» Religion » 2009.02.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the three holy hierarchs - Basil, Gregory and John, Lord Jesus [good books to read for adults .txt] 📗

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2009.02.12 - The Word of God at the feast of the three holy hierarchs - Basil, Gregory and John

The Word of God[1] at the feast of the three holy hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John[2]



I am the Good Shepherd and I announce Myself Who I am, the One Who speaks. Amen.


I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, and I come down on earth as word, and I announce Myself when I descend to shepherd the man, for I ascended to the Father to come back, and I do not stay in heaven but I work on earth, for I am Shepherd.


Open to Me, you those who stand before Me when I announce Myself that I am descending as word in My book of today, for you are My way to man, as Father has ordained it. The Lord is coming to feed His people, for today is a feast of heavenly bishops, and I am coming with them into the book and we are speaking over the earth! Peace to you!


Peace to you, My people! I am with you in the word. I am the God of the living ones, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob and of all those who have listened to My word in time, and I am the God of Basil, Gregory and John, and I am coming on earth with My saints and I am speaking with them and they with Me and with My people on earth and with every man who humbles himself to hear from heaven, for he who hears only from the earth with his ears, that one does no longer have ears to hear those in heaven.


Peace to you, My people of the Romanians set aside by the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, Who teaches the man from God! It is My feast with you and of My saints celebrated today within the synod in heaven and on earth. I have ordained these bishops to work during these days over the earth and to seal the beginning of My work of word by My trumpet Verginica fifty-five years ago. Then I gave them word to come down from heaven, from among saints, and to come and bless My descend of these days and to bless the vessel by which I, the Lord, had to trumpet over the earth by the sixth trumpet, so that I may become a river of word after that, (See the selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) and to seal a special place for Me and a little people, and to speak from over him and to set Myself as word into the book and to shepherd with an iron rod every man to whom it is given by God to hear the voice of the Shepherd with the cross. Amen.


I am the Good Shepherd. Two thousand years ago, I descended out of the heaven from the Father and I was born on earth of the virgin body and I had lived thirty-three years on earth, and in the end I laid My life on the cross for the sheep to become known as the Shepherd with the cross. Oh, how shall I not speak about whom I am whenever I come down on earth as word to shepherd with it? If it is written in the Scriptures to come and shepherd the nations with an iron rod, how shall I, the Lord, not fulfill those that were written about Me through the prophets? My iron rod is the word, and I am the mysterious Shepherd and I strengthen the man’s faith when I speak to him. Oh, he who says that this word is not God, that one is written among those who are not faithful, who love falsehood, for the ruler of this age is the father of lie and he keeps the man in unbelief, and he gives this food to the man, the food of unbelief, but behold, I come and I feed the man, and each one gives the man what he has got. I am the One Who gives life to the man and I am the Word of God from the beginning, and life is within Me, and the life is the light of the people, as it is written.


I comfort Myself with the Father when I speak with the man on earth, and the faithful man is comforted with Me and with the Father, the man who waits for My coming with the saints, for I do not walk alone when I travel on My way to man, but I rather walk with the saints, for it is written: «He comes on a white horse and the armies that are in heaven follow Him on white horses, and His name is called ‘The Word of God,’ and He rules the nations with an iron rod and He is called Faithful and True». (See Apoc. 19:11-14) Amen, amen, amen.


