» Religion » 2003.06.22 - The Word of God on the Sunday of all the saints. The feast of Saint Virginia's birth, Lord Jesus [e manga reader txt] 📗

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2003.06.22 - The Word of God on the Sunday of all the saints. The feast of Saint Virginia's birth

The Word of God[1] on the Sunday of all the saints. The feast of Saint Virginia’s birth[2]



I make a halt again over you with the word, to make a feast to all the saints who have gathered together at the table with you, for it is their feast, children who receive My word to put it over My people, that he may eat it at My table of word and that the people of My word may grow and may be forever holy. Amen.


There is no happiness in man but only in the holy man who knows what love and longing after God are, and who struggles with longing after the loved One, for without love, the man is ugly before Me, for it is written: «God is Love». Amen.


I cry and mourn because the man, who does not understand and does not know what love is, makes love for his heart out of anything, and he can hardly understand the way with the love on it, because the man loves himself and that is the way he loves, for My commandment says: «You shall love your neighbor as yourself». (Matt. 19:19)


Oh, My people, how shall I not cry from the man with pain when I see how much the man loves himself and his neighbor for himself? The man cannot love his neighbor for Me, since he loves himself. Oh, how much do they try to love Me for themselves and not for Me, those who love Me, and here is why I do not have a people of saints on earth. I said that everyone who will leave houses, or brothers, or sisters, of father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, or name, for My name’s sake, will receive much more, and will inherit eternal life, a life of a holy man on earth and in heaven, and many who are first will be last and those that are last will be first, for he who loves father, or mother, or son, or daughter, more than Me, is not worthy of Me, for he cannot take his cross and follow Me and to confess Me before men so that I may also confess him before My Father Who is in heaven.


Oh, he who denies Me before men is not worthy of Me, for the saints are those who the world is not worth of and they follow Me suffering on the cross, taking no account of its shame, being worthy of God though. Amen. The saints had great joy when they confessed Me before men and it was in this way that they could go through the sufferings they had on My name, overcoming the pagan kings and the unfaithful world, which was not worthy of them. But behold, sons of today, they did not receive their promises until I, the faithful one and the beginner of everything, suffered the cross taking no account of its shame, and through it I stood on the right side of My Father. And it was not only that, the receiving of their promises, for behold, it was for the reward of My saints that I have come again down on earth to fulfill with you the Scripture of the revealing of the God’s sons in the end of the time, the smallest of the saints, without whom the saints do not receive perfection and the promises, and after which all the creature mourns to receive its redemption. Amen.


Oh, the one who loves himself cannot confess Me and he cannot take up his cross and follow Me that I may also confess him before My Father. The saints are those who confess Me before the people, taking no account of the shame of the cross, as I also did not take into account its shame because of the joy for the man’s salvation and for the confession with which I came from the Father.


Oh, it is hard for Me to make the man deny himself. The man receives his instruction from his own self. Even the one who says that he loves Me does the same thing, and I do no longer have saints on earth to take up their cross and to follow Me confessing Me before the unfaithful people and not taking into account of the shame of the cross. My word of today shakes the man who believes to be God’s confessor among the people, but no one can show Me to the people until he denies himself, and the Christian man does not know the work of his denial in order to be able then to have a cross for My name. The man walks on the way with God and then he is full of dissatisfactions because this is what it happens to the one who comes to Me without denying himself for the cross and for the joy that comes from the cross for the man who denies himself. And for the one who walks on the way with Me without his self denial, it is not sweet in him My love, which is opposed by the self-aggrandizement and self-dissatisfaction in the man who does not know to carry his cross behind Me.


Oh, My people, I cannot make Myself a people of saints on earth, for the man cannot cast himself, and he cannot cast his mother, or his father, or his sons, or his wife, or his name, or his friends, and the man cannot suffer the shame of the cross, but on the contrary, he is ashamed of Me before the people. It is written into the Scriptures the word, which I spoke: «But whoever denies Me before men, I will also deny before My Father Who is in heaven; and everyone who confesses Me, him I will also confess before My Father who is in heaven». (Matt. 10:32, 33) Amen.


