» Religion » The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalyptic beast, Lord Jesus [readnow .txt] 📗

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Assumption, from 28-08-1993.



I am. Peace to you! The Word of God is My name, and I opened the heavens and I am coming on and on and accomplish what is written for the time in which we arrived with the ages of God.


I am the Word, children of the Word’s work. Rejoice for your names is written in this work of the days beforehand My revelation over the earth but rejoice waiting and fulfilling the work of glory in which you are situated. Rejoice and redeem the time, My loved ones, for it is the time to start to judge and wage war for righteousness, as truth and faith is written on My name and no one understands My name. My name is the Word of God and no one understands My name. My name is My word and it is a sharp sword, and I am coming to strike with it those who do not understand My name and the pagan ones in faith and living, and I am coming to stand at the helm with My word, for this is the staff with which I will stand ministering and reigning over kings and over lords and over wise people, and I will destroy with this staff the mighty men and the captains and kings and I will crush the false prophecy from all who have worn the mark of the beast worshiping its image. I am, and I am with you, and I accompany you with My name, which is called the Word of God, for the beast has no more peace, it has no more rest, but all its servants will be given as food to the birds, as the word of God is. Be strong like mighty men, like the sons of the Word of God, children, as for you there is no other work. This is the work that you have it lowered from Me and with Me to you.

Excerpt from God’s Word over the synod from the manger of the word, from 17-10-1993.



I speak a heavenly word over the manger of My word from the middle of Romania. I am the Lord of the spirit and of the body, for your body is from My body until the fullness of heavenly time, oh, My Romania, the country of My choice! And why did My Father choose you? Oh, you were born at the same time with Me in the world. My Father made you a body, at the same time with My body He made you also a body, and then He blew over your body the spirit of life, for the first one, called by Me, (Andrew the Apostle, r.n.) came to you and Christianized you and baptized you into My name and that is why you are named the first one called from among the nations. But do your people really know this mystery? Do they believe this heavenly miracle?


You were beautifully worked out in the middle of the earth, for your land has been carrying a big mystery that you do not know, and that mystery has taught you secretly to be good and not want anything from what belongs to your neighbor, and it is only you who have fulfilled this commandment among the nations of the earth. And you preserved yourself as a bride for Me, as My Father engaged Me to you at your birth and God has indwelled in you by the Spirit, for you have not loved other gods, from your birth and to the end of the first church, which has lived with its body into your midst. And then you, from a clean and undefiled one, let yourself be deceived, and it was chosen out of you, afterwards, from right to left, and My faithful sheep remained only a few at My right, and others, wanting to divide Me in two, ripped the first shirt and took on a new shirt and a new behavior and you became from one two, My church, for in you, Romania, Father worked the last prophecy and you did not know that. And when the devil was freed to work before My coming as it is written, (1921 – the foundation of the Romanian Communist Party, r.n.) you My church, (Romanian Orthodox Church, r.n.) did not watch at that time, and sinfulness entered you and you turned your face away from your parents and from Me. And here, an incomprehensible mystery, as from a wanton woman, from a wanton church who deceived her lover, the antichrist was born, the one who caught you in sin, and since then he ravaged you on and on, and defiled the garment of your body. But your bridegroom is redeeming you and is making from your midst the means of your salvation, as you were from the very beginning within the right faith, and your Lord does not forget your first garment.