– Oh, God of Abraham, of Isaac and Jacob! Oh, our Lord, of Your saints after Your coming down on earth, born of the virgin body of Your mother, the Virgin! Oh, our Lord, of Basil, Gregory and John, You are the God of the living ones! The man on earth does not speak with the dead when he speaks with Your saints, asking them for help in his sufferance and in his trials of life on earth. All of Your saints are alive, just as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob are very much alive, and there would not be any other happiness on earth for man as then when he speaks with You and with Your saints. You are the living One and so are Your saints, who have taken their life from You. You, Lord, are so mysterious and so great within Your saints! You, Lord, are the power of Your fulfilling word, but the ruler of this age, satan, has blinded the man so much, and soon, soon, he will come to an end with his pursuit after men’s souls because of the spirit of envy in which he fell in the beginning when he fell from heaven through man, for the man built by Your hand became haughty at the beginning in such a way that he could not listen to You as You commanded him to obey, and by his disobedience the man fell from heaven and then the angel who served the man near him also fell, and once with him fell all his man-serving host, and since then he has been feeding with the spirit of envy against You, Lord, and since then he has been trying to draw the people to him and always to make his kingdom and with it to make war against you, but behold, You have armies of saints, and the prophets of all time have been Your dwelling places from where You have always, always spoken the word of Your victory against Your enemy, satan, to make him humble and to pull the man out of his dominion, out of his darkness, as You spoke to him two thousand years ago, a prophetic word through John, Your beloved one. Behold, we speak the word of teaching from near You over the faithful ones and over those who are not faithful on earth and we are Your witnesses, for Your testimony, Lord, is the spirit of prophecy, the spirit by which You worked and work over the earth. Amen.


We are the servants of the living One, of the One Faithful and True and we are His living saints, bishops in our rank according to His election, servants of the living God. Fifty five years ago, He gave us word to come down on earth and to establish the blessing of a bishop over His work of trumpeting in these days, and then we descended in our body (In physically manner, seen, r.n.) and blessed and gave of the holy mysteries (Holy Communion) to the one who was then to be the Lord’s trumpet on earth before His coming with the mystery of the river of life. At the beginning of this trumpeting we were servants, and we were ordained to be the same afterwards, to seal today’s little garden of the word of God and those that He, His today’s witness in the church and we have established as servants of the Lord’s church now, in the end, and we have worked mysteriously as the Lord worked mysteriously when He came and established His kingdom over His little ones two thousand years ago, because then, as now, He was not believed and received by those to whom He had come to give their salvation, which is His kingdom.


We are speaking to you, the Lord’s people, taken out of the Romanian people and set aside by Him for His today’s works, and we are speaking to the sons of men. Oh, those people who listen to God on earth, those are God’s sons, and those who do not listen to Him on earth, those are men’s sons and have the devil as their father, whom they serve, and there is no one to open their mind to understand and distinguish God’s work from satan’s work, for they have no teacher with mercy over them, and we are coming towards them to shepherd them and to tell them that the kingdom of the heavens is not of this world, but it is from the heaven from God for those who are His faithful ones and saints.


Oh, we are speaking to you, faithful people, and the son of God’s word. Oh, set down to great watch, for you have to lift up a holy and strong prayer for all the sons of men so that the Lord may turn them to repentance to the forgiveness of their sins and to their illumination with the light from above, the light of the resurrection from the death of their sins, for sin is death upon man. Oh, strive, son, strive to a lively prayer, for you have to overcome with the Lord and with His saints satan’s deceitful work, which works mysteriously to draw the people after him, for behold, he and his servants work hard to seal the people with his seal, but the Lord has always spoken over this nation to wake up and watch for the Lord’s coming and for the coming of antichrist, and then for this nation to remain with the Lord and to listen to His voice of Shepherd. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast”, r.n.)


We, the three bishops celebrated today within a synod of saints, leave a threefold blessing upon you, people with a new name of New Jerusalem on earth among people. We leave upon you the seal of the living God, and we put a mark upon you in a mysterious way in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit the Comforter, for we are chosen by the Lord to bless and to watch over His work of today and over its servants and over its faithful people. Be the sons of the holy and strong prayer, as by prayer with grace upon it you will be overcomers with the Lamb of the Father, the Lord Jesus Christ. Ask for the destruction of the work of satan’s hidden things and ask from the Lord protection over His faithful people from everywhere and teach the people to mark themselves with the sign of the holy cross by the three fingers kept closely together within the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit the Comforter, and let them put this sign

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