» Religion » 2006.01.14 - The Word of God at the feast of the saint hierarch Basil the Great, Lord Jesus [rosie project TXT] 📗

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2006.01.14 - The Word of God at the feast of the saint hierarch Basil the Great

                        The Word of God[1] at the feast of the saint hierarch, Basil the Great[2]



With a godly love and with a sweet affection I lay down over the earth the voice of My word. Each time I strengthen My path, and My power settles within the gates so that they may be able to keep the heaven on earth, for the heaven is heavy on earth with its great work during these days, the days of the Son of Man. Amen.


In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, this is how I, the Lord, baptize the heart of the faithful one, who leaves everything for Me among the sons of the people. I will soon spend into your midst the feast of Epiphany, My Jerusalem of today, My Romanian people, for I have told you that the Romanian name will be taken by everyone who, by this world, will allow oneself to be grown and to be made steady in the Father, in the Son and in the Holy Spirit, the name of the Lord, your God, Lord and Master forever and ever, and Who is coming soon with the eternal age to settle down on the new earth and to reign forever according to His will. Amen.


There will come together many souls at the feast of Epiphany to receive of the grace of My word, which comforts and strengthens the man’s heart, and they will also come to take with them the blessed and holy water, which sanctifies everything by the grace of the Holy Spirit, My people. However, today I lay down as word on your table with Me to bring into memory My humility and My mother, the Virgin, for she took Me into her arms and carried Me, according to the tradition of Israel, to the Lord’s temple, to be circumcised within My body and that she may prove that I was the Son of the people of Israel into whose midst I had come from the Father and from the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin, as it was written into the prophets, and as I had to come.


After forty days, the old Simeon and Anna, the prophetess had waited for Me at the temple. Simeon took Me into his arms from the arms of My mother the Virgin, and he called Me the salvation of the Lord, made ready over the peoples and the light over the nations, to the announcing of the people of Israel in whose midst I sprang up, for the people of Israel was the Lord’s people on the earth because of his fathers, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. The old Simeon took Me into his arms, forty days after My birth, and he saw with his own eyes the Savior of the world and he confessed the fulfilling of the Scriptures of My coming by My mother, the Virgin, and Anna, the prophetess, announced by the spirit of the prophecy that I would come to be for the raising and the falling of many in Israel. And then it was so, and the same it is nowadays, for the wisdom of those who understand is diminished, as the man is, and this is how the man works with it, and he cannot strengthen with it his humility and faith and to be healed by the spirit of haughtiness in which the man fell after he did no longer loved God with his entire soul, spirit, heart and body.


Oh, My people, it is a day of the feast of the Lord and of your Teacher, Jesus, Christ, and it is a day of the feast of the saints, and I have got at the table with you, Basil the Great, the bishop, who gave to all those who have been faithful to Me the reign that is not stolen, on those that are from heaven, sealing them upon the people by his wisdom from above, that one full of the longing from above. He understood with great wisdom the commandment of the eternal life, for My saints know how to love God and how to love God’s sons and the people as well.


When I spoke to Israel to love his God with his entire heart, with his entire soul and with his entire mind, he did not understand this wisdom of the love that comes from God. When the man loves God in this way and no otherwise, only then he knows how to love his neighbor, and then he knows to love himself for God. The one who does not love for God with his love, that one does not understand what I spoke when I said: «Israel, you shall love God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and you shall love your neighbor as yourself». (Matt. 22:37, 39) Oh, the man does not know what this all means, which I had asked from him for his love for Me, and that is why I came two thousand years ago and I said: «If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me». (Luke 9:23) Moreover, I also said that I would be with these to the end of the time. Amen.


Oh, My people, the one who denies himself, that is the one who loves Me wisely for the use of the salvation of many, as the old Simeon and the prophetess Anna did, who lived for God with all their being, waiting for Him to testify about Him, and then they confessed Him and tool the fruit and the crown of the salvation. The soul of the one who loves Me with all his being with his entire wholeness, that one is bound only to God with his soul in him, and the spirit in him confesses the Lord and is bound spiritually to his neighbor for God.


