You see, Virginia, what a great gift you have got? You have the gift of hearing My Words of joy and grief. You see? Cherish this gift, Virginia, do not throw it away, because the time will come when everyone believes you. Do not do like the priests and the preachers from now, who, if their job does not work any more, have spoiled the gift of God through their desires. You cherish the priest and the preacher, because the priest is a spiritual parent whom God put to shepherd His flock of sheep from here, from Earth, until His Coming; and the preachers have a great gift too, that they are sent by God in the middle of the crowd of nations to announce the holy law. And the gift of prophecy is the biggest of all, because the prophecy is done through The Holy Spirit Itself, The Spirit of God. But the work which is done through you is done by The Father and The Son through The Holy Spirit. These three Powers occupy their mission of preparation for The Judgment Day, and you, Virginia, cherish your gift, because it has not been revealed to you not even a quarter of what is being done and will be done.


And the priests have lost the gift from God; they remained alone, with the grace. Besides, they have lost the clothes, the image, the fast and the priest’s life: they have lost their gift, too. The preachers have lost the gift because of the pride’s deeds, as they want the greatness of men and they do not have the abstinence from lust, like the old Israel lost its gift by eating meat.


Go, Virginia, and give them the letter to read it and tell them that you are sent by Me, and during the rest day rest and do nothing. Write like this: you shall see entering the doors of this house, where you enter now, kings from worldwide, riding horses and being with their servants, and crowds and crowds will enter without fear, not sneaking as you enter today. (For fear of the Security police, r.n.) And these kings and this crowd will dine at My table, and no one will dare to harm them and no one will dare to ask them: “Why have you come?” And all those who have watched the harm done to this house until now, will kneel at the foot of this work and they will ask for God’s mercy.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 29-05-1965



” ... No such wonder has been like this one, like God come and sing to your ear the song of the Holy Trinity. Oh, I will show you My trumpet I played to. Oh, I will not play to My trumpet again, as everything has ended.

… I am the Man whom you do not see, and I am not this body, as this body, you know where I took from.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 27-10-1965



“ … There was a work at Vladimiresti, (Through the monastic priest Ioan, the fourth trumpet, following here the fifth, - the nun Veronica -, the third being Arsenie Boca, r.n.), there was a work at Maglavit. (Through Petrache Lupu, r.n.) Beware, My sons, with the work you have in front of you. Blessed he who will be in this work till the end.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 16-11-1965



“ … I have prepared Virginia to announce the entire Apocalypse, for the preparation of The Judgment Day and for the preparation of the christians for nowadays and the last ones.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 12-09-1968



“ … My Sheep, if My pot did not see My Face and My Work and did not hear My Words, it would not be this way. How come? My Pot, when Our Lord Jesus prepared for this word, had only her mummy by her and she was in a serious state, and I have come to their nest, to a widow and a pure daughter. (See also, The life of Saint Virginia, r.n.) And how old was this daughter? She was nine years old, and she carried on this preparation until 1955. I prepared her until then. If there was a bucket in order that this preparation to be seen, there would not have been a more

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