2020.01.20 - The Word of God at the Synod of Saint John the Baptist, Lord Jesus [accelerated reader books txt] 📗

- Author: Lord Jesus
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The Word of God[1] at the Synod of Saint John the Baptist
In a spirit of Epiphany, today as yesterday, I, the Lord, I and My disciple, John the Baptist, are making a stopover and have a word in My book during these days. Therefore, We are opening the gate now, We are opening the book and are writing in it a testifying word, and the whole work of My coming with the saints is for those who are faithful.
Oh, you are on duty, sons, those who are opening to the Lord, and We are going to complete the word for the feast of Epiphany, and which has, as its great confessor, John the Baptist, who was baptizing with water at Jordan two thousand years ago. Then the Jews sent priests to ask John: «Who are you? Give us an answer to take back to those who sent us». And John replied: «I am not the Christ, nor Elijah nor the prophet. I am the voice of the one crying in the wilderness, ‘Make straight the way of the Lord, and make straight His ways.’ ‘Why then do you baptize?’» one of them hurried to ask him? (See John: 1/21-25)
And there were coming to Jordan all those in the land of Judea, all the inhabitants of Jerusalem and all around Jerusalem, and they were confessing their sins and were baptized in the Jordan, and John said: «After me there comes He Who is more powerful than me. I baptized you with water, but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit». (See John: 1/27)
The elders of the Jewish people were afraid when they saw that all were going to John’s baptism, and John sent them back and said to those who came to ask him: «I baptize in water, but among you stands One Whom you do not know. He is the One Who comes after me, Who is preferred before me. (See John: 1/26) His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will thoroughly cleanse His threshing floor. He will gather His wheat into the barn, but the chaff He will burn up with unquenchable fire. (Matt: 3/12) For this reason I came baptizing in water: that He would be revealed to Israel, for I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove and remaining on Him; I have seen and testified that He is the Son of God, the Lamb of the Father, Who takes away the sin of the world!» (John: 1/31-34)
Oh, people of My word, we are in the Spirit of Epiphany today, too, and peace to you, sons, today, tomorrow and always! Oh, who has the mind and spirit to understand what the feast is like between you and those who have always come here, at you and with you at a table of feast? Oh, for you, you cannot understand by your imagination what an invisible though so glorious state is here, on holidays, when I come and become word on the table with you.
Oh, sons, support your own strength and the clarity of faith, for your faith in the invisible things, although they are spending you with, this faith is much more precious in heaven face to face with those in heaven, who see and who are contained in the invisible things on earth. Nevertheless, how is this? Oh, sons, nothing is greater and more precious between heaven and earth than the faith that keeps the Lord on earth with men. It is the way, the house and the table of God with people. It clothes the earth in visible and invisible miracles; it clothes everything in the kingdom of the heavens for those who know how believe and what to believe. Oh, that is why it is good to know many things from God, and even all of them, sons, for I come secretly to you, leave My speaking and bring it close to you so that My speaking may remain with you, for you are very precious before God because of your faith in My coming as word to you, and I come with the heavenly hosts, and those in heaven are grouping in rows-rows, oh, and what an unspeakable beauty are God’s visible and invisible things all taken together here, with you.
I am strengthening your faith, sons. Strengthen yourself too, for you have power to believe. Learn how to do this, for he who does not learn, does not do after that.
God sent John to proclaim in Judea and in Jerusalem the coming of God’s Son and He was saying: «The kingdom of God is at hand!» (Matt: 3/2) Then John was sent to Jordan to call out to everyone: «Repent for the kingdom of God!» The faith that the Lamb of God was about to come in order to be baptized and revealed by the Spirit, descended over His head at Jordan, it, that is the faith, was so big as to bring into view those that John was told that would be revealed to him.
Oh, sons, oh, sons, this is believed, and the fulfillments promised by God are not believed in another way. No one was waiting for Messiah at that time, no one. And because no one was waiting for Him, oh, no one believed when He really came. No one knew to make the connection with the prophecy in the Scriptures for the appearance of John the Baptist, for the preparation of the Lord’s way, for he prepared people at that time, and not in any way, but he cleansed them from sins and from their bad habits, to make them worthy of the kingdom of the heavens. They came out of fear, many came to the baptism with water and repentance, oh, but they did not come out of love and therefore John rebuked them to repent.
