» Religion » 1996.12.04 - The Word of God at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord's Mother, Lord Jesus [best selling autobiographies txt] 📗

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1996.12.04 - The Word of Got at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord's Mother

The Word of God[1] at the Feast of the Church Entrance of the Lord’s Mother

                                                                          (Translated by I.A.)



I come to you, Israel, with a day of feast. I come into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. I come and make an entrance to Verginica. She will work into her book and she will place you before Me, sons anointed in the garden. She is My trumpet, by which I became word for My second coming, and I come and I shepherd. (See selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets[2]”, r.n.)


I shepherd you, My people Israel of today, and behold, I shepherd the nations of the earth as a good shepherd, as it is written into the Scriptures that I come and I shepherd the nations with an iron staff, with the word of God. Whether they want it or not, I shepherd them like a good shepherd, as it is written into the Scriptures that I come and shepherd the nations with an iron staff. I am He, Who fulfills the Scriptures, Israel, and you are My faithful tool, and I become word at your faith; I become a shepherding staff. Amen.


Prepare your sons, Verginica. It is a feast; My mother is celebrated in heaven and in Israel on the earth. I made of you an entrance, as we have house and board; we have throne and footstool in Israel; we have a people, Verginica.


− Lord, You have sons as Your goodness has gathered from the world the sons that the Father gave them to You from the world; to have faithful sons on the earth, and to make out Your coming, Lord; and You gave joy to Your saints so that they may have house and board with You and from You to work out Your testimony and Your coming into Your saints. Your saints are alive, and those that are faithful pray to the saints so that they may be interceders before You for salvation, Lord, but Your people does Your will and the saints find their pleasure and power to fulfill the prayers of those who pray in Your people.


I pray for Your people, Lord, to give it the power to believe in You; to fill it up with the gift of the faith, Lord, so that it may be pleased to You through faith, as everything is possible for the one who believes, and You will be able to do it by the faith of this people, Lord, as behold, You become word upon word at Israel’s faith; You come as word on the earth, as it is written in the Scriptures about the Word of God, Which comes on a white horse.


Oh, faithful people, if you did not believe, it would have been hard for the man, but the man on the earth does not know the Scriptures; he does not know to read into them, as it is read heavenly in them and not humanly, not earthly, and that is why the Scripture says: «When the Son of man comes, will He find faith on the earth?» Behold Israel, today it has been about the man’s faith, about the man’s faith in the Word of God, Who comes today to you by your faith, loved people by God. That is why, you are loved by heaven and by saints and angels, faithful Israel, as God gave you the gift of faith and made you to do His will on the earth, His will before Him, to be His way for His second coming on the earth, the second time, for the redemption of the body and soul, well Israel well, as God made the man to have him forever. Amen.


The people are fallen by their wisdom, and you have the Lord as wisdom in your mind day and night, and you are happy in the Lord, and the Lord in you, as it is written: «Blessed is the man who does not sit in the counsel of the unfaithful, nor stands on the seat of the blasphemers, but his will is into God’s law, and He meditates on His law day and night, like a tree planted by the stream of water, with fruit in its season and with leaves not withered, and the unfaithful are like the dust blown by the wind, as they will not stand up in the counsel of the righteous to judge».


Sons, sons, open the Lord’s book, as the Lord passes with His saints into His book. The Lord came with me and with the saints; He came into my book and we will pass into the Lord’s book. The Lord comes with His little Mother on a day of feast over Israel. Open the gates, open the books, open to the Lord, sons! The Lord comes with His saints, and you, anointed sons, should be beautiful, beautiful children like the tree planted by the spring of life, sons; trees with fruit in its season and with leaves that do not fall down. He who falls is a haughty man. He, who begins in Israel not to believe into the Word of God, fell into the sin of haughtiness, and he falls, falls down sinning; he falls down from heaven; he falls down from God as Lucifer fell through haughtiness. The haughty man has no mind; he stops having mind anymore and is like the one who wants to be like God, and he falls like the leaf which falls down, but you, anointed sons, and you, sons from Israel, be beautiful children like the trees planted by the spring of the river of life, with fruit in its season and with leaves that do not fall down, as the rivers will clap their hands at a time and the mountains will rejoice over the Lord’s face, Who comes to judge the earth, to shepherd the nations of the earth with an iron staff. Do you hear what the prophet says? «The rivers will clap their hands and the mountains will rejoice over the face of the Lord». Sons, sons, sing to the Lord with harps and a voice of psaltery, as you are the rivers of living waters and it is written: «the rivers will clap their hands at a time».


