» Religion » 2007.04.15 - The Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover, of the Saint apostle Thomas, Lord Jesus [top e book reader .TXT] 📗

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2007.04.15 - The Word of God on the second Sunday after Passover, of the Saint apostle Thomas

The Word of God[1] on the second Sunday after Passover, of the Saint apostle Thomas[2]



In heaven and on earth, I, the Lord, Who was resurrected from the dead, speak out, for a spirit of holy joy, the greeting of My resurrection: Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen!


The entire soul, which has known now the voice of My coming as word into the Romanian nation, to take spirit of faith from My spring, and to take spirit of resurrection, for I have become word with a spirit of life giving in it and I share Myself far and wide and I speak to every man to go on the way of resurrection and to walk in it, and I to be the Savior and Master of his life, if the man comes back from sin to holiness, from death to life, from darkness to light and to a spirit of resurrection, for it is written into the Scripture: «When I tell the sinner that he will perish in his sins, and he will repent and start doing justice and the works of life, he will save his soul and will live by the works of the life». Amen.


Bow, man, to believe in My coming now as word on earth. I do not come to do any harm to you. I come to call you out and to wake you up from death to life, and then for you to learn the work of life and to work it. I come to be your counselor, man crushed by the time and by its emptiness, and I come to teach you to believe in My resurrection and yours, and that you may believe in My coming to you to take you into the boat of salvation, for I have come out before you with the little boat and My hands and legs are pricked by the nails by which I was nailed to the cross for your salvation from the eternal death, dear man. Oh, I want so much to be dear for you as well, and that you may want Me for your being, for My justice and yours, and to be with Me between earth and heaven, for I built the man to be My bedding and My day of rest and to invite him to the mystery, for which I built the man, and to call him that he may come and then to teach him to have faith so that he may be able to come. Amen.


When I came two thousand years ago from the Father on to the earth, the Holy Spirit, Who was a herald by the angels with His word, and He sown Me in the Virgin and I was born Man, and I was called the Son of Man, and I chose twelve men from the earth and made them My disciples by My great teaching of life upon them, and I put in them power from Me to follow Me and I helped them to believe in Me, doing before them healings over the sick people and resurrections over those who were dead and wonderful miracles and heavenly works, and then I announced upon them that the Scriptures had to be fulfilled over Me, those for which I had come from the Father on the earth, and then I let Myself given as a sacrifice and I appeared as the sacrificed and bleeding Lamb through death on the cross to pay the man’s life and to take him out from satan’s arm, and then I came to life from the cross, overcoming by it the power of death, and I opened the eyes of My disciples, appearing to them resurrected and exhorting them to the joy of My resurrection. They were aggrieved then in their little hearts and full of fear and they looked at Me with awe and pain and were perplexed and felt guilty that they were not on My side in My hard pain, but I had among them the one full of longing and faith and of holy pathos, and that one proved them that I was the crucified One and the One Who was resurrected from crucifixion, for he asked Me to show him the marks of My nails and the thrust from My rib, and I showed them and Thomas confessed Me, full of longing and holy mystery, and he said: «Oh, my Lord and my God!» (John 20:28). And this is how I wrote on the earth the proof of My resurrection from the dead, and I gave them power to believe and confess then and in time My divinity and My salvation for those who believe in Christ, the One Who came from the heaven on the earth for the salvation of the man fallen from life by his disobedience and by sin.


Oh, man, come back to the wisdom of life, for you wander away, but I come to strengthen your faith and to speak upon you as a Teacher coming from heaven and not as one from the earth, and My mercy upon you has become severe pain in Me and behold, like the shepherd who lost his flock, I seek after you to shepherd you with longing and to teach you the pasture and to give you to drink of My water and no longer to go thirsty after you, but only after Me, for I am the One Who has the water of life, and only it can quench your thirst, man tired of which is not yours, for the love for temporariness is a phantom, it is not love, but I have love and I give it to you, if you stretch out your hand to Me to give it to you. Oh, do not run away from the way with eternity in it. I become the way to life before you and I give you to drink the water of life on the way to be able for life, and I call you, and I call you with longing on the way of life, man, and I am the word of life in your way on the way and I give you My hand to go. I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, the One Who was resurrected from the dead, and I give you My hand to get up and to be alive and to set your faith in life, for the life comes from God. Amen.


– You, my Teacher, bless me, my Lord and my God, Jesus resurrected from the dead! I am with You into the midst of the people of Your word; I am Your disciple full of longing after Your resurrection. My hand touched Your rib, pierced by the javelin, and Your hands and legs, which were nailed on the wood of the cross, my Lord and my God. Oh, I was burning like fire, and I had in me the longing like the fire, which consumes the man’s desire, and I wanted to help those who were Your disciples together with me, and I wanted to fire up, both them and me, and while they were burning to give them my brotherly longing, the wisdom of the faith, which I had from You, burning in me, and which You had given me as a gift when You sought me among the people to take me with You and to make me Yours, Your disciple, my Lord and my God. You told me and You also told to all the disciples through me, when You appeared to us resurrected, and You told me this: «Don’t be unbelieving but believing. Because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen, and have believed». (John 20:27-29) However, Lord, I wanted with a burning longing to prove that You were the Lord of the resurrection, and the longing was burning in me beyond my will, for it was Your will, and all are according to Your will, where You want, and You confess Yourself that You are, and when You will, then You will for man, oh, my Lord and my God. Oh, Lord, be according to Your promise on that day when I touched Your body wounded by crucifixion, be the Lord and God of those who believe by my testimony and make them happier than me, as You promised, for those who love like You rejoice like me over those who are more blessed than them in You, and in this way they are the spring of those that are happier than them, by their confession, which gives happiness and increased happiness. Amen.


Oh, I speak to you, those from the Lord’s coming as word on the earth now for you! Love the salvation of the happiness of those who believe in the voice of the One Who came to life from the dead two thousand years ago, for the Lord had promised before His heavy cross and said: «The hour is coming when those in the tombs will hear My voice and will wake up». (John 5:28) Behold, that hour is the Lord, Who speaks over the earth and over the man. As it is true that the Son of God was then the crucified Lord and He was resurrected from the dead, the same truth is now, that the Son of the Father Sabaoth is He Who speaks from the Father upon the earth now, upon those who are alive and upon those who are dead, (See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice”, r.n.) to give each one according to his deed, and here it is how He catches all in their unbelief, proving that they are blind and lying guides and teaching the people the way of life, but they were not touching it in their walk and in their deed. Oh, those who are unbelieving to His voice on the earth will be aggrieved now for the fulfilling of those that are written in the Scriptures, and, again, soon, soon, happy will be those who believe by not seeing but only by hearing His word, which comes with the clouds and which calls the nations on the earth to His mountain of word, which He leaves into the midst of the Romanian nation, to be shared through the disciples who are faithful to Him.


You, those who confess the true Gospel of Jesus Christ! If you do not know that the Lord is this word of nowadays and that He calls the man to the works of life, what shall you really do, when He Himself will be to point at the place and the spring by which He waters you in hard times to such an extent that you do not even know this? Oh, what shall you do, you those who do not believe? Behold the perplexity of that time of the Lord, for He said then: «When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?» (Luke 18:8) Oh, you are the unbelieving ones, but it is written into the Scripture that «if the sinner is told that he will perish because of his sins, and then he comes back to repentance, then he will be alive then by the works of his life and he will live, and, again, if the righteous is told: “you will be alive,” and then he will start sinning relying on his good works, those will not be counted, but he will perish because of the lawlessness which he had committed». Oh, do not be unbelieving but believing, for I

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