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Revelation 18:13| souls |HUMAN LIVES |souls| souls
Revelation 18:14| soul | soul | soul | YOU
Revelation 20:4 | souls | souls | souls | souls
All the words used in the four translations [life, lives, yourself, yourselves, us, mind, minds, you, I, him, heart, heartily, everyone, persons, disciples, creatures, all, me, flesh, being, anyone, alive, and man]A have a reference to the human person, not to a no substance inter part of a person.

Psukee is used 106 times and is the only word translated soul in the New Testament (translated soul only 58 of the 106 times it is used in the King James Version) and psukee is the same word in Greek as nehphesh is in Hebrew. Both can and do die, "Lose his LIFE" Matthew 10:39. "Save a SOUL from death" James 5:20; “Will save him from death” New International Version, salvation is from death, not from Hell. "To save LIFE or to destroy it" James 4:12. In Old English, soul, like ghost and charity, might have been a good translation then, but not today. Most of the times nehphesh and psukee are translated "soul," even those who believe a person is two beings in one have to admit it is referring only to the earthly person, earthly life, or earthly being; but today the English word "soul" has come to mean an inter unseen part of a person, which will live after the person is dead. Therefore, when those who do not know this read the Bible, they are misled when psukee is translated "soul." No word in the Bible means "an immortal inter part of a person that cannot die."
• "For those who sought the Child's life [soul - psukee]" Matthew 2:20.
• "But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul [soul - psukee] and body" Matthew 10:28.
• "And he who has lost his life [soul - psukee] for My sake shall find it" Matthew 10:39, also Matthew 16:25, Mark 8:35. “Lost his soul for My sake" in King James Version. In today’s theology the only way to lose your soul is by sinning. Does this translation not make Christ be saying that if we sin and lose our soul for Him we will save our soul? This translation is both false and unacceptable.
• "And to give His life [soul - psukee] a ransom for many" Matthew 20:28.
• "To save a life [soul - psukee], or destroy it" Luke 6:9.
• "And I lay down my life [soul - psukee] for the sheep" John 10:15.
• "Men who have risked their lives [soul - psukee] for the name of our Lord Jesus Christ" Acts 15:26.
• "And they are seeking my life [soul - psukee]" Romans 11:3.
• "Will save his soul [soul - psukee] from death" James 5:20.
Which one is it, a mortal being that can die, or an immortal being that cannot die? If there were a part of a person called "immortal soul" that could not die, it is strange that both the Old Testament and the New Testament repeatedly speak of the death of this soul that cannot die.
Psukee is translated "soul" and "life" interchangeably, and sometimes in the same verse; Matthew 16:25-26 where the same word is inconsistently translated two times "soul," and two times "life" in the King James Version; but corrected in the American Standard Version and most other versions where all four times the same word is translated "life." "In exchange for his life." The parallel passage in Luke 9:25 says, "and lose or forfeit his own self" American Standard Version. "Yet lose...his very self" New International Version. "Lose...themselves" New Revised Standard Version. Human language could not be any clearer that Christ is speaking of the whole of a person, and not just some internal unseen part of a person. If the immortal soul doctrine were true, a person could not lose his soul if his soul can never die.
The immortality doctrine make the Bible contradict itself, for the Bible says repeatedly that the nehphesh [Old Testament] psukee [New Testament] can die and never says a person has a part that is called "soul" that is immortal. Christ "laid down His LIFE [psukee - life or soul] for us, and we ought to lay down our LIVES [psukee - life or soul] for the brethren" 1 John 3:16. "To give His LIFE [psukee - life or soul] a ransom for many" Matthew 20:28.
1. If the SOUL [psukee] cannot die, Christ could not have "laid down His LIFE" [psukee] or "give His LIFE" [psukee], and we could not "lay down our LIVES" [soul - psukee].
2. If the psukee [LIFE or soul] could not die, Christ did not die. He could not have been raised from the dead for He was never dead.
3. If the psukee [LIFE - soul] cannot die, God is telling us to do that which we cannot do "lay down our LIVES [soul - psukee] for the brethren." There would be no possible way to “lay down our immortal soul for the brethren.” To put soul (an immaterial, immortal, therefore deathless, something in a person) in this passage makes it nonsense.
• James 5:20 "Shall save a SOUL [psukee - life or soul] FROM DEATH" King James Version. If a person has a "SOUL" that cannot die, how can it be saved from death?
• James 5:20 "Will save HIM [psukee - life or soul] FROM DEATH" New International Version.
