» Religion » 2010.01.09 - The Word of God at the feast of the saint apostle, the first martyr and archdeacon, Stephen, Loprd Jesus [black books to read txt] 📗

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2010.01.09 - The Word of God at the feast of the saint apostle, the first martyr and archdeacon, Stephen

The Word of God[1] at the feast of the saint apostle, the first martyr and archdeacon, Stephen[2]



The saints have been longing after My table of word with you, My people of today, and they are coming in Me to fulfill, I and them, the Scriptures of My coming with the saints, and we are coming to you, and then we are giving ourselves with a table of word to those who look for comfort from heaven, as the saints of the heaven look for the comfort on earth, at My word into your midst, which is comfort. I would like the man to look after this comfort, as I look with it after him to give it to him, but the man does not come to taste it but only if he is touched by the gift of the faith, by which the man seeks after God then, as he seeks after comfort, and there is no comfort that may not to go out, there is nothing but only that what I have given from Me upon man. Amen.


I am embracing you today too with a feast of word, because I have the saints gathered for My descent into the book as word and for the spirit of confession, because there is no saint who has not confessed, My people. First confess their faith and then the holiness of their heart and of their nature, and then confess their love of God by all kinds of sacrifices, just as their time in their body gathered them because of their faith in One God, wholly true and face to face with the mob of the unbelievers, who wasted their comfort in devilish and idol worship lying to themselves against God.


However, there is another kind of people on earth and this wicked seed has always been on earth, that is people who sit on chairs in the name of the true God, and then they sit as rulers upon the souls of those who love God with their confessing life, taking after Me and becoming an example of holy faith for those who look after God’s life according to the truth.


You shall stop, My people, at My longing after the man, to understand My grief which is upon Me from those who sit on chairs of witness, being full of unbelief, having no truth and being hypocrites with their face and life, and who best persecute God in man, starting with themselves and persecuting man from God; starting with those who love the Lord according to the truth and by their works on earth, for those who choose the Lord as their life cannot hide with God’s brightness in them because they are strong witnesses, and this is the longing in them: to be able to confess God in heaven and on earth as true and One God.


You should cry, My people, because of My sufferance from the hypocrite man, who stands on My behalf before the crowds, crowds that get used to look for the Lord in this way for them. Oh, man does no longer look for comfort, for the comfort is My word full of longing after man, after the one that does not know that way which has in it My kingdom for man, the comfort, which lasts as long as God does.


You shall cry with Me, well My people, you shall cry from My grief from the man of lying and who lies that he is My witness, My servant and the heir of My chair. Where is this from? Because he testifies about himself, and not about Me, as in order for a man to be a shepherd of Christ’s church means something else. I am the Shepherd with the cross; however, how is it possible for them to take after Me, those who call themselves shepherds of souls? Oh, no. They buy from each other chairs of shepherds and fight for the first positions, for the first divan, and sitting on it, they say that they guide those who are hungry for God. However, by My stewardship I work at the same time with them, as in the time of My body on earth and as in all My times with man, and I could not dwell with man on earth otherwise, for I do not sit near those who are proud, as they sit on the chairs calling themselves by My name upon those poor in spirit. Oh, I do not sit next to those who are hypocrites, but I only pass through them and choose My disciples and set them apart for Me and through them I leave the seed of the Kingdom of God in the hearts of those who keep themselves clean and not attacked by the destroying and invisible spirit of this passing age. (See the selection topic: „About the kingdom of God”, r.n.)


Oh, those who use My name, those who use the seats of churches and of shepherds of churches are so foolish, so foolish to the point that they believe that are saved more than the rest of the people under their guidance, but they only come together around their shepherds, because in order that the people to be shepherded is very much of a miracle! Oh, I did not shepherd the weary and those who were sick and full of sins that way. I healed them, I corrected them, I took away from them their sins so hard to bear, I atoned for them suffering cross and mocking, then I suffered death and resurrection, and only after that I gave them My resurrection and I promised it to them and theirs for My love of them, of those who were deprived of guidance and help on their hard and full of sigh way on earth, because there is no happy man on earth, there is no happiness on earth, but only its phantom and no one catches it, because it is a phantom. I am the man’s comfort. I am his happiness as well. Whoever has God in him, that one does not make much of anything: either joys, or pains, or wealth or shortcoming, but only the Lord is enough for him, and he who cannot do so, that one is condemned on earth, he is his own slave, not released from his bonds. 


