» Religion » 2015.02.08 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the prodigal son, Lord Jesus [great reads .txt] 📗

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2015.02.08 - The Word of God on the Sunday of the prodigal son

                        The Word of God[1] on the Sunday of the prodigal son[2]



Again and again I come down into the book with holy and dear teaching, and all things have their time, and now it is a time for preparation for the meeting of the fifty-day fast so that we may approach then the feast of My Resurrection, founded on earth for Christians two thousand years ago by My resurrection itself, for the people I chose and loved then, crucified Me on the cross; however, I gave to it My resurrection and its resurrection and even so that people did not want to prepare and to receive Me, and since then and up to this day and tomorrow, I have remained the Teacher of those who receive Me coming from the Father by the birth of the mother Virgin, and then coming out of the dead, for I came to life, and My resurrection was established and has been on earth since then and up to this day.


In the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit it is only My word, with which I am standing above the earth during this time, and I am working in this way because it is written through the prophets that the time will come to work like that, over the living and over the dead, and I am speaking My word and let all the sons of faith have part of it, all those to whom it is given from the Father to hear His Son and to receive Him in them, the One with Whom the Father is well pleased and to Whom He wants to listen all those who believe in the prophets, in the Scriptures and in the Psalms.


The parable of this Sunday is that of the prodigal son, for this also means man called to repentance and hope, no matter how sinful he might be, no matter how separated from the life in heaven man might be. Oh, how much holy and dear teaching I have left over many, over the good and over the bad, but it is as in school, where some learn and receive good grades, and others hardly come to school and do not learn and as a result they are not educated and receive bad grades, grades of mercy, and it is this mercy that waits for man to come back to the spirit of wisdom and teaching and to start working, just as a tool, which if does not work, gets rusted and does no longer shine working and has no longer any beauty or light from light, that is, much work for life.


Oh, peace to you, My people from the spring! I am stopping at you, as I have made a house with you for your faith in My coming as word on earth, and behold, I have always set the table and given Myself within it, and I have put it into the middle for those at the crossroads to be able to take, for those who have called and are called themselves sons of My kingdom, those like the Israel two thousand years ago, that did not believe and does not believe, for they have got upon them those people with seats under them, and those with seats do not receive the Lord, the humble One, because this is how God is, and I have showed the man how I have come and how I am, but he did not like it so, and he has liked it to have an adorned life on earth and to forget about his eternity, at which he does nothing in order to add to it, not even what might pass through his fingers, as it does not work like that with God, with the One Who has made the heaven, the earth and man.


A certain man had two sons, and the younger of them asked for the share of his property and he gathered all of this together, travelled into a far country, and wasted it with riotous living until he had spent all of it. Then a time of famine came in the city where he lived and he began to be in need and found no help even if he hired himself at a man to feed his pigs because no one gave him even the husks that the pigs ate. Then he came to himself and remembered that his father had servants and got up to go and tell his father that he had gone wrong as a unworthy son and to receive him as one of his servants to serve him only for what he eats. Moreover, because he thought like this, his father saw him as he was still far off and was moved with compassion and his compassion prevailed and filled him with longing and came out to meet him. He embraced and kissed his son when he came back, and his son recognized his guilt and unworthiness and his father had mercy on him and ordered the servants to prepare a party and a table with abundant food for his son who suffered because of his actions, and whom his father considered to be a dead living, lost and then found again. (Luke: 15/11-32)


Oh, sons, behave like sons, well sons. Learn from this parable not to behave like the servants lest your heart may be like the elder son’s heart, who made bold to show his heart and tell off his father from his heart: «Behold, these many years I have served you, and I never disobeyed a commandment of yours, but you never gave me a goat, that I might celebrate with my friends. But when this, your son, came, who has devoured your living with prostitutes, you killed the fattened calf for him». (Luke: 15/29, 30) Oh, what lack of affection with this son, who felt as a servant under command, but to whom all the possessions of his father belonged after he had become the only heir, because the son who came back as a servant had nothing left of his father’s possessions; he had just came humbly only to become a servant of his father and of his elder brother, but the joy because he came back had to be for the father, the joy which only a father’s heart is able to know, but a brother feels so little for his brother when it comes about his rights.


Oh, it is much to be learned from this parable of wisdom, for God is very gentle and He wants that out of this spirit to take all those who believe and love Him as sons, and not as servants, because sons have one way of behavior and servants have another way of behavior.


Oh, sons grown from above by My word upon you, oh, learn from these lessons, well sons. Sons are sweet and warm; they are gentle and meek with their fathers and brothers, and the servants are colder, they are there only because of their pay and behave as those who have a master and do not love their master, and this is how man knows how to behave. The sons know what it means a father and the heart of a father and consequently they appreciate their father and comfort him with sweet, warm and affection full of the gentleness of their heart, like those of their father’s nature for them, for his sons. Oh, behave as sons all the time, for the servants are cold while sons need love, mercy, and need warmth from their father as well, and if people are cold to their father than they practically do not have a father, they do not have warmth and they do not have love. In the parable mentioned today, we can see the elder son’s lack of love and coldness towards his father, and he felt like a servant under the command of his father and he showed his heart without love, without affection in it for his father and for his brother who went wrong.


Oh, sons, when one feels like a servant and not like the Lord’s son this can be seen from the man’s conduct, from the way he loves and from the way he receives watching for him. The disobedient son from the parable today felt like a son, but the one who was obedient spoke like a servant, not like a son, not like a brother. The elder one behaved like a servant, but with the dissatisfaction of a son, and the little one went wrong and came back to his father as a guilty son but was thankful to be a only a servant near his father, and behold what good and what great teaching keeps in it My Gospel preached today through the church order. Oh, if man learned to know the Lord as his father upon him, then he would become God’s child, for children are those who are supervised, and woe to them if they are not supervised and if they get used to it then! And those who are big people are those who are no longer supervised and woe to them because of this, for they get used to it then and do no longer long after the Lord, after the Father, and behold, let each man ask himself how he behaves with respect to the mystery of God’s sons and with respect to this whole work and feeling.


Oh, sons, take care to behave as sons, and then take care of My descent to you. Before any kind of your work, take care when I come to you, take care of Me, sons. Be workers so that you may shine while working. Those without work do not shine, and you know this, for this is what My Gospel teaches man.


I, the Lord, am giving you now, sons, I am giving you fresh spirit and power of prayer for you and for the country, sons, and then for all those on the earth, great and small. Ask for much peace with a praying heart among the people on earth and among those who have set themselves upon people. Ask the Lord on everything, sons, and be faithful in prayer, as faith can do everything, faith by which the Lord works and does.


Oh, peace to you, sons! You should grow in all things as sons. Through all things you have to be My sons, oh, sons. Amen, amen, amen.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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[1] God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note.

[2] Translated by I.A.

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