» Religion » 2002.10.09 - The Word of God at the feast of Saint John, the evangelist, Lord Jesus [best short novels TXT] 📗

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2002.10.09 - The Word of God at the feast of Saint John, the evangelist

The Word of God at the feast of Saint John, the evangelist

You need much teaching, Jerusalem. I would lift you up in the clouds, for it is hard on earth. I would show you more, those from above and from them those that are below, for the time of My Scriptures in your days is long, and you are still very little, My people. You need much teaching, for you are very little, Jerusalem, and you do not know to teach yourself, and I would teach you, and I would teach you from dawn to dawn, to protect you under My teaching and to let you know through it about My work and your work, and to protect you from dawn to dawn, My people.

The man needs much teaching on earth, Jerusalem. The resurrection from the dead is com-ing near, and the man on the earth has always been hiding from My coming, and I have to let the earth know that I come to fulfill My Scriptures for this time, and to speak of them once again, so that you may also know them, and for the man on earth to know them as well, My people. I am in heavenly counsel into your midst, speaking from the Scriptures, that the man does no longer want to believe and then to wait for them. However, I am word on earth into your midst, and I speak with you, and I give My speaking with you to the man on earth, so that he may know that I am wrapped up in the word on earth, and I prepare My coming down with the saints, for I come with them in tens of thousands, as it is written. Amen.

I teach you to make your little pillow of My word upon you and to worship it when you go to bed and when you get up, when you are sleepy and when you are awake, for I can no long-er without you and I have no peace when I see the Scriptures for this time, when I see how the saints get up for My coming, and when I see that the angels of My coming are ready to sound their trumpets for the raising of the dead for the day of My coming, My people. (See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead ”, r.n.)

I would lift you up in the clouds, for it is hard on earth and I have no place where to set My foot on the establishment that I have built. I have looked with immeasurable mourning at what the man has done on earth, for he has erected houses for himself and he still erects houses all over, and the man writes My name on them and I cannot enter them with My teaching, for there is too much riot and too much vainglory and even the rebuke cannot make its way to re-pentance, and the man of lawlessness makes his house and hides in it with his glory from his haughtiness, and with his glory from the man without learning, and I have no room where to set My foot because of so much debauchery on earth, and because of so much haughtiness in man, My people.

I have nothing else to do to the man but My coming. However, I do not want him to tell Me that He did not know about it, for I am a just God, and even from eternity I have done nothing until I have spoken first with My Father, and then until I have spoken first with the man. The man of today tries to forget My speaking with the man, but I have always spoken with the man, always on earth, and the earth has not been without God on it, and the earth has not been without man on it since I, the Lord, made the man, created by My hand, looking at Myself, so that I may make him, the same way as a skilful man looks at someone else to make a body in his image. Oh, it is too much debauchery in man that I could be able to make a making out of the man! However, I can speak over the man to make him out of word, and then to make him out of his body, and it is very hard for My making on earth over the man, because I have no place to set My foot and to stay on the bed and to teach the crowds to come to Me, to come to water, and then for Me to come with water into the man’s way, for the man does no longer know what man means. I complain to you with mourning, My people, for the man does no longer know what man means, and I come and I keep coming with My coming, and I do no longer find any man on earth, for there is no more faith, My people. I want to make the man out of faith; out of preaching and faith; out of the spirit of repentance and the spirit of prophecy, and then of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Any man needs his tool when he works, when he does what he does. This is how I need you, Israel of today. I need you to be in My image and after My likeness, and you always need the Lord upon you, My teaching always, always, My people, so that I may see Myself with it in you, and for the man to look at you and to see God and to make him with My word upon you, for My word builds the man, and the man cannot be built for Me but only with My word. Amen.

I will destroy all, all the falsehood on earth, all man’s making, which deceives the man so that he may not look at the Creator of the heaven, the earth and the man. I have so much mercy on the man. The man does not know what man means, but I, the Lord and Creator, have My way of making upon you, My people, and I want you to get used to My making and I want you to learn it and only the Holy Spirit to be your tool to teach you what the making is, My people. I have always, always been teaching you and that is why you have come to know. I have been teaching you not to look after Me anywhere, for I have been waiting near you and in you, and I have told you that My kingdom is in you, only to keep it and work it, as I told the man, built by My hand. I have been teaching you to be, and I will still teach you until you will be suf-ficiently enough to be able to tell Me: “I am Who I am”. Amen, amen, amen. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God ”, r.n.)

I come, My people, into your book with Me, with the one that I have loved so much and with whom I spoke after My ascension to the Father, about the time of My coming from now.

Oh, sons who receive My word, John, the one whom I loved so much, is always, always so close to you, and his spirit is in My Spirit, when I speak to you and over the earth. He gives you so much love that you hardly can bear, for I cannot tell you how much I loved him, and the same way I love you as well, and he also loves you likewise, for he has been waiting for My com-ing of today in word for a long time, because I told him that once again he will speak on earth. He stays in your pains and turns them into joys, and with his little hands, He has always filled you with blessings and comforts, for your way with Me is hard, and He stays with you under the cross and he does not leave you, as he also did not leave Me, for he was a very sweet son, and this is how he is now from near you, for his mystery is great in him, and he is called the mystery of My love in man. I have given you as much love in you as I gave him. I have loved you as much as I loved him and I have taken you in My love, for you had stayed and stay near My pain for a long time, and with it in you, and you have passed a lot through it, and it has also passed through you, as all of My pains were passing through his little heart, full of love for Me. I was his life. I was burning in him with My love in his love and he was the mystery of love. Amen, amen, amen.

― Oh, good Lord, good Teacher! What shall I do for the man to inherit Your life as I have inherited it? What shall I do for the man to inherit the life without death as I have received it from You? Oh, what shall I do? I burn with longing after the man with Your burning and I stay in those that are not seen and I burn near Your people and I burn in those that are from Your word on Is-rael on Your behalf. I stay in those that are not seen and comfort them and give them of my life and of my heart, for they pass through sufferance, which makes them beautiful, and so beautiful, Lord! He, who is with them, takes after them and receives of their spirit put by us in them. But most I tell those near them to take of the spirit of humility, so that You may have for them angels near them, and they to be the body of the angels, for Your little and good angels stay together with them and do their work of love and watch for them and for all of Your people, Lord. And I speak to Your people near them as I was speaking to those whom I loved, two thousand years ago, teaching them the mystery of love, and I tell them this:

You, loved ones, live in love and take courage for them and for you and for us with you be-fore the Lord, for I then said: «If our heart does not condemn us, we have boldness toward God, and whatever we ask, we receive from Him, because we keep His commandments and do the things that are pleasing in His sight». (1 John 3:21, 22) Let us remain in His Spirit, for by this we know that He remains in us, from the Spirit, Whom He has given us, that we do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God, because the deception and the man on earth are so big on earth, my beloved. And by this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit who confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is of God, and every spirit who does not confess Jesus Christ, is not from God, and this is the spirit of the antichrist, and those are from the world, and that is why they speak as from the world, and the world listens to them. But we are from God and he who knows Him listens to us, and we have to love one another, and He remains in us and His love in us is perfect.

Oh, you should tell to the sanctified people

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