» Religion » The Savior Is knocking, Dr.Rodrigus Coleman [a book to read txt] 📗

Book online «The Savior Is knocking, Dr.Rodrigus Coleman [a book to read txt] 📗». Author Dr.Rodrigus Coleman

His Word Your Destiny

Every person will one day have an eternal place to live.What im saying is an eternal place.Your spirit will live forever.What you should be asking yourself is where.The bible says that it is appointed to man once to die and then the judgement.Do you know all the people that have lived before you and walked the earth before you.Where are they have you ever wondered where the are.Where there soul and spirit went.ever wondered if there soul cries out from the depths of hell.Where will you spend eternity.You will have to face that decision one day if you hve not know we as humans have to have some to have a connection with in our hearts.That connection is empty without a personal savior living in our heart.Jesus himself said-Truly, truly , i say unto you, Jesus answered, unless one is born anew,he cannot see the kingdom of god.Have yuou been born anew or born again.He shed his blood out of love for you.he died on the crooss for your sins and might say Dr.coleman what does this have to do with me im a good person and i try to live right.good deeds will not get you into heaven though.Your place in heaven is not reserved by good deeds or your kindness or your good works.My friend there is only one way into heaven and thats thru the son Jesus Christ.No matter your race, background or religion that is the only way my friend. Have you ever stop to smell the roses or to take a moment to look around and enjoy life.How did it make you feel.Did you feel happy or sad.What kind out emotion ran thru your body.What where your be born again cannot be compared to that even.

Getting To Know him

Do you know him as your personal lord and savoir.Because he awaits you and stands at your door knocking.You know the lord is such A gentlemen.He will stand at the door.He will not force him self in or push open the door.Amazing isnt it my friend.Therefore he will stand at the door meaning that he waits on you and he knocks meaning that he is a gentlemen.Therefore all you have to do is open to door.Can eternal life be that simple yep it sure is my friend its that simple.All you have to do is ask him to come into your heart.


Publication Date: 12-28-2012

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