I am the One who has the keys of death and hell; I have had them since I bound the evil one to you and I gave you the key of My kingdom so that you may stay into it and not get out of it and not go to work at another master. But here, the opposing spirit was released in its time it and surrounded your town, but I am coming again as then and I will overcome for you, My church without ending. But you are foreign from the beginning and foreign is the man from the end, he is foreign from the beginning, for the one in the end has not brought himself as a sacrifice with his body and has not known the one who is killing his spirit, the one who surrounded the fortress of his body. But look, I am in your midst and you do not know the time of your visitation, which is coming with Me to you, as I started to sound the trumpets (The first apocalyptic trumpet: priest and prophet, Iosif Trifa, r.n.), (See selection topic: „The apocalyptic trumpets”, r.n.) at the same time with the releasing of the evil one, (The year of 1921: the foundation of the Communist Party in Romania, r.n.), and I have worked out My work, and I will overcome through it, for it is out of you, Romania, that I raised up an offspring and I sounded during all that red time and My Spirit was awoke in your midst. And the first church will be resurrected in you and it will be built again, for God is working and binding the end with the beginning, and the heavenly Jerusalem will be on earth. Oh, if I had not cut short the oppression of those days, (The communist period, r.n.) not a single body would stand before Me, but as for the ones with a humble spirit, I will hide them from the face of the plagues, which are over the world to try on all who live on earth. And you Romania will reign for Me, and the unclean one will be taken out of you. Wake up so that you may hear My voice and to have dinner with you, for My Father is establishing in you a heavenly wedding and a pure church, and to each one it will be given according to his deed. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-1993.



… Verily I speak that the earthly science is ready to be replaced by a heavenly science. It is ready that the dirty earth to be replaced by a clean earth. satan’s fall and his perishing with all that belongs to him is about to come.

Excerpt from God’s Word, from 10-04-1994.



… Oh, Israel, do you take after the man who lengthens the sufferance, who lengthens the evil age, who does not want the Lord to come with his kingdom without age, without ending. Look, for if you put ten teachers to show you the way and the Scripture, they do not match each other. And how comes that? And behold, the world does not wake up to see that the watchmen do not keep guard for the Lord but rather for themselves. Let the world not say that it is with Me, for it commits a greater sin if it says that. And I say again to you: it is one thing to say, a church with servants, and it is another thing to say, a church of Jesus Christ, with servants like Jesus Christ, like its teacher, Jesus Christ.

Excerpt from God’s Word, from 09-06-1994.



Oh, Christian people, I, the Lord, have worked so that I may give freedom to your faith and I have helped you so that you may be with Me today, doing My will, for if I took Verginica to heaven, I have also prepared you further, so that I may reach with you the days of your victory, to remember your steps which have walked on the secrete little paths of this village, when you came to the spring of the heavenly word. Then you would come by stealth, (In the time of the communist persecution, r.n.), and now you come singing, you and your sons, the loved people of God. You were sneaking stealthily to protect My vessel through which I was speaking with you, to protect My trumpet by which I was speaking My heavenly word to you, for the hunter of the antichrist was standing in the way to hand you over to the persecutor, to bring My tool into silence, in prison, well My people, for this way had suffered all who remained in My heavenly work. I have suffered in the man who carried My Holy Spirit in him, for Verginica was the dwelling of My Holy Spirit and the world did not know it. It was only you, My people, only you son that knew and saw what I had worked over you, and behold, you are My witness and you are with Me, beloved son, for I have passed you through a foggy time and I have brought you to the days of celebration, and behold, My word is coming down today too before you, for Verginica has the fruit in her feet, she has disciples and disciples of the disciples.

Excerpt from God’s Word at the feast of the Assumption, from 28-08-1994



The Word of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit is making out a council and a work of word over Israel.


Blessed be the council of the Lord and the work from Israel.


I give My peace to you, the ones gathered together now to the counsel with Me; you with Me and I with you, sons, for there is no more man to love Me today, and there is nobody to whom I should talk, I, the Lord.


Behold, I come with My grace to put it over you, the working sons in Israel. In the time of Israel, after the body, Moses put workers from number to number, he put many workers, he put them after the number of Israel and then, the spirit of Moses came down over the most outstanding workers, and they started to prophesy and work over Israel with the work of the Lord. During this time, I started to make Israel out of you, the one who was promised to Abraham, sons, but this time we have to work only good and in great faith in the word of God, and to be very carefully at work, for woe it is, if something of My work is spoiled during this time, for the time is running out, sons.


… King Herod, for fear of losing his throne and dominion, stood up to kill the small ones, among whom I was then too, for he found out from the Magi that I would be the King of the world, but the Black Herod did

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