» Religion » 1996.11.24 - The Word of God at the Feast of St. martyr Mina, Lord Jesus [best motivational novels .txt] 📗

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1996.11.24 - The Word of God at the Feast of St. martyr Mina

                        The Word of God[1] at the Feast of the Saint Martyr Mina[2]

                                                                          (Translated by I.A.)



I am the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Let the sons of the garden of the Word hear. Let the gatekeepers hear and open to the Lord, as the Word comes to Israel; the Word God comes to speak over the earth. The Lord comes from heaven on the earth to be with the man, as it is not good for the man to be alone, but it is good for him to be with the Lord. Amen.


Peace to you, little garden of the word, which comes from heaven, which comes with the clouds, as it is written! Peace to you, anointed sons from the garden! Stand awake before Me, for I come and work a fresh word over the earth, a word of new age. I have been pouring out the grace of My word over Romania for seven years, to start with it a new age on the earth, but Gog and Magog have opposed Me. Be awake, anointed sons, so that you may stand before the word. I become fresh word over all Romania and I tell to My trumpet to prepare you so that you may stand before My word. (See selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets[3]”, r.n.)


Oh, Verginica, here I am with you in your book. We come in to prepare the sons of My garden beautifully, as they are the messengers of heaven on the earth; they are placed on the earth during the time of today to testify about God’s voice, the word of God, the Son of God, Who comes, Verginica. Here I come; here is how I come, but is there someone on the earth to understand My coming? I am the Word; I am He, Who is; I am He, Who comes. Amen.


− Oh, You are the One Who comes with the saints, Lord, with the tens of thousands of saints, as it is written into the Scriptures, Lord. I am Your trumpet and I am in Your coming; I am in You, Lord, and You announced Me to the multitudes that I am Your trumpet, but do the multitudes know to understand Your coming with the saints? It is written that he, who believes in You, will be alive even he dies. And You believed in me, Lord, and You came to life in me, and You had been speaking from within me for twenty five years on the earth, and You called a people to You, the people that Your Father gave it to You, to have it for Your coming in the word. And You became word from me, Lord, and the sons of the word testify about Your coming in the word. I was Your tabernacle among the people, the tabernacle of Your word, and if You took me into heaven, You also came back with Me to Your people, to my people, and You speak with it and command me to become word from You as well, so that the earth may know that You have me as Your trumpet, Lord; to know that in the time of my body the heaven  joined to the new age, to the new age and the new earth that are, Lord. Your sons wait for Your promise, the new heaven and the new earth, the heaven and the earth of peace and righteousness, Your peace on the earth; Your peace, not the peace of the people.


I gather the chickens under my wings; I gather them under Your wing, to be protected by Your peace, as the people’s peace it not peace. The people do not have You within their peace; the people are full of the spirit of wisdom on the earth; the people are full of spirits; they are not poor in their spirit for the kingdom of God to have room in them, so that You may have where to bow down Your head in the man’s body, in the spirit and the soul of the man, Lord, and You are the One Who has been wondering away for seven thousand years. The people have their gods; they have their spirits; they have their own spirits, but I cleansed a people and I made him poor in the spirit, so that You may have room with Your kingdom in them, and to be, Lord, to be with the man on the earth, as it is not good for the man to be alone, alone without God, without God’s word, as You have always been speaking with the man, always, with the man who has been hearing Your voice, Lord, and You have reached to me, to Your people, who is Your son, and You speak from above him, and he listens to You, Lord, and he does Your will, the will of Your word. I gather my chickens under the wings as a hen, good Lord; I teach them to eat from Your fist; I teach them to share You, Lord, so that the nations may have light on the earth, as You are light; light and word. Amen.