Oh, loved children, my little trees, you are planted on both sides of the river with the living water, as it is written: «On both sides of the river was the tree of life, bearing twelve kinds of fruit, yielding its fruit every month; and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations». (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) Grow and bear fruit, fruitful sons. Bring forth rivers of living waters, bring forth the word of God, which comes as a gift from you to the healing of the people. Bring forth faith from God’s gift, as the Lord comes on the way of your faith. Your faith, Israel, is the way, which the Lord comes on, and He shepherds with an iron staff. May your faith be blessed, Israel of the word! The Lord comes into His book; He comes on a white horse and comes into the book and becomes word, as His name is the Word of God. Amen. (See the selection topic: „The white apocalyptic horse”, r.n.)




Blessed be the kingdom of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen, amen, amen. Peace to you son, son, Israel, My loved people, My white horse, the faithful son! Oh, with whom shall I speak such a word on this earth any more, well, well, Israel, My white horse, the white horse on which the Lord sits to come, as it is written in the Scriptures? Open the Scripture, Israel, so that I may come and speak to you from the Scripture: «The voice of a thunder who says: “Hallelujah! The Almighty Lord is King! Glory to Him and to His wedding, for the bride has prepared Herself; a bride with a clean and white garment, a garment of fine linen, a sanctified life. Blessed are those called to the wedding of the Lamb, for these are the words of God! And the heaven stands open and here, the Faithful and Truthful One, Who judges with justice, sits on the white horse. His eyes are as a flame of fire; His head full of crowns, and His written name no one understands but Him, The Lord, clothed in a garment sprinkled with blood, and His name is called the Word of God, and He has hosts from heaven, riding on white horses. Out of His mouth a sharp sword comes out and He strikes with it the pagans and the unfaithful ones and He shepherds them with an iron staff, and He presses on the wine press of His wrath. His name is written on His garment and His thighs: the King of kings and the Lord of lords! And an angel in the sun cries out: “Let the birds of the highest sky come to the Lord’s supper!” And the beast with the kings of the earth who are waging war against the One Who sits on a white horse and with His host, was slain with all those who carried its marks worshiping its image and they are thrown into the fire and brimstone which is burning.»


Israel, Israel, today these Scriptures are fulfilled under your own eyes, you faithful sons, as My written name no one understands it. This Scripture is true for all those written in it have been fulfilled. Amen. My name is the Word of God, (Apoc: 19/13, r.n.) as it is written in these Scriptures; and the beast and false prophet, who were lying against the truth of these Scripture, were thrown into the fire and into the burning brimstone. The Word of God is a fire which is burning, son, Israel, but with whom shall I speak such a word on earth anymore? The word of the Scripture is being fulfilled, Israel. That is why I needed you, son, Israel, for look, the Scriptures, fulfilled and proclaimed from old times, a long while ago, are speaking once again, Israel. They are written since then when the antichrist was born on earth to kill the Child Who Was being born. The Child, hidden into the manger of the faithful hearts, Was being born again in the faithful ones. The antichrist was born at the same time with Me, for it is against Me that he always has something, and he discovered himself, as he has put his name next to Mine, against My name. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast[3]”, r.n.)


Oh, you have been waited for, Israel. You are little but your mystery is too big, and that is why you have been waited for; and look, the man understands neither Me, the Word of God, nor you, the fruit of My word, the road of My coming back to the people. If I did not put the gift of faith in you to believe My coming in the word, could I have come as it is written? But I made you; I gave you birth of the word from above; I put a gift into you to believe in the One Who comes, and I have come. I have come riding on a white horse and the man of this age does not understand, the wise man of this age. The people have names of wise men, philosophers, scientists, theologians, they have names

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