» Religion » 1973.09.09 - The word of God, Lord Jesus [ebook smartphone .txt] 📗

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1973.09.09 - The word of God




                                      The Word of God[1]

                                      (Translated by I.A.)



… My people, Sodom and Gomorrah passed through fire. The creature passed through the water and only four families left. People of Mine, today as that time, God is upset on the evil spirit that has filled the earth with his work and has filled his kingdom with the creatures that I made. People of Mine, you will be happy thousand times to be called My people.


… My people, I will come with great anger and I will destroy all the evil spirits and all wicked world. My people, if you have an evil spirit in you, take it out for your heart will be destroyed.


… My people get ready for God. God is forgiving you as he forgave the prodigal son, but cut the connection with the devil. My people, today you have the pleasure to be with the evil spirit, but you will have the destiny to fight with him as it was fought in 1916 and 1947. Sword by sword will you fight with him. You will say: “Deceiver, why did you deceive me?” People, you deceived yourselves as Judas: you sold the heavenly treasure for an earthly lust. My people only if you saw the treasure that you sold of a lust! If you saw it, you would not even want any water. Look, it is written to mourn, to lament, but instead of this, you feast away and revel. That beautiful woman who passes by your gate, naked, is the tool of the evil one that the evil spirit brought to destroy the tribe of God.


Well children, because of the sin that is today with you, God enjoys only if no child is born, as only the hell enjoys of such births and God laments and cries. Oh, beloved people, to whom God gave his image and his voice! A Jesus is not coming to you to get you out anymore, and the sin you are in, in it you will perish. The prophets are not coming either, for you lost your faith. Do you know what is coming now? The slaughter is coming. (See “The Great Tribulation”, red. note[2].)


… Călăraşi, Călăraşi, (A Town in Romania, r.n.), I passed through you and I had dinner in you. I slept by you as in the Garden of Gethsemane. I prayed and you slept. Why this way? Călăraşi, Călăraşi, I passed through you as I passed through Jerusalem, or as Lukas and Tomas passed through foreign countries. All were asking: “Who is this?” But they did not want to tell them who he was, for that was My work; for if today I were in the body, I would have been crucified again. Sons, the time is coming to work once again for the last time, and then I will say: who commits sins will die instantly.


… I made them all known to you. If you were to die, you would not lust. If you were to die, you would not commit adultery. If you were to die, you would not commit sins. If someone tells you that he makes you king, do not receive it.


… Sons, the time is not told, but keep in mind these words. You, who commit sins, that brings you death. Son, come back. Do not go, son, to death. My people do not be proud that you are My people. My people, why am I saying to you “My people” and you are a sinner? Tell, why am I saying like this? I say, “My people” because you come from My people, and I said “My people” for you to feel. My mother does not let Me, for I would lose you when I see you drinking and committing adultery. My mother does not let Me, but I would have destroyed you. I do no say “My people” because you deserve it.


My people, the evil spirit laughs at you and says: “Listen, you stupid man, God is calling you: do not drink anymore. You too are as I am.”


Oh, what a war will be among you! One will be taken and ten will leave.


… Oh, My people go now, at this very moment, and look into the tavern and count thousands and hundreds. Go to the little church as well, for it is empty; for what it was in the morning, now it is in the tavern. Nothing gives life to the unclean spirit, only the drinking of today and then fornication and the rest after them.


Sons, who have wives, be as those who have none, but do not let the love between you go out. Let all the evil from among you perish, for God will search your heart to dwell into it. Many hearts will give birth to unclean spirits, will take spirit and fly on earth. Kill the evil spirit from your hearts, for the evil spirit, when is coming back where it was born, will say: “I was born here, here I had lived out.”


… Know that the Lord will tell you: if you, today, and for how long you will be, serve the way it is written in My law and if you fall away from My law, know that up to a thousand generation all fail, for you preached and prophesied, and after that you mowed and put it on the fire. Keep yourselves, for the devil wants to overthrow you, to redeem you. When you go to bed to sleep, anoint yourselves with myrrh; incense your bed, as even in your dream the devil is deceiving you, and know that if someone commits sins in his sleep, is not allowed to enter the church unclean.


… If someone says: “Why is he not going to tell everybody?” Why am I not going, it concerns Me. I have come to you, Christian. Let us condemn your forefather and ancestor. We do not condemn Abraham, as he had only one child, and brought him as a sacrifice. I bless him and listen to him and I stay into his way and into the way of his people. See how many stars are in the sky; as much sand is in the sea and it cannot be counted, this much has Abraham and he still is to born. Son, is God guilty that he put at your body all the members? He is not guilty, for he put them rightly.


… Your sheep got into the clover, and when you go, you see them swollen. Whose fault it is that they died; the shepherds’ or the sheep’s? It is the sheep’s because they work secretly evil things, and when you tell them, they get angry with you. Who is guilty? It is the devil. Let us all get him out; do not get the one, with the devil in him, off scot-free.


Save yourselves, for the salvation has come, but you do not want to fulfill it. Sons, sons, I said on the cross: “Father, forgive them for what they are doing!” Christians, Christians, My little children, I became Father for you, I took the death upon Me, and still it is not well with you, you are not happy yet. I repeat once more: know that you lose happiness, for drunkards, fornicators, smokers, and all kind of unlawful people dwell in your midst, and you will lose, for I do not stay together with the evil spirit.


… “What if I drank a brandy? Am I going to die? Or, if I drank liquor, am I going to die?” Little children, “I am going home to drink and eat”, this is what you have in your heart. (See selection topic: „What defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him?[3]”, r.n.)


… Sons, the first war which will be waged is against fornication, and the second one, is against drunkenness. Wherever a harlot or a fornicator is, it will be shot at. And wherever a drunkard or alcohol factory is, it will be shot at. 


… You son, Daniel, find some perfect people, with zeal and without sin, and let them work at My house. And let the builders be without dirty things; let you be spiritual builders.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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The second coming of Jesus Christ:


The word of God in Romania:


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[1] God’s Word in Romania

[2] Redactor (editor) note

[3] You can also see on:


Publication Date: 06-03-2014

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