Sons from the garden, stay under the hen; be the hen with the golden chickens[4]; be of gold; be golden vessels, useful to the Master; be trumpets from trumpets, as God, the Word, is being poured out, sons. The sower sows the word. Keep your little fists open to receive seed and to sow upon the earth, sons, sowers. Seed the word of God over Romania. Be awake, as the Lord is coming and is speaking in the garden for Romania. Take the Lord’s book and stay with it open before Him as the Lord becomes word into His book; (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.) He becomes word in Romania, and you will go as peace messengers in the midst of the multitudes and will sow God and God’s voice, and you also will seed the grace from above in the people.


You, Lord, have come with Your grace into the sons of the garden and made them sowers and gave them Your power, to tread on serpents and vipers, and that they may not be harmed. Oh, give Your grace to the people, Lord. Sow Yourself in the people with Your grace, as it is not good for the man to be alone, alone without God. It is not good for the Lord to be alone, alone without man. The people are idol worshippers, Lord. The people are idols for themselves, and they make a carved image for themselves and bow down to themselves, Lord. (See the selection topic: „About the graven image and the sign of the cross”, r.n.) Give the people Your grace. Make the man again; make man out of man, Lord, as You came from heaven to be with the man, to be word, as all are made by the word, by You, Words of the Father. I pray to the Father in You, Lord, as he who worships the Son, worships the Father, for the Father is in His Son. Amen.


Oh, Father of the Son, receive me from Your Son, Father, as I pray for the man, Father, Who are in the Son. I pray from the son before You, as You are in the Son, and I am in the mystery of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and I testify about it on the earth, so that the man may know about the heaven of the saints of God, as the Son of the Father became flesh, and the Father is in His Son, and the saints of the heaven worship Him. Amen.


Sons from the garden, be in the Son of the Father, as Father is in His son, sons. Worship the Father in His Son, sons of the garden of the word. Amen, amen, amen.




The Lord is coming from heaven on the earth to be with the man, as it is not good for the man to be alone; it is good to be with the Lord. The Lord comes from heaven on earth. Amen, amen, amen.


Peace to you, sons anointed in the garden of My word! Peace to you, little garden of the word! Anointed sons, welcome My word, so that I may come and work fresh word upon the earth, word of new age, manna from heaven, honey and milk from heaven on earth, bread, sons, bread from heaven as food to the multitudes, which do no longer know what bread is. I have been pouring out the grace of My word over all Romania for seven years to start with it a new age on the earth, but God and Magog have been opposing Me.


I am Who I am; I am the One Who comes. I come with a new heaven and a new earth which are. I come with the peace and justice in the work of a new heaven and a new earth, for the men’s peace is not peace. The people are full of the spirit of earthly wisdom; the people are full of spirits; they are not poor in their spirit so that the kingdom of heaven may have room in them, for behold, I, the Lord, have been wondering since seven thousand years and I have nowhere to bow down My head, but I have cleansed a people and make it poor in his spirit, to have room with My kingdom in him and to be with the heaven on earth, for it is no good for the man to be alone, alone without God, without the word of God. I have always spoken upon the man who heard My word from heaven and I have reached this day, and I have My people, who is My son, and I have been speaking above him, and he has listened to Me and done My will, the will of My word, and I have taught him to share Me, so that the nations from the earth may have light, for I am the word and the light. Amen. I have chosen golden vessels from the sons of the church that do not mess up with the worldly affairs, vessels for God’s service, so that the Lord may enter the Jerusalem and to make Jerusalem from man, to make a church from man, a living sacrifice before God, a burning sacrifice, living, living burning in man. (See the selection topic: „The true church[5]”, r.n.)


The sower seeds the word. Sons from the garden keep your little fists open for Me to pour out and to seed over the earth, sons, sowers. Sow over Romania the word of God. Go as peace messengers into the midst of the multitudes and sow God among into the people. The people have their grace. Sow My grace in the people, so that they may understand the work of My word and that the people may eat bread from heaven, to eat My word so that I may be sown in the people with My grace, as it is not good for the man to be alone, alone without God. The people worship idols. The people are idols for themselves. The people make from themselves a carved image and worship themselves; they worship their own wills, their own conscience, as they do not love God with their mind and with their heart and with their virtue. Give them My grace to the people, sons,

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