» Religion » 2020.08.19 - The Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, Lord Jesus [reading e books .txt] 📗

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2020.08.19 - The Word of God at the Feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration

                        The Word of God[1] at the Feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration



I am coming down with the saints in the citadel of My word, into My bed on the realm of the Romanians, for the Romanians are My people in the end of the time, and that is why I have made the bed of My coming as word on earth on this land and I have built a ruling citadel for Me, and in it I set a table of My word and send My word to the margins of the earth so that My coming as word on earth may be known; My voice all over the earth and over the nations, as it is written (Apoc.14:6)[2] in order that the word of God may be preached from margins to margins and that the Lord may advise through it to repentance the inhabitants of the earth, who know or do not know God’s name and glory, the glory against all gods made by the human hands for the people to worship them, for men have such a little mind, so little to worship, to be able to worship God with it, the Creator of the heaven and earth, the visible and invisible things of His creation, and all the living beings under the heaven and all God’s creation have this perfect knowledge of God, and only man has lost of his mind and feeling the true God, Whom he must worship, and behold, man has fallen from faith for seven thousand years and he worships himself and he worships the gods he has made, and My voice comes down from heaven on earth and announces Me, the true God, the God of those who tremble before Me, and with whom, I, the Lord, am well pleased and in whom I find My dwelling place on earth, and here is the citadel that bears My name, as it is written[3], (Isaiah: 2/2, 3; Micah:4/1, 2; Zacarias: 8/3) and this citadel is called: There the Lord is, the Mountain of the Lord.  


It is a day of royal feast over the Christian people and I am laying My word over the citadel here, and peace to you, to those who guard the citadel of My word on My behalf!


We are setting on the table the memory of My glory on the Mount of Tabor, oh, sons, for I went up on the mountain with the three of My confessing disciples especially for My glory from the Father, that which I have had from eternity, sons, and there on the mountain I appeared with the two disciples with whom I was spending when I was not with the twelve, oh, and I revealed My glory and I had Moses and Elijah on both of My sides, who did not put off their bodies, and withdrew in those that are not seen as witnesses of My coming in the flesh on earth, and then for My entire work from two thousand years before My ascension to the Father, oh, and God’s glory is great, sons, and few have been able to know about it then and now; however, now I have to fulfill the promise that the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, takes from My things and shakes them on the earth so that My mysteries may be known, their interpretation and purpose as well, sons, (John: 15/26; 16/13)[4] for I stayed on Mount Tabor with My revealed glory and with My two heavenly companions that were and lived on earth, with Moses and with Elijah, for I spoke with both of them in their time on the Mount of Horeb, on the Mount of the Lord, sons, and both of them had not eaten or drunk for forty days and nights, going so that I might prepare them for My speaking with them and that they might make My speech with them known over time. And at that time, I spoke with them on the Mount of Tabor before My three disciples, Peter, Jacob and John, and then they withdrew into God’s invisible things, and only I did I remain visibly. After that I told the three disciples to be silent completely concerning with those that were revealed to them visibly, because I still had to work before the end of My mystery with the people on earth visibly in the flesh, and after that I had to finish, once with My resurrection from the crucifixion, and then to ascend to the Father, accompanied by My great witnesses, Moses and Elijah, and behold My today’s celebration with them here, on earth, sons.


Oh, peace to you on a day of royal feast, dear sons! Peace to you! And we are announcing now the feast for My mother Virgin, when the people faithful in My today’s word was gathering at the feast, (And that cannot come to this feast, now, because of the restriction imposed by the pandemic, no.) and now I am declaring over it a word of comfort that I would speak to it in the Holy Spirit on the day of the feast, which is coming, and that My messengers will go and share the blessing from the table of the feast, as it was on the day of the Pentecost, and they have to be good and use this time spiritually, a time, which I, the Lord, am aware of, for they need to seek and have the spiritual things over their lives in abundance, and My word gives them so that they may have and fulfill God’s word, if they have obedience of God in their work.


