» Religion » 2013.01.07 - The Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Birth, Lord Jesus [best books to read non fiction TXT] 📗

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2013.01.07 - The Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Birth

                        The Word of God[1] at the feast of the Lord’s Birth[2]



I am coming down with the glory of word on the earth as I have a manger of descent and I am putting My word in it and then I am sharing it and the news about Me goes from place to place and becomes joy in the hearts, for I have to sow salvation upon men, because I descended from near My Father Sabaoth and I was born a child from the womb of the Virgin to be Savior, and My birth was foretold by the angels.


I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, and I am the One foretold by the angels in the night of My birth on the earth. King Herod could not destroy My coming, for My angel followed Me everywhere and proclaimed My protection step by step, and it was fulfilled precisely and the Father made Me a way through all that difficult time on the earth because I had nowhere to settle down with My coming, which was so mysterious and kept with so much humility, because I was not of this world and that is why My kingdom has nothing in it, and the angel prepared My birth in a manger near a hostel and this how the way was made for My coming on the earth, and I came down in a humble way, as in heaven there is humility, great beauty, and always glory, and the angels sang to Me on the earth in the hearing and seeing of the sheep shepherds and they spoke to them about My birth, for My angel stood before them and enveloped them in the light and he told them: «Don't be afraid of this celestial vision, for behold, I bring you good news of great joy which will be to all the people. For there is born to you, this day, in Bethlehem, in the city of David, a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. You will find Him wrapped in strips of cloth in a manger of straw». (See also Luke 2:10-12) Suddenly, with My angel there was seen a multitude of the heavenly army praising God and saying: «Glory to God in the highest, on earth peace, and good will toward men». (Luke 2:14) And this is how My angel protected My being and this is how he announced Me, together with a great heavenly army. Then I lived on earth thirty-three years and I brought before people the Scripture of the Lord’s coming, the coming of the One Who was prophesied by the prophets that would come, and this is how I fulfilled My Father’s will, for the Father had sent Me after man.


Then the Father, by the announcement made through an angel, took Me into Egypt to protect Me from the hand of Herod who murdered all the little children at that time, and after the Father had struck Herod dead, and then again, He brought Me back again at the angel’s announcement, and I went to live in Nazareth; and everything was fulfilled with the humility that was given to Me to fulfill according to the tradition, and My birth took place according to its whole order, and the angels ministered to Me.   


Oh, mother Virgin, you were aggrieved at that time, because I was a little baby, and you had to take care of Me, and then you had to bear the whole humility for My coming. You were going with Me from place to place, you, those who had My birth and its persecution that came from Herod, and you and Joseph were wandering in sufferance carrying My into your arms, as everywhere there was only oppression or Us.


It is a feast for My birth on this day, oh, My mother Virgin, and now it is the memorial of that great and praised night when you did not find any place to rest where to give Me birth on earth, the One born of your virgin womb, mother. Your joy because of My birth overflowed in your little heart, for your humility grew once with the pain that came because you and I had been rejected, and at the same it was also the whole persecution that came from King Herod, and because of that We went into Egypt, and then We came back again, and I grew up in Nazareth and from time to time I appeared to Israel after that, because I had to fulfill all the prophecies about Me, oh, mother.


Many people have been singing the song for My birth at that time, from that time and up to this day, but My pain and yours is not born in hearts, mother. Oh, how small God is on the earth, mother! This is how man wants, oh, mother, and he wants the Lord to serve him, and you cry for My mercy, for your love for Me, oh, My mother, for I am the One Who am not loved by man and I mourn in heaven with you and with the Father, for man is cold to God, oh, mother.


