» Religion » 1999.07.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the saint apostles, Peter and Paul (The Judgment), Lord Jesus [best thriller novels of all time TXT] 📗

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1999.07.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the saint apostles, Peter and Paul (The Judgment)

The Word of God at the feast of the holy apostles, Peter and Paul

Wake up to welcome Me, watching sons in the garden. I come at daybreak and work out the word in the book. Amen. I have you as the path of My coming down, as word on earth. I warm up your little hearts so that I may enter them with the salvation mysteries for you and for those who receive the word of heavenly wisdom from Me. Amen.

The man on earth passes them all through the chamber of his mind and that is why he los-es the truth of My mysteries from age to age, but I am true by My things that are unfathomable, for the man who works with his mind remains insensitive to My mysteries. This is what happened to the Israel people in the time I was born an Israelite from the Virgin at Father Sabaoth’s com-mand, Who spoke by the prophets about My mystery in the sixth age of the people.

I have always been warming up your little hearts sons, to make them into a warm house for Me and for My mysteries with which I come with to fulfill them, as I fulfilled the mystery of My birth of the Virgin two thousand years ago. However, Israel did not want to understand and it had grown callous in its mind and heart, for Isaiah said: «They will hear with their ears and will not understand, see with their eyes, but will not see, for the heart of this people has grown callous». But I, the Lord, the One born of a Virgin in Israel, I, the One crucified on the cross by Israel, I, the One Who is resurrected from crucifixion for Israel’s judgment, ascended then to the Father so that I may come back again from the Father. And I have come. All were written into the prophets and I fulfilled them as they were written. Oh, the prophecies are not false and they are fulfilled for all are being fulfilled in Me and they are the unfathomable mystery for those who have grown callous at the voice of My prophets.

I have come to you from heaven with My apostles that I travelled with two thousand years ago. Let us give them comfort into My garden from you. Sons, let us make them room so that they may confess again the mystery hidden from age and not understood by angels and peo-ple. Let us give them the seats of judgments for Israel, for this is what I promised them, as it is written into the prophets: «The Lord will judge His people». Amen.

Oh, beloved disciples, faithful Israelites, your heart did not grow callous at My voice, which called you to walk with Me on earth and be fishermen of people for the supper of the kingdom of the heavens. Oh, faithful disciples, I cast the net into the sea and gathered all kinds of fish into it. And then I pulled it to the shore and sat and chose what was good and I threw away what was bad. I chose you and I made you believe with your heart, and I spread My word of eternal life to all the nations through you, My witnesses from then and until today, for My Scriptures and yours testify about this, and the man has nothing to replace them with as truth. Now, after two thousand years, when I come with the saints on earth, as it is prophesied that I come, here I am with you in the today’s pavilion of the heavenly assembly on earth. I come to the heavenly feasts with angels and saints, for I have a resting pavilion in the Romanian country, My New Israel, a people taken out of the Romanians so that I may sow in the heaven with it, an eternal kingdom with the faithful man. I comfort you with My sons in the garden. I opened the gates of the garden, and I came through the gates with you into the garden, for I have also got faithful sons like you today. I comfort you because you suffered for My Gospel. I embrace you at My bosom, because you are as living as I am. I give you the opportunity to confess today, after two thousand years, that I am your dwelling place, Jerusalem coming down with the saints on the earth, and I give you the twelve hidden chairs, so that you may sit on them for the Is-rael’s judgment. Amen.

― Oh, Lord, bless the council of Your apostles into the garden of Your word of today, into the Romanian country. It is the first and the last, as You ordained it. Amen.

We, the heavenly council of Your apostles, got together into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, together with Your witnesses of today, Lord. We are Israel’s rem-nant, for it is written into the prophets: «Even if Israel will be as numerous as the sea sand, its remnant will be saved and the word of the truth will be confessed».

What good is it for the one who knows the law from cover to cover, if he does not fulfill it, Lord? But he who became a Christian according to the truth, that one put the Israelite to shame, and we speak the word saying: the Jews know the Law and the Christians fulfill it. Amen.

You were the sign sent by Father to Israel, Lord, for this is what Isaiah, the prophet, spoke by the Spirit: «The Lord will give a sing to Israel: behold, the Virgin will conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His name, Immanuel». (See also the selection topic: „The sign of the Son of Man”, r.n.)

