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The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Great Apostasy, by James E. Talmage

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Title: The Great Apostasy Considered in the Light of Scriptural and Secular History

Author: James E. Talmage

Release Date: March 7, 2011 [EBook #35514]

Language: English


Produced by the Mormon Texts Project, Volunteers: Benjamin Bytheway, Jean-Michel Carter, Byron Clark, Ben Crowder, Meridith Crowder, Tom DeForest, Eric Heaps.


D. Sc. D., Ph. D., F. R. S. E.

Press of Zion's Printing and Publishing Company
Independence, Jackson County, Missouri.

Published by the Missions of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day
Saints in America

BUREAU OF INFORMATION—Temple Block, Salt Lake City, Utah.
CALIFORNIA MISSION—153 W. Adams St., Los Angeles, Calif.
CANADIAN MISSION—36 Ferndale Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
CENTRAL STATES MISSION—302 S. Pleasant St., Independence, Mo.
EASTERN STATES MISSION—273 Gates Ave., Brooklyn, N. Y.
HAWAIIAN MISSION—P. O. Box 3228, Honolulu, Hawaii.
MEXICAN MISSION—3531 Fort Blvd., El Paso, Texas, U. S. A.
NORTHERN STATES MISSION—2555 N. Sawyer Ave., Chicago, Ill.
NORTHCENTRAL STATES MISSION—2725 3d Ave.S., Minneapolis, Minn.
NORTHWESTERN STATES MISSION—264 East 25th St., Portland, Ore.
SOUTHERN STATES MISSION—371 E. North Ave., Atlanta. Ga.
WESTERN STATES MISSION—538 East 7th Ave., Denver, Colo.


The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints proclaims the restoration of the Gospel and the re-establishment of the Church as of old, in this, the Dispensation of the Fulness of Times. Such restoration and re-establishment, with the modern bestowal of the Holy Priesthood, would be unnecessary and indeed impossible had the Church of Christ continued among men with unbroken succession of Priesthood and power, since the "meridian of time."

The restored Church affirms that a general apostasy developed during and after the apostolic period, and that the primitive Church lost its power, authority, and graces as a divine institution, and degenerated into an earthly organization only. The significance and importance of the great apostasy, as a condition precedent to the re-establishment of the Church in modern times, is obvious. If the alleged apostasy of the primitive Church was not a reality, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is not the divine institution its name proclaims.

The evidence of the decline and final extinction of the primitive Church among men is found in scriptural record and in secular history. In the following pages the author has undertaken to present a summary of the most important of these evidences. In so doing he has drawn liberally from many sources of information, with due acknowledgment of all citations. This little work has been written in the hope that it may prove of service to our missionary elders in the field, to classes and quorum organizations engaged in the study of theological subjects at home, and to earnest investigators of the teachings and claims of the restored Church of Jesus Christ.

Salt Lake City, Utah, JAMES E. TALMAGE.
    November 1, 1909.


The first edition of "The Great Apostasy" was issued by the Deseret News, Salt Lake City, in November, 1909, and comprised ten thousand copies. The author has learned, with a pleasure that is perhaps pardonable, of the favorable reception accorded the little work by the missionary elders of the Church, and by the people among whom these devoted servants are called to labor. The present issue of twenty thousand copies constitutes the second edition, and is published primarily for use in the missionary field. The text of the second edition is practically identical with that of the first.

Salt Lake City, Utah, JAMES E. TALMAGE.
    February, 1910.


Introduction: The Establishment of the Church of Christ.

  Conditions at beginning of Christian era.—Religious systems,
  Jewish, Pagan, and Samaritan.—Jewish sects and parties.—Law of
  Moses fulfilled and superseded.—Apostles chosen and ordained.—
  Apostolic administration.—The Church established on the western
  hemisphere.—The "meridian of time."


The Apostasy Predicted.

The Church has not continued in unbroken succession.—Divine fore-knowledge.—The divine purposes not thwarted.—Apostasy from the Church compared with the apostasy of the Church.—Specific predictions concerning the apostasy.—The Law of Moses a temporary measure.—Isaiah's fateful prophecy.—Predictions by Jesus Christ.—By Paul.—By Peter.—By Jude.—By John the Revelator.— Apostasy on the western hemisphere predicted.


Early Stages of the Apostasy.

The apostasy recognized in apostolic age.—Testimony of Paul.—"Mystery of iniquity."—Summary of Paul's utterances concerning early apostasy.—Testimony of Jude.—Of John the Revelator.—Messages to the churches of Asia.—Nicolaitanes denounced.—Testimonies of Hegesippus.—Early schisms in the Church.—Declension of the Church before close of first century.—Apostasy on the western hemisphere.—Destruction of Nephite nation by the Lamanites.


Causes of the Apostasy.—External Causes Considered.

Causes of the apostasy, external and internal.—Persecution as an external cause.—Judaism and Paganism arrayed against the Church.—Judaistic persecution.—Predictions of Judaistic opposition.—Fulfillment of the same.—Destruction of Jerusalem.


Causes of the Apostasy.—External Causes, Continued.

Pagan persecution.—Roman opposition to Christianity, explanation of.—Number of persecutions by the Romans.—Persecution under Nero.—Under Domitian.—Under Trajan.—Under Marcus Aurelius.—Later persecutions.—Persecutions under Diocletian.—Extent of the Diocletian persecution.—Diocletian boast that Christianity was extinct.—The Church taken under state protection by Constantine the Great.


Causes of the Apostasy.—Internal Causes.

Diverse effect of persecution.—Imprudent zeal of some.—Return to idolatry by others.—"Libels" attesting individual apostasy.—Sad condition of the Church in third century.—Testimony as to conditions of apostasy at this period.—Decline of the Church antedates the conversion of Constantine.—Departure from Christianity.—Specific causes of the growing apostasy.