— Oh, do not cry, do not cry, Child born in Bethlehem, in the time of the King Herod, for I want You to have joys, as this is how a mother comforts her baby so that he may not cry, so that he may not suffer. Oh, Your Spirit has been crying for two thousand years and You have been crying for love, too. Oh, Your love for which You were born and which You came to bring and set it here on earth has been crying too. Oh, Your long waiting has also been crying, my Son, Jesus Christ. I have always cried in silence for You, Who were persecuted from Your birth and until Your return in the glory from above near the Father Sabaoth. You and I are celebrated, and we are celebrated in heaven, and we comfort each other’s tear and its love, and our waiting gives us power, patience and it also gives the hope prophesied into the Scriptures.


Oh, Son, Emanuel, suffering Child and without any shelter on earth, is there really any Christian to be able to confess You with his mouth and deed? The Christians live a pagan life on earth, mixed with idol worshipping, even if according to the tradition they are baptized in Your name. Oh, what shall we do to get them used to the truth of the joys, to the tear for You, suffering Son from man? The sighing of Your birth on that night is as heavy and crushed in me now as at that time, and I want to protect You from pains as I did at that time, for I am a mother. Oh, the time will come when we will no longer cry, for everything will be renewed, as with the first beauty when man did not hurt the Lord; however, that lasted only for a moment, and after that man has made God grow small and he has grown big over himself and over everything, and this is how he has known himself like that from that time and up to this day.


We ask for mercy from man, Son from above. We beg for a place to rest, but the place in the man’s house is very small and narrow for God and is full of idols just as on the night of Your birth, and man will no longer be happy but only then when the Lord will be so, as both in joy and in sorrow man has to be in God’s image and take after His likeness, as the Lord is kept to be, after man has exalted himself with his greatness before the heaven and before the earth.


Now we are keeping in our memorial the pain of the joy which we had in the time of Your birth on the earth and we hope that the pain will give forth to the condition from above between man and God, for all things have come to an end, and the beginning is being established, oh, dear Son. Amen.


— Oh, when the beginning was, the word was too, and God was the Word, oh, My mother, and I was the Word, and behold, the beginning has been set again, for I become word between heaven and earth and I build Jerusalem, mother, but I suffer from man and I have wounds at My hands and legs, and My forehead is bound over the wound, but this is how I work and this is how I build, for there is no healing for the Lord. When man suffers from something he quickly runs to the doctor for his healing, but My healing has no cure, it has no doctor, because this means man to be My healer. Oh, if I thought only for a moment at Myself the heaven and the earth would no longer be, and rather they would be shaken and disappear. Oh, mother, if those who carry Me today as word on the earth thought of themselves, I would no longer have a way on the earth or a place for rest, and neither would I have any people to welcome God or any watching upon him and building with it on earth. Oh, it was very hard for Me two thousand years ago to make all those that Father had chosen for Me deny themselves and give Me their life, their body, their walking, their speech and their heart to build Myself in it for the salvation of many, when I asked them this and I said: «I in you and you in Me; go into My name and save the people, for the kingdom of the heavens has come near to them and worthy is the worker for his wages then, for sings and miracles will accompany you and you will preach My Gospel to the margins of the earth and many will be saved through it».


Oh, Romanian people, My people from the end of the time, I have built in you now both My Bethlehem and Nazareth and the word for My second coming together with My entire work for the end of the time, and from your hearth I watch upon you and I protect you and I also watch over the nations by My angels and I put My seal, the seal of My name over the document of your birth by My word from above and you will not be able to hide before Me and before the people with your origin that you have got from Me, (See „History of Romania part 1 to part 16” , r.n.) as I have been waiting for you from the beginning and until the end to be My country of today where I may come and set the judgment throne of the creature, (See the selection topic: „The fearful judgment”, r.n.) the kingdom and the renewal of everything by the word, as in the beginning, when at My word, the heaven and the earth, were made under the eyes of God and under the eyes of His angels.


Oh, Romanian people, you have not sufficiently understood the time of your visitation, but we will shake our hands more and more tightly and we will read from the heights the book of the love between Me and you, and the nations who are far from Me will seek after you and they will take from your hearth the hidden manna and will find the

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