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Powerful Prayer for Breakthrough


Powerful Prayer for Breakthrough

Olusegun Festus Remilekun

Pastor Fessy 

Copyright © 2018 by:

Olusegun Festus Remilekun

Fessy Ventures Limited

All right reserved:

No portion of this book may be reproduced

Without the express written permission of the

Publisher with the exception of brief excerpts

from Christian magazines, articles, reviews etc.

For more information Contact:

Olusegun Festus Remilekun (Pastor Fessy)










To the Holy Spirit,


Who teaches my hands to war so that a bow of steel is broken by my arms.

Who prevents the enemies from performing their enterprises.

Who directs my steps that I do not stumble and fall.

Who establishes my destiny.


To God be the glory




My greatest thanks go to my wonderful wife and partner in the ministry, Sister Grace Remilekun and my wonderful children, namely: Success, Favor, Gold, and Esther for their support, encouragement, and understanding through the days and weeks I had to sacrifice to make this book see the light of the day.


Finally, to all my prayer partners worldwide, for their spiritual and financial support to my ministry. Space will not permit me to mention them by names. I say thank you!

May the Almighty God bless you all!




Powerful Prayer for Breakthrough


Praying is by far the most powerful and wisest thing you can do for yourself, your loved ones and anyone around you.

Prayer moves the hands and heart of God. He desires your love, your time, your attention and your fellowship.

The more you pray, you will become a prayer warrior an Intercessor just as Jesus (For there is one God and one mediator between God and mankind, the man Christ Jesus - 1 Timothy 2:5) and the Holy Spirit (The Holy Spirit prays for us with groanings that cannot be expressed in words - Romans 8:26).

The more you pray, you will feel and live your life as if nothing is impossible. As you pray, your faith in God will grow stronger every day. Your strong faith will sustain you, and you will prevail.

This mini-book is a compilation of effective prayer points, along with their corresponding Bible verses Use them for your own personal spiritual growth and self-development.

May these prayer points be a springboard to a lifelong journey of intercession and a faith-filled life, experiencing the loving kindness and the miracle-working power of God.


Table of Contents

What is Prayer?

The Power of I AM

Prayer Points for Spiritual Growth

Declare You Are Filled with the Holy Spirit

Your Life-Journey with Christ

Prayer Points For Strength & Guidance

Prayer Points For Inner Peace

Prayer Points For Financial Breakthrough

Prayer Points For Healing



What is Prayer?

Prayer is taking a Bible principle, promise, statement, hymn, poem or affirmation, and then believe it, ask God for it and speak it into existence in your life.

For example, 1 Samuel 17:47 states:

All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands


If you use this verse to be your prayer point, you can pray or declare something like this:

The Lord is at my side, He is my mighty Hero. My battles are not mine.

My struggles are not mine, My problems are not mine. I declare that through Him, the battle is already won, In Jesus Name Amen!


Using affirmative prayer points is crucial because you speak life into your spirit, body, and soul. This is extremely powerful. It will change your life.


The Power of I AM

Did you know that these two words - I AM - have the power to either destroy or empower your life? Words are powerful weapons. You can use them for good or evil.

When you say "I AM", you are telling the Universe to give you anything that follows those two words. You are actually creating a movement. You are speaking something into existence.

Say "I AM Broke", and that is how you'll stay.

Say "I AM So Old", and wrinkles come looking for you.

The "I AM's" that comes out of your mouth will bring either success or failure. Do you want more success and well-being in your life? Start speaking positive words into existence and you'll reeducate and condition yourself to attract wealth, honor, holiness, health, happiness and prosperity.


Prayer Points for Spiritual Growth

Declare that You Are in Christ

I believe and declare that I am a born again Child of God. I am born again through the living Word of God that lasts forever. Ref.: 1 Peter 1:23

All my sins are forgiven and washed by the Blood of Jesus. I am redeemed according to the riches of God's grace. Ref.: Ephesians 1:7

I am in Christ, therefore I am a new creature. My past is forgotten, the old things are gone and everything is new. Ref.: 2 Corinthians 5:17

God has rescued me from the power of darkness and He brought me into Jesus' Kingdom. Ref.: Colossians 1:13

My flesh is crucified with Christ. I am not the one living now, but Christ is living in me. I live by faith in Christ, the Son of God. Ref.: Galatians 2:20

God chose me before the creation of this world. Through Christ, He chose me, loved me and made me His Child again. I am His possession. He brought me out of the darkness into His wonderful light. Ref.: Ephesians 1:4-6; 1 Peter 2:9

Declare You Are Filled with the Holy Spirit

I don't own my body, for I am a temple of the Holy Spirit who lives within me. Ref.: 1 Corinthians 6:19

I am in Christ and God claimed me as His property by giving me His Holy Spirit. Ref.: Ephesians 1:13

I am walking by the Spirit and I declare that my flesh has no power over me. Ref.: Galatians 5:16-17