Internal Causes.—Continued.

First specific cause: "The corrupting of the simple principles of the gospel by the admixture of the so-called philosophic systems of the times."—Judaistic perversions.—Admixture of Gnosticism with Christianity.—Gnosticism unsatisfying.—New platonics.—Doctrine of the Logos.—"The World."—Sibellianism.—Arianism.—The Council of Nice and its denunciation of Arianism.—The Nicene Creed.—The Creed of Athanasius.—Perverted view of life.—Disregard for truth.


Internal Causes.—Continued.

Second specific cause: "Unauthorized additions to the ceremonies of the Church, and the introduction of vital changes in essential ordinances."—Simplicity of early form of worship ridiculed.— Formalism and superstition increase.—Adoration of images, etc.— Changes in baptismal ordinance.—Time of its administration restricted.—Ministrations of the exorcist introduced.—Immersion substituted by sprinkling.—Infant baptism introduced.—Changes in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper.—Fallacy of transubstantiation.—Adoration of the "host."—Proof of apostate condition of the Church.


Internal Causes.—Continued.

Third specific cause: "Unauthorized changes in church organization and government."—Early form of church government.—Equality of the bishops.—Origin of synods or church councils.—Bishops of Rome claimed supremacy.—Title of Pope assumed.—Secular authority asserted by the Pope.—Indulgences or pardons.—Infamous doctrine of supererogation.—The traffic in indulgences.—Tetzel the papal agent.—Copy of an indulgence.—The sin of blasphemy.— Scripture-reading forbidden to the people.—Draper's arraignment of the papacy.


Results of the Apostasy.—Its Sequel.

Revolts against the Church of Rome.—John Wickliffe in England.— John Huss and Jerome of Prague.—The Reformation inaugurated.— Martin Luther, his revolt; his excommunication; his defense at Worms.—The Protestants.—Zwingle and Calvin.—The Inquisition.— Zeal of the reformers.—Rise of the Church of England.—Divine over-ruling in the events of the Reformation.—The "Mother Church" apostate.—Fallacy of assuming human origin of divine authority.— Priestly orders of Church of England declared invalid by "Mother Church."—The apostasy admitted and affirmed.—Wesley's testimony.—Declaration by Church of England.—Divine declaration of the apostasy.—The sequel.—The Revelator's vision of the Restoration.—The Church re-established in the nineteenth century.


The Great Apostasy.


**Introduction: The Establishment of the Church of Christ**.

1. A belief common to all sects and churches professing Christianity is that Jesus Christ, the Savior and Redeemer of the human race, established His Church upon the earth by personal ministration in the meridian of time. Ecclesiastical history, as distinguished from secular history, deals with the experiences of the Church from the time of its establishment. The conditions under which the Church was founded first claim our attention.

2. At the beginning of the Christian era, the Jews, in common with most other nations, were subjects of the Roman empire.—(See Note 1, end of chapter.) They were allowed a considerable degree of liberty in maintaining their religious observances and national customs generally, but their status was far from that of a free and independent people.

3. The period was one of comparative peace,—a time marked by fewer wars and less dissension than the empire had known for many years. These conditions were favorable for the mission of the Christ, and for the founding of His Church on earth.

4. The religious systems extant at the time of Christ's earthly ministry may be classified in a general way as Jewish and Pagan, with a minor system—the Samaritan—which was essentially a mixture of the other two. The children of Israel alone proclaimed the existence of the true and living God; they alone looked forward to the advent of the Messiah, whom mistakenly they awaited as a prospective conqueror coming to crush the enemies of their nation. All other nations, tongues, and peoples bowed to pagan deities, and their worship comprised naught but the sensual rites of heathen idolatry. Paganism—(See Note 2, end of chapter.) was a religion of form and ceremony, based on polytheism—a belief in the existence of a multitude of gods, which deities were subject to all the vices and passions of humanity, while distinguished by immunity from death. Morality and virtue were unknown as elements of heathen service; and the dominant idea in pagan worship was that of propitiating the gods, in the hope of averting their anger and purchasing their favor.

5. The Israelites, or Jews, as they were collectively known, thus stood apart among the nations as proud possessors of superior knowledge, with a lineage and a literature, with a priestly organization and a system of laws, that separated and distinguished them as a people at once peculiar and exclusive. While the Jews regarded their idolatrous neighbors with abhorrence and contempt, they in turn were treated with derision as fanatics and inferiors.

6. But the Jews, while thus distinguished as a people from the rest of the world, were by no means a united people; on the contrary, they were divided among themselves on matters of religious profession and practice. In the first place, there was a deadly enmity between the Jews proper and the Samaritans. These latter were a mixed people inhabiting a distinct province mostly between Judea and Galilee, largely made up of Assyrian colonists who had intermarried with the Jews. While affirming their belief in the Jehovah of the Old Testament, they practiced many rites belonging to the paganism they claimed to have forsaken, and were regarded by the Jews proper as unorthodox and reprobate.

7. Then the Jews themselves were divided into many contending sects and parties, among which the principal were the Pharisees and the Sadducees; and beside these we read of Essenes, Galileans, Herodians, etc.

8. The Jews were living under the Law of Moses, the outward observance of which was enforced by priestly rule, while the spirit of the law was very generally ignored by priest and people alike. That the Mosaic law was given as a preparation for something greater was afterward affirmed by Paul, in his epistle to the saints at Galatia: "Wherefore the law was our schoolmaster to bring us unto Christ."—(Galatians 3:24.) And the fact that a higher law was to supersede the lower is abundantly

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