Oh, this is the preparation of the man, who receives the Lord to come. And so it is today, My sons, for the way of the Lord is to be prepared for man, and man needs refreshment, repentance, and he also needs holiness, for the Lord is holy, and few have understood this from those who have past the bed of this river in these so many years, sixty-five years of word, by which I have been calling man to repentance, oh, and all have wanted to live in sin, and so many have not known the work of repentance as it is.
Oh, and that is what John did and what he put in the people, for he was sent to level the way between God and man. Oh, sons, and this is what I also do when I come and leave My word to prepare a holy people by it, and I urge every man to be born from above by My word from above, I urge him to repentance. And as it came to pass then, that the Lord appeared in a visible way, the same it will be now, and this faith has to be strengthened more and more in power and steadfastness, sons, (See the selection topic: „The coming in a visible way”, r.n.) but without the loss of the long-endurance, My sons, for patience has no end in all things and for all things. Oh, who could prove his steadfastness in faith if he did not have endless patience for God and between man and God?
When you are a Christian and know well your encounter with God, then you always work for this encounter, and you work beyond that, you do not stop, you do not lose your patience, because patience ends in God’s arms when you come to look at Him, because then you are like Him, and then you see.
Oh, great disciple, oh, My godfather at My baptism in the Jordan, oh, because of the work and power of your faith, that is why you are called by such a great name. Oh, how happy you were on earth! You were a strange and poor man on earth. The Lord gave you this happiness, to have it on earth, to have only the Lord and nothing else, only the Lord to be your possession, everything you were and had to do was to take after Him, to be His disciple. We are still in the spirit of Epiphany, and We are sitting down in the book with everything it has remained to be set as word of Epiphany, and now sit down, for you and I belong to this feast.
⸻ As long as I lived on earth my happiness had nothing from the earth, Lord, for I was a stranger and poor man and I had to live in the wilderness; this is how my coming and my living on earth were, and then it was to meet You at Jordan in order to make You known to those in whose mist You were enveloped within a great mystery above Your godly glory, oh, and You revealed Yourself, for they did not do this, rather they cast You off and so they did with me, too. However, You rose again and came to life from among the dead, Lord, and then no one could stand against You, oh, and this is how You proved that You were the One Whom I had testified as the Lamb of God, slaughtered on the cross for the remissions of the sins of the world and for the raising of those forgiven from the sin, Lord, for this means raising, that, man to give away from him the work of sin and to rise himself above his falling under sin.
Oh, here we are on the way of Your coming as word on earth after two thousand years ago, a prophetic coming to be fulfilled, oh, and it is bad for man not to have faith, not to have the Lord as his love, Lord! There is no greater sleep than that of the people on earth, not even in the world of those asleep, Lord. However, we have the people of Your word as a confessor and herald for You during this time of the sleep of human race, and You come with the saints, and the Scriptures are fulfilled because there is faith on earth, Lord, it is the people of Your word, and through it You come and fulfill, by its faith for You, oh, Lord.
⸻ Oh, My disciples, My dear godfather of baptism, your faith baptized Me in Jordan and showed Me to those who saw Me, but after that they did not know what to do and what to be. You were and remained My godfather, because that is why you came out with the baptism of water and with the repentance, which cleanses more than water, for you wanted to confess Me, to baptize Me as a man and to show Me coming from the Father, the Father’s Lamb, and then to wash away the sinners with My blood, for sin cannot be washed away but only by blood, because he commits sin within his blood, he turns in his blood the man’s outer things into his inner things, oh, and there is no man to really suffer for Me when he commits sin, because if he suffered then he would no longer remain with his sin.
I have completed the word of Epiphany, for I was with you at Jordan then, and together with you, We are celebrating now. We would stay all the time in the word comforting each other because We know and have a lot of things to
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