We have come on the earth with You, Lord, for it is the time of Your coming after two ages since the fulfillment of Your birth from the Virgin. We have come here where You have set the seats of judgment for Israel and for all the nations, for You started a court case for the nations, as it was written into the prophets. We, the council of Your Israelite apostles, sit for the judgment of the Israel people on the twelve seats according to the twelve tribes of the sons of Israel. Bless the fulfillment of the Scriptures, and bless the entrance of Your saints, Lord! Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: „The Judgment ”, r.n.)

― I blessed you on earth, and I blessed you in heaven, and I bless you again on earth af-ter two thousand years, so that you may sit on the twelve seats that I give you, oh, loved disci-ples. Confess the word of truth over the people of Israel, which has grown callous since then and until today. I put near you other twelve seats and on them there sit the twelve sons of Jacob, who was called Israel, and from whom this people have come out. They will be the witnesses of your testimony, and then I will judge Israel’s creature. Amen, amen, amen.

― We, the council of Your apostles from heaven, speak this way, Lord: the Lord has com-passion on His people, he lifts up the meek and crowns with victory those that are humble in order to give glory to the Lord with their mouths; however, the double-edged sword is in His hand, and he takes revenge against those that are not faithful and punishes the nations and ties their kings to the rims and puts their rulers in shackles, and fulfills His decree with them as it is written. Amen.

The twenty-four seats are placed into the midst of Romania, the country of the Lord’s judgment, and twenty-four Israelites sit on them. Half of them come from the begin-ning of Israel, and the other half come from the end of Israel. They have the faith to stand be-fore God for Israel. Amen. No one can judge the faithful one, but on the contrary, he can judge everyone for God. The One, Who sends His word on earth, is the Lord, Whose Word runs fast; it is the Lord, Who proclaims His word to Jacob, applying His corrections and judgments for Israel. Amen.

Listen, you, sons of Israel! What good is it to the one who knows the Law from cover to cover, if he does not fulfill it? Behold, the teaching and the life are not received from those that are learned, for the poor man thanks to the one who gives him, if he gives him well, and he does not look to see if the one who gives him alms and life is wise or simple. Do you believe in the proph-ets? We know you do. The prophets made a name for themselves and for their people, testifying about God’s justice. This is how we work too, we who were faithful disciples of the Truth, Who came from heaven on earth into the midst of Israel two thousand years ago, when you became cal-lous not to believe in order to fulfill Isaiah’s prophecy which says: «You will ever be hearing with your own ears but never understanding, you will be ever seeing but never perceiving, for this people’s heart has become calloused, and they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes, otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts, and turn, and I would heal them».

Then the Lord left wondering away with His grace into His arms, and He chose again a place for Him. He made a new people and asked it into marriage and called it the country of His returning to the end of the time, the country of brightness, for the things that He put on them now, at the end of the times; the country of the Romanians, which has been raised through Christ, at the preaching of His messengers. The Lord set in it our judgment seats for Israel as well, for we are Israelites. We have no way of staying in the country of Israel, be-cause of Israel’s disbelief, because Israel’s haughtiness, but we are Israelites on earth and in heaven, and we are alive by our faith in Jesus Christ, Who came on earth by a Virgin, fulfilling Isaiah’s prophecy through the people of Israel. However, you did not believe and grew callous. Now, we, God’s chosen remnant through grace, preach this word over you saying: it was not by the law that Abraham and his seed received the promise that they would inherit the world, but by the righteousness that comes from faith, for if the heirs are those that have the law, then their faith is futile, and the promise was abolished, since the law brings about a cause of wrath. However, where there is no law, there is also not a law breaking. So the promise is by faith alone, so that it may be as a gift and to have reliability for everyone; both for those who live according to the law and for those who live according to Abraham’s faith, whom the Lord told this way: «I made you a father for many nations, and this is how your seed will be». Amen.

Or, do you not know that the law has power over the man as long as he lives? For if the married woman is bound to her husband by law as long as he lives, and if her husband dies, she is free from law. And so it is with us; we died to the law by Christ and by His body, to be His,

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