God chose me and gave me His Holy Spirit, wisdom, understanding, knowledge and all kinds of skills. Ref.: Exodus 31:3


Your Life-Journey with Christ

I trust in the Lord with all my heart and all my soul. I don't depend on my own knowledge and understanding. With every step I take, I will think about God's will in my life. Ref.: Proverbs 3:5–6

My paths and my journey on this world are blessed because my hope is in the Lord. Ref.: Jeremiah 17:7

God is doing wonders in my life. I believe that He started something good in me and He will complete it on the day when Jesus Christ comes again. Ref.: Philippians 1:6

Jesus is in me and I will continue to live for Him. My strength and my hopes are in Him. And every day my faith in Him will grow stronger. Ref.: Colossians 2:6-7

I won't stop, but I will keep running as hard as possible to win the prize of eternal life that God promised me through Christ. Ref.: Philippians 3:14

All my steps are guided by the Word of God that is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path. Ref.: Psalm 119:105

Prayer Points For Strength & Guidance

The Lord, my God created me, named me and saved me from the darkness. I am His property. Therefore, when I go through rivers, I will not drown. When I walk through the fire, the flames will consume me.

I believe and accept that the Lord is my refuge and my strength. The earth can quake, the seas can roar, the mountains can shake, but I will not fear. When the storms of life appear, my God is here to help me. Ref.: Psalm 46:1-3

My God, my Lord, my Heavenly Father is my strength, my defense, my song, and my salvation. I am secured and nothing and no one can move me. Thank you, Lord. I exalt and honor you! Ref.: Exodus 15:2

I am not afraid of this world, because the Lord goes before me. His powerful hands lead me and His unconditional love sustains me. I am not worried for He will not fail me or leave me. Ref.: Deuteronomy not hurt me. The Holy One of Israel is my God and my Savior. Ref.: Isaiah 43:1-3

I believe that the Lord is my light and my salvation. I am not afraid! I believe that the Lord is the stronghold of my life. I am not afraid! Evil people around me might attack me. My enemies may try to destroy me. But, they will not succeed. They will stumble and fall. Ref.: Psalm 27: 1-3

I am filled with the Holy Spirit of God. And the Spirit within me gives me power, love, self-discipline and a sound mind. Ref.: 2 Timothy 1:7

In God alone my soul finds rest. He is my Rock, the only one who can save me. He is my high place of safety. I will not be tense with fear when troubles come. I will never be shaken. Ref.: Psalm 62:1-2

The Lord my God of all grace will restore me and make me strong, firm and steadfast. I will be stronger than ever. Ref.: 1 Peter 5: 10

I don't worry about my situation. Although it seems impossible, I trust and believe that with God everything is possible. Ref.: Matthew 19:26

I believe and accept that I can do everything through Christ who gives me strength and power. Ref.: Philippians 4:13

Heavenly Father! In accordance with your word, I ask you: Give me the strength to face every day. Give me strength for tough times and power to win my battles. Give me the patience to wait for you. I am convinced that in due time you will renew my strength. I will mount up with wings like eagles. I will run, and not be weary. I will walk, and not get tired. Ref.: Isaiah 40:28-31

I trust and believe that you, Oh Lord, will strengthen me. You will help me! You will supply all my needs with your righteous right hand. Ref.: Isaiah 41:10

I know that God is the one who gives me strength. He clears the path I need to take. He prepares me for the daily battle of life and gives me the strength to overcome anything and to always stand firm and courageous. Ref.: Psalm 18:32-34


Prayer Points For Inner Peace

Oh Lord, my burden is heavy, my life is in turmoil and has turned upside down. Jesus, teach me how to conquer and how to stay calm, with abundant peace of mind, in every situation. Give me your light burden and sweet yoke. I trust that you can give my soul rest. Ref.: Matthew 11:28-30

I declare that I am not anxious about anything. I rely on the presence of the Holy Spirit for inner peace. Stress will not overpower me, but my mind is now clear and calm. I believe that the peace of God, that surpasses all understanding, is guarding my heart and my thoughts. Ref.: Philippians 4:6-7

Oh Heart of mine: Be still and know that Jesus' love is unconditional

Oh Mind of mine: Be still and know that the Holy Spirit will never leave you

Oh Soul of mine: Be still and know that God the Father is the Infinite King of the Universe and that's why I can rest in Him.

Ref.: Psalm 46:10

In this very moment, I humble myself under the mighty hand of God. I give Him now all my worries because I know he cares for my well-being. Ref.: 1 Peter 5:6-7

My heart and my mind are not troubled. I trust in God, and I trust in Jesus. I trust that I will experience God’s peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will keep me. Ref.: John 14:1


Prayer Points For Financial Breakthrough

I serve the Infinite King of the Universe. He is my God and I declare and trust that He will supply all my needs from all His riches in glory through Jesus

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