Oh, I am giving you blessing and beginning at the preparation of the feast here, in the citadel, and you have to take from the table of the feast and go up to the border of those who are far from My citadel with you, and where you do not reach, sons, for the road is long, and maybe you find some other way for them to take from the table of the feast, because I am whole with those who have Me wholly over their life and faith, with those who fulfill in them with My will upon them, oh, and there is no separation between Me and them, only for them to know how to stay with the heaven, to have the Lord with them, to take from Me over them as the Holy Spirit shakes My things for those who take their cross and follow Me, for I walk with the cross and those who follow Me must take after Me and there is nothing to prevent them and they do not have anyone that they may be bound to and to separate them from God, oh, for this is how it is the walking with Me of those who come on My way without any obstacles.


Oh, sons, I see the longing that is like My longing of you in those who are written with this festive celebration near My glory shown on Tabor, oh, and I cannot let their longing hunger. Therefore, their word and longing for My today’s work with you are flowing for a moment over the citadel and over you, and let their coming in and out[5] (John: 10/9) be blessed and their work over My citadel with you, too!


⸻ Your speaking with them, Lord, oh, they cannot fully realize what it means for us, those who are in heaven now near You and near Your work with them. All the saints live the heavenly thrill born of Your today’s word over them here. All the saints want to put on expensive ornaments over Your descent to them and over them, because all are waiting with great longing for Your victory and righteousness from all the ages taken together for those who have not loved God on earth, and who have sought something else instead of the true God, You, the Son of the Father, the Son of God from eternity, and Whom we knew in our time in the flesh on earth, and we prophesied that You would come from the Father in order to reveal to the people the true God, the Only One over everything and always, forever.


Oh, how bad it is for the man to have everything on earth, Lord! The man forgets about God when he is rich in all the things on earth and in the glory from the people, and now we hear the word from Your mouth as You are speaking to these little of Yours to give alms for those who left the earth and were rich, and who did not give alms to those who were Your poor ones and who had only You, and the parable in the Scriptures about the rich and the poor who left their bodies, one in hell and the other in paradise, does not shock the mind and the heart of those who worship their riches and empty glory on earth, and we stayed on earth without food or drink and walked a great distance in this way for forty days and forty nights up to the Mount of the Lord so that You might speak with us from the mountain, Lord, from the fire and wind, and that it may remain written in God’s history Your meeting with us at the Mount of Horeb, and behold, then on the Mount of Tabor so that Your disciples may see Your glory from the Father and Your saints near You for Your glory with them, too. (See the selection topic: „About fasting and almsgiving”, r.n.)


We are speaking with you now, who are the Lord’s little ones, and we are speaking with longing with you. Oh, peace to you on this mount, the Mount of the Lord from where the Lord is speaking thorough you to those on earth so that they may come to eternal life, sons, for the life lived on earth as on earth has no value, and more than that, it can be a great prejudice, the prejudice of life, oh, such a great prejudice! However, it has value only when you live it in the holiness for your endless life from God, for you have to give everything, man, all the price for your living in eternity then, as we did on earth, and now we have the eternity near the Lord and we are going on working for Him further and all of what we have are in God, the entire earnings of our life.


Oh, get used to the Lord’s coming, sons. Get used to be careful for it. If you have a scythe in your hand, a nail or a ploughshare, then leave everything down at the moment when the Lord is coming, and free your hands, your mind and your walking, and test the time of the Lord’s coming, take this test always to get used to it and that the Lord may see that you understand and that you work like that as then when it would be to respond to His calling and to remain with the Lord so that you may not left behind, brothers, for behold how you stay away from prayer, from attending the table and you stay away because of your business and you do not get used to be ready under the flag at the sound of the Lord’s trumpet.


Oh, sons from the Lord’s city, from the Mountain of the Lord, bring praise and honor to the

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