PSUKEE: A MORTAL BEING OR AN IMMORTAL BEING? Psukee is translated life, strength, us, he, heart, heartily, you, and mind. These all have a reference to this life and not to a soul that has no substance. How could the same word mean a mortal being some of the time and an immortal inter part of a mortal being some of the time? How would the translators know when it was one and when it was the other?
Psukee [life] is the natural life from Adam. It is the physical life common to all living creatures and is never said to be eternal. All living creatures [animals, fish, man] by natural birth have psukee [life] from birth to death. It is never coupled with the adjective eternal or everlasting. The only word that is translated soul in the New Testament is translated soul only about one-half of the times it is used. Psukee is applied to the life of animals two times in the New Testament.
1. “And there died the third part of the creatures which were in the sea, even they that had life [psukee]” [Revelation 8:9].
2. “And the second poured out his bowl into the sea; and it became blood as of a dead man; and every living soul [psukee] died, even the things that were in the sea” [Revelation 16:3].
Zoee [life] [Wigram, Page 339 - Strong's word 2227, 'Zoopoico...make alive, give life, quicken'] is a gift of life from Christ to those that believe, the life He gives only to those who are His. No one is born with it and the lost never have it. It refers the life given by Christ only to believes in all but about ten of about one hundred thirty times it is used. "The first man Adam become a living soul (psukee - living being), the last Adam became a life-giving spirit" [1 Corinthians 15:45]. All living being have psukee life, only those who are born again have zoee [life] in Christ. See Zoee life in chapter two, Life or Death.
The many words the translators used to translate "psukee" are nouns or pronouns and refer to (1) God (2) to a person (3) or to an animal, not to an immortal no subject part of God, a person or an animal. The person or animal is sometimes dying and is sometimes dead. This one word, which is a common noun, is translated into many nouns, is changed into a proper noun, and often is changed to a pronoun, then translated by many pronouns just as "nehphesh" is in the Old Testament. The different translations do not agree on when it should be changed from a common or proper noun to a pronoun.
[1] Matthew 2:20 "Arise and take the young child and his mother, and go into the land of Israel: for they are dead that sought the young child's LIFE [life-soul-psukee]." There is no doubt that they wanted to kill the child's body, not some inter part of him. No immortal "soul" in this passage.
[2-3] Matthew 6:25 "Therefore, I say unto you, be not anxious for your LIFE [life-soul-psukee], what you shall eat, or what you shall drink; nor yet for your body, what you shall put on. Is not the LIFE [life-soul-psukee] more than the food, and the body than the raiment?" It is the earthly person in the image of Adam that eats and drinks, not an immortal part of a person. A person's life is more than what he or she has to put on the body.
[4-5] Matthew 10:28 "And be not afraid of them that kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul [life-soul-psukee]: but rather fear him who is able to destroy both soul [life-soul-psukee] and body in hell [Gehenna]." See notes on this in chapter four. If psukee is an immortal soul, then God can destroy this immortal soul. There is no stronger way in which to say God can and will destroy it. He is to be feared by those of the world because He will. There would be no reason to fear Him if He could not, or if He will not destroy the Psukee - soul or life. I find it strange that one of the most used passages to prove the soul cannot be destroyed says God can destroy it. See "Matthew 10:28, Luke 12:5 God is able to destroy [Apollumi] both soul and body in Gehenna" in chapter four and "proves more than they want" also in chapter four. Not even God could destroy the soul if it is immortal and can never die for if He could, then it would not be immortal and it could die.
[6-7-8-9] Matthew 10:39 "For whosoever would save his LIFE [life-soul-psukee] shall lose it: and whosoever shall lose his LIFE [life-soul-psukee] for my sake shall find it. 26 For what shall a man be profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and forfeit his LIFE [life-soul-psukee]? Or what shall a man give in exchange for his LIFE [life-soul-psukee]?" The King James Version has the same word [psukee] translated "life" two times and "soul" two times. What made them think Christ used the same word in the same passage with two different meaning? In today's English, the meaning of "soul" and "life" are not even close to being the same.
[10-11-12-13] Mark 8:35 "For whosoever would save his LIFE [life-soul-psukee] shall lose it; and whosoever shall lose his LIFE [life-soul-psukee] for my sake and the gospel's shall save it. 36 For what does it profit a man, to gain the whole world, and forfeit his LIFE [life-soul-psukee]? 37 For what should a man give in exchange for his LIFE" [life-soul-psukee]? The life that is prolonged for a little while by denying Christ will be lost, but the life that is loss by being faithful to Christ will be saved at
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