It is a great celebration for the saints. All the saints rejoice in the spirit of the feast for them and they also make Me glad for My work of today, which crowns their joy, for they have into their midst the one who carried Me in her body for twenty-five years on earth.


            Oh, Verginica, (Verginica - the diminutive to her real name: Virginia, r.n.) you have fulfilled the joy of the feast of all My saints. You came in the flesh into the world on the Sunday of all the saints, a feast that is not removed from its place, and which was set by the saints who lived a holy life on earth before Me, being counselors and confessors over many people in the time of their living with their body on earth. Oh, daughter of the love of God, who taught you this joy by which you did not take into account the shame of the cross through which you confessed Me on earth? (See The Life of Saint Virginia[3], r.n.)


— Oh, sweet Lord, no one can take in order to have from above if it is not given from the Father and from the Son and from the Holy Spirit, Who is the God of those who love the way, the truth and the life, from Your life, which You laid it down on the cross to show to the one, who wants to follow You, how to love You and how to rejoice not taking into account the shame of the cross by which he confesses You on earth before men, and in heaven, before Your saints and before Your angels.


How could I teach, I, the unlearned one? How could I rejoice, I, the one without joys, if You did not put Your cross on my shoulders, Lord of the saints? Oh, it is not I, but You, Who confessed through me on earth, for as regards all the saints up to me, I was Your mouth, not mine; I was Your temple, not mine; I was Your word, because You were the One Who was speaking by my mouth, not I, Lord, the Word of the Father. It was not I who carried You, but You carried me in the mystery of Your word from the end of the age, and You called me Your trumpet, and I was Your desired daughter, I, the most insignificant among the people, Lord. (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets[4]”, r.n.) And now, You glorify me in heaven among the saints, for the people that sprang up as a result of the glory of Your word by Your mouth in my body, is the people of Your glory, and You have been glorified through it now on earth and You call the man to life and to holiness and to the confession of Your glory, Lord Who comes and keeps on coming with the word on earth to make a new heaven and a new earth and to establish Jerusalem, as You have already done so, and those who hear of Your glory, come, and many more will still come and will get knowledge from the law of Your love for the people, oh Lord of the saints and of those who are Your little ones on earth, who carries Your word to the people, who are the confessors of Your coming after two thousand years, oh, Lord, Who are the love of Your saints! When You were working through my body and Your were pouring out Your river of life, the river of Your word over Your people, who believed in Your coming through me, I could not preach You over the earth and over the man, for the unfaithful people, the priests of the church, were taking me to sufferance, into prison, to torture me, (In the time of the dictatorship of the communist red beast, r.n.), and to be scorned for Your name that I was carrying in my heart, written and spoken on my lips, and I was not ashamed but I was suffering instead and I was weak and fearful in sufferance and You were strengthening my power and the patience of my fragile heart with fear in it, as I was so much persecuted and much beaten, even by the Christians, because You were telling them their sins by my mouth, that they could give them up and cleanse them by their repentance, but they were hiding with them and acted unfaithfully, and they were not confessing You, those who loved sin and did not want to deny themselves for Your name and for Your life in them and for the cross, Lord.


Behold how much I cry for all those who heard Your word from me, delivered by my mouth for so many years, and they did not remain under the cross and rather went to live a worldly life, for a Christian needed great love to become a holy man. Oh, how shall I not cry, when I know that the saints will judge and judge the world, either for the repentance and for the forgiveness of the sins of the world, or for the condemnation because of unbelief and because of worldly living, and not because of spiritual living on earth! I mourn, Lord, and You always wipe out My tear, for You loved me since I was a child and took me to serve You for the coming of Your word on earth and You made my body and my mouth into a trumpet of Your own word, and this is how You worked with me until You took me from the earth and placed me

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