Oh, My people, it is not so with those who are with God in them through joys and pains on earth, but they have little wings and their little wings are unchained and they have power to fly over from under any bonds and evils around them. God’s enemies could not destroy the apostle Stephen, for he had little winds from heaven, and he told those who stoned him to death, killing his body: «Behold, I see the heavens opened, and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!» (Acts: 7/56), and then the martyr Stephen was released and went to be with those in heaven, and those in heaven with him, and My apostle said: «Lord Jesus, receive my Spirit!» He kneeled down, and cried with a loud voice, «Lord, don’t hold this sin against them!» (Acts: 7/60) And when he had said this, he fell asleep and his little wings brought him before the face of the Lord’s glory, which he confessed before those who called themselves rulers and Abraham, Isaac and Jacob’s descendants’ and to whom Stephen said: «David found favor in the sight of God, and asked to find a habitation for the God of Jacob. However, the Most High does not dwell in temples made with hands, as the prophet says, ‘heaven is My throne, and the earth a footstool for My feet. What kind of house will you build Me? On the other hand, what is the place of My rest? Didn’t My hand make all these things?’» (Acts: 7/46-50) Oh, there was where the martyr Stephan went, helped by his little wings, after he spoke the judgment of those who unstrapped him of his body, flying then into the heavenly dwellings near the One he had longed so much after, Jesus Christ, with Whom Stephen spoke on the earth for the last time, and he spoke with his Lord, mentioning forgiveness before Him for those who prepared his way to the glory from above of God’s saints.


Oh, My people, open the Scripture on this day and look at the spirit who testified through Stephen about My history with the people of Israel and their unbelief during all its time and of the last ones of those stiff-necked people, from its beginning and up to the day of the martyr Stephen, the witness of the truth, and then open up your wisdom to understand from everything that is on earth the stubbornness and Israel’s thirst for power and honor over nations, from its beginning and to this day, for this stiff-necked people has kept doing this into My name up to this day in order to rule over the world, in such a way that it may not lose its precedence, as it says, but I came two thousand years ago and took the kingdom out of its hands and gave it to those who believe in Me, for they rule over the kingdom of the heavens on earth and they are hated because of this by the people who stick to its precedence and which fights all over to put out My name and My trace from the earth; however, I do not dwell in temples, because those who worship Me, they do this in spirit and in truth, not in the temples that have no place for God and for His heavenly company, all the armies of His glory.


Oh, My people, I speak with you so that I may be able to speak on earth. You are the house of which I come out just as the Bridegroom comes out of His chamber to appear before the people with the glory of My word, the Spirit of truth, the one about Whom everything was and is. The martyr Stephen sees My glory with you now and your glory with Me, son, and he is confessing you as Mine, for this disciple is a witness and the testimonies from heaven remain and testify on earth to the judgment of the unbelief for those who have been unbelievers and are stiff-necked against the truth. Amen.


– Oh Lord, I am coming down on earth as spirit and word for testimony because I was and I am a witness for You. As those who were great then into Your name, killing my body from which I was speaking and confessing Your history with the people of Israel, that who was stiff-necked and which felt as though he was the first and the ruler over the people, in the same way, I am testifying today to those who call themselves rulers from You over the people, and I am telling them this:


Listen, you those who serve in the temples, and where you say that you closed God so that the people may look for Him through you, Him, the One Who cannot be comprehended. Our parents had the tent of meeting with them in the wilderness, and the Lord spoke to Moses to make it after the image He showed to him and which Joshua brought back in the country possessed by the Gentiles, but which the Lord drove out then from the face of our fathers, until David, who found favor with the Lord, asked for

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