Behold, My people, what wisdom I am letting today upon you. The soul bonds among people bind people together and the spiritual bonds among people bind God to the people and the people to God, and this is the wisdom of God’s commandment for the love between man and God, and this has to be on earth. And it will be. Amen.


Oh, My people, the saints are embracing you, son. Their longing is great, when I come with them to you. The saints long to confess Me and to confess you and the table of My word into your midst, to which they come and confess fulfilling the Scripture of My coming with the saints in tens of thousands, for they come one after the other when I come with the feast of the saints at your table. The bishop Basil the Great bound the people to the love of God, making them wise in their spirit, in their soul and in their mind, after he denied himself and the world by taking up his cross and loving Me, as I commanded the one who wanted to follow Me on earth and to be My follower and the heir of My kingdom within him. This is how he works among those that are from heaven too, for the saints have got My wisdom, and it is a people loving spirit, a spirit that teaches the people the graces of the salvation, receiving Me as their Savior.


It is a day of the feast of saints, and the saints confess you, My people, and I declare blessing for their work in heaven. Amen, amen, amen.


– I, great Lord, confess You the Bishop of the Father Sabaoth, the Bishop from eternity to all eternities according to the order of Melchizedek, according to Your mysterious plan. I am with the hosts of the bishops at the table of Your word into the midst of Your people. I comfort myself within Your coming with the saints, and I bless, by Your hand and by my hand, those that are Your anointed ones in this time, and those whom this time does not know that they are Yours, as that time did not know You either, when You lived on earth with the people working the mysterious work of the Father, Who begot You from eternity, and then from a mother Virgin, in the fullness of time, when You came and were born as a child to call every man to love the mystery of the child and to embrace it, in such a way that the man may be the child of the Father, as You were and are.


I bless your people with Your blessings and I tell it that today I am in the word upon it with the bishop who sat on the chair of the church in Târgovişte, for he is a confessor from heaven for the work of Your word, which he now sees and knows in all its glory.


However, now, we are giving rest to Your gates, and we are giving to the people the spirit of Your feast and my feast, and then, we leave again into Your book Your word and the word of Your saints and that of Your confessor, who has got the privilege through You to speak over the church on earth, and which is about to be hit by the stone, which it threw at the work of Your word and its sons who stand on Your right side.


May the day of the feast of the Lord, your God, and of His saints be blessed, people of the Lord’s coming. And again, you will be embraced within the word for the book of today. Amen, amen, amen.


– I, the Lord, love the spirit of the confession and I increase within My saints, and I receive, and give, so that they may have the gifts of the confession, for no one on earth is able to believe without the confession of My saints. And again, we will settle down, watching children, to lay down into the book of today its entire word. Amen, amen, amen.




– I have stayed with you and with My saints within a spirit of heavenly feast, and I want you to have a lot of spiritual work between you and Me, and I want you all to be so, children of My coming. Let your little mouths become holier and holier, confessing My glory with you, My love that is upon you, your life, which is to grow within Me, as you have always, always been taught, and you should stay more and more with it within Me and support one another, to give growth to each other and to feed on sweet and heavenly spirit, for the man’s nature is not good between man and man, but the heavenly Spirit grows the Lord among the brothers of the same blood with Him, and He makes holy all their inner being: both their mouth and their words and everything that surrounds them all around. Amen.


I have told you that the saints confess Me, sons, calling Me the child of the Father, so that you may be like Me. The bishop Basil the Great, with the spirit of his mercy, has got, among his host of bishops who came with him within My coming, the one who confesses that he had sat more than seven years on the chair of the church in the city of Târgovişte, and then, after other almost seven years, again, since I took the chair from him because he did not embrace the work of My word and you, and he confesses you from among the

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