» Religion » 2010.08.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, Lord Jesus [i am reading a book txt] 📗

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2010.08.19 - The Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration

            The Word of God[1] at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration[2]



I am coming down within the voice of the Holy Spirit into My book of these days and I am becoming a feast of word for the memorial of the day, two thousand years ago, when I explained to My disciples, bit by bit, that I am the Christ of the Father, and I took three of My disciples, who were more strengthened in the wisdom of My mysteries, and I went up in the mountain with them and I revealed My invisible glory to them, and they saw, on that day, beyond those that could be seen by the man’s eye, as I allowed them to be there, for their eyes were opened for a little while so that they were able to confess to the other disciples, and then down from generation to generation and up to this day, so that the faithful ones might be able to speak the truth about Jesus, Christ, the One about Whom the Father spoke from the clouds on that very day over My three disciples in a convincing voice and He said this: «This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him». Amen. (Matt. 17/5)


Peace to My good and faithful people! I am sitting down with a feast of word at his table with Me and I am reminding him of the Father’s commandment, Who said to those faithful at that time and up to this day: «He is My Son. Listen to Him!»


I am working upon you by the word, oh, My people, and you have to fulfill the Father’s commandment and you should listen to Me, son, for the Father said this and not I. You have to listen to My word, which speaks from above and from below at the same time, and those in haven hear it, and you hear it too, as well as those in the tombs, (See the selection topic: „The dead hear My voice”, r.n.) and obedience to My word is needed, but you need to know how to come to distinguish it, to take it and to fulfill it. I have put My word into the mouth of those in the gates so that you may know to intensify the power of the fasting and praying in order to ask in this way from the Father those that are against the darkness which comes from the darkness to put God down and that man may reign on earth after that, but this cannot be done, and I want to strengthen Myself visibly as Almighty God in order to come out with My armies and protect the Romanian land and those who are faithful to My today’s coming as word into the midst of this nation, for much unbelief presses down upon its soul, and this comes from the ignorance of soul, from the lack of holy watching during the night, when the wolf is hungry and unsleeping and when it lies in ambush, day and night, to get the prey, to tear down even My elected ones, those who are faithful and those who wait for Me to come with great salvation, with the victory against men’s unbelief and against their departure from God, and behold, I come, I speak to man and I wake him up to his obedience to God, for if men loved God, they would also listen to Him, and I would not have to call to obedience those who love Me, but they and their love would call Me to them instead, and I would answer them in the day of their trial and I would give according to My will to those who love it for them and with them.


Oh, how sweetly I speak to man so that he may know Me by this word! Oh, how mysteriously I work to help man! Two thousand years ago, My Father told those who believed in Me to listen to Me, and He confessed Me as His beloved Son with Whom He was well pleased. Moreover, how are supposed those who believe in Me and who want Me for them to fulfill and to listen to Me? Oh, if there were faithful people on earth, I would put into their midst sons pleased with Me, with whom I am well pleased, and then the people would listen to Me through them, as there has been all the time on earth My working order over man and My dwelling with man, for whom I come and dwell in the bearers of God in order that the man may listen to Me.


I am aggrieved in heaven and on earth, for man listens only to himself and to his body, which knows by its lusts to make the man listen to him and thus the man is no longer able to work otherwise. Oh, I suffer from this pain, from this punishment from man and from the lack of his concern for his soul, which serves the body, which keeps the body alive. The man’s weakness is great and this comes from his lack of love, and every weakness comes from the lack of love. Love is absent and man does not have obedience within love. Only those who love, only those listen, and those who do not love are nothing, but they are only sin, only flesh and mercy for flesh, for the flesh lusts against the spirit, against love, as it is written, and I have been waiting for two thousand years for the time to come on earth as word and to be able to speak the work of love upon man, that which heals him for his self and heals him from sin, for the one who keeps his body in control has done away with sin, and love does this when is able to dwell in man with its work, and then man is able to listen to God through it.


Oh, how beautifully and how mysteriously I had set the boundary between good and evil by the word, then when, before Moses in the mountain, I worked at the commandments of the eternal life for the man’s life! I wrote by fire and through the angels on the tablets of stone and I said in writing for man to love God with all his heart, with all his mind and with all his soul, and then to love his neighbor as himself, and loving God to be able to love afterwards, and thus the man’s conduct would be otherwise if he wanted to listen to Me as I wrote to him through the angels to listen to Me.


Oh, how warmly I worked two thousand years ago upon My disciples to make them used to loving Me and to listening to Me! There is no endurance on earth like Mine when I want to make man know Me and then to love Me, lest he may take Me in vain and put Me to test or to trample down My word and My commandments spoken by the word written with fire upon man. Oh, man is not afraid when he violates My commandments abolishing those upon him, and you, My people, I have been exhorting you to get a little sheet of paper and to write on it the commandments of the eternal life and then to read them again and again when you come to prayer and to measure yourself to them in the time of your prayer and then in the time of your entire work, so that you may be able to see if you fulfill them or if you trespass them between Me and you, and between you and your brother, and I, the Lord, wait for the people of My word everywhere to work My commandments, which mean love in the one who fulfills them. Any man is able to become a bearer of God if he fulfills upon him and around him God’s commandments, written by fire through the angels on the tablets of stones, when the time has come to search out the man’s heart and to stand face to face with him by what God’s word has meant on the stone through the angels. Every man can see himself as good or bad, faithful or unfaithful face to face with the commandments of the eternal life, and then he is able to work them all if he wants to be in the My image and after My likeness on earth.


Oh, man should do nothing but keep God’s commandments, for this was given to man by God to work on earth, after the first created man had received from God the work he had to do and he did not work like that, and then he fell by his disobedience, and two thousand years ago, the Father said again: «This is My beloved Son. Listen to Him!», thus confirming and renewing the commandment of the love of God upon man. Oh, and this is how the Father works today, and He sends Me, His beloved Son, to speak with man and to tell him to listen to those that I speak to him, and there is no patience on earth like Mine.


Oh, man, you are not right with God and with man, for you get hard on yourself and you get upset when you are not understood, when you are not loved and followed, and you forget how far you are from your obedience to God, from His image and likeness in everything that you do or not do! 


Oh, My people, man does not know how true I, the Lord, am, by My word upon you, but look in it and see how quickly it shows its truth after I speak it, as for many times I have seen in My people, here and there, how My freshly spoken word is overthrown, and I see the lack of love of those who do not always, always look into My word so that they may not violate it, so that they may not make God suffer by their trespassing of His word. Great watch is needed, but above this, great love of God is needed for man to be able to follow properly My teaching by the word. Man is too weak and that is why I have come now on earth, in the end of the time, and I wanted and want to make an obedient people with whom I may be able to work everything that is still written in the Scriptures to fulfill, until after the resurrection of the dead, when I will make the condition in heaven come down on earth, My rest after much labor done to harvest the fruit of My work of seven thousand years from among people, a people earned by God by great storms, by much sufferance and endurance, by My today’s labor, when the Father is sending Me on earth as word, for He has found faithful sons and has been able to fulfill My coming in the word, the time of the judgment of the men’s works and the announcing of the great day, in which the Lord will appear victoriously over man and in time and over the unbelief on earth.  


Oh, let no one marvel at the opposition, at the carelessness of those who hear and say that they do not hear, of those who know that I have to come and do not receive Me when I come, by those to whom I speak and do not do as I tell them.

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