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The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalyptic beast

The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast


«I saw the beast, the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to make war against the one who sat on the horse, and against his army.

But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked the signs in his sight and by which he deceived those who had received the mark of the beast and those who expressed adoration to his image. These two were thrown alive into the lake of fire that burns with sulfur.

The rest were killed with the sword of him who sat on the horse, with the sword which came forth out of his mouth. And all the birds gorged themselves with their flesh.» (Apoc. 19/19-21.)



The Word of God


Concerning the antichrist and the apocalyptic beast

(Translated by I.A.)


Take care Israel son, how you feed on My words, for they are from heaven, solid food they are. See that you do not break your teeth, son. I speak spiritually when I say so, for I see you little in understanding, but curious with your heart and that is why I told you not to eat alone but with Me, you little son, for the food is solid and you are not accustomed to being careful, always careful what kind of taste you give to it, what kind of name you give to it and how you put it in your heart, for the belly of My word, when you eat, it is in your heart, you feeble son.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of Saint Martyr Dimitrie, (Demetrius) the myrrh giver, from 08-11-1996



…Oh, My people, I was born two thousand years ago in a poor manger, in the fold of oxen in order to grow as a man, so that satan may not know that I came on earth to save the man. Herod became angry and came to kill Me, and in his blindness he killed four thousand infants. Oh, how was he to take My days when I am the Master of the days and nights, when I am the Master of life? Oh, well My children, My flowers, today I am more than then, sought after by other Herods. They are looking for Me through their servants, (Security service, through the informers from the bosom of the church, red. note.), to take My life, but what hurts Me most is that I have many Herods in My Church, among the servants of the holy altar, and these are looking for Me. The one in the past, did not find Me for My Father covered Me, but these who sit in the church, have always stabbing Me with their deeds even if I am to remain without the altar servants.

Excerpt from the Word of God, from 25-12-1955.



My sheep, My people, I call you out for My vineyard is filled with thorns and I do not have cleaners. I have cried out, I have always sought, at dawn and at the second hour, and at the third hour, and at the sixth hour and at the ninth hour and all the time.


My people be humble so that you may not miss the Lord; for look, how the ones that are puffed up, are rebelling! Humble yourself greatly as the devil is on earth, he is the antichrist and has the courage to the heaven to destroy all that he finds in his way, but the ones that are humbled he cannot move from their way.


Oh, well children, do not look after the sun so that the day may look long to you and that you still have more time for repentance and preparing, for you do not know the day or the hour when you are called. Well children, repent, for your reward is so high! Oh, if your eyes saw all of these, you would no longer eat or drink rather you would fight for life, for the highest places in the house of the Father, at which the Father is waiting each one of you, but know that you are few, few.


My sheep, I speak to you more in parables. I speak to you this way for it is only I that I know what for. Do not look back as the plowman does over his furrow. Look always straight ahead!


My sheep look what a crown I wore for you, My children, for everyone; for those who sing to Me and for those who curse Me! But they will take their reward as they worked. My scythe is broken and I have nothing to mow with. My fishing rod is broken and I have nothing to catch fish with; you understand what kind of fish. My children, I came down from heaven to earth to catch fish, I came down to multiply the fish, but look the serpents are multiplying. antichrist is fighting against Me; he wants to put out My work, my light on earth. Do you not see him? You will see him when the church will perish and when the priesthood will perish and many will call themselves wise then.


The hour is coming son, when you cannot buy or sell without a stamp, (Without the membership card of the Romanian Communist Party, r.n.) but you, My children, do not give up, for I do not forsake you. Have hope and faith for you will in no way die with hunger.


… My little children, a train is a serpent with an iron beak, which leads thousands of people on its back, in all parts of the world, full of all kinds of sins: pride, wickedness and debauchery; it leads the work of antichrist. Look that it is fulfilled what was said by the prophet, that the earth is filled with birds with an iron beak, snakes with an iron beak and turtles of iron.


Behold, today I have come down to this vessel (Virginia, through whom God speaks, r.n.) in the train station Doiceşti and I have spoken in a thunder voice and all the people have been running to see and hear, and they have been crying and saying that they have never heard something like this before. In the train there were people of the antichrist. It came to Me to destroy the train, but I thought of so many thousands of souls that were in the train and I said: “It is better for My vessel (Virginia, r.n.), to suffer for God.” She was trampled. There were perfumed people, well dressed and when they heard, they watered their shirts on them crying. Oh, how many people are, that do not know God! What a great debate the people of antichrist made! And they made papers to send My vessel to the insane hospital. But what are you saying? The pain of My vessel is so great, but I will comfort her when the prophecy is over. Now, you comfort her.



You will be prevented from grazing the grass that you know. Do you understand? I told you that I would speak in parables. You will be prevented from carrying the faith and from going to church and the drought and famine will come this year and it will be only trouble for you. There will be fruit: grapes, wheat, maze; they will be enough, but My word will no longer be, for you will be forbidden. I tell you more: leave the desires of the body. Marriage is not forbidden, but they who have so much love and determination to get to the saints, they stop. Decide for yourselves with not doubt. We do not speak about the Advent, the Lent, about the holy apostles and about the holy Mary. In a word, refrain yourselves.


Ask for the Holy Communion to be given to you every three weeks and every two weeks, for they do not want to give you more. I would give it to you every day. I called out in churches to the saints. The time has come to stop you with the hand, to stop you from worshiping God. Rejoice that the time has come near! They stopped you from worshiping God but they did not stop you from praying. Pray, for they put no limits on prayer. Pray when you go to the water, when you go to work, when you go to the fields, when you go into the forests. Praise God. Look, the priests, instead of finishing the service at twelve o’clock, they hurry to finish it earlier. Many overlook the words of the service, but do not judge, rather submit. If they slap you in the right face, turn the left one as well.


… Children, when you are judged do not get troubled for everything comes from above, from the Holy Ghost. Here is what the Verginica’s persecutor said: “If this being suffers for God, what am I going to do with my deeds which I did and I do every moment?” Who made him gentle? He was gentle with My prophet, but the commander was very harsh. When My vessel was speaking, she was hit and persecuted and the judge came and saw My vessel, Verginica, where she was closed and said sighing: “It was better for you not to be born. But I do not want to go wrong; here is what I say to you: “You will get away with this, keep your courage for you will be let free.””

Excerpt from God’s Word, from 04-05-1958.



… Children, do not be fearful as the fearful cannot enter the Kingdom of God. My Spirit, who does the work, has been on guard so that you may not be fearful. I was not fearful. The saints were not fearful. Put on the coat of faith, did you understand? Oh, even if I put My vessel into the fire, I still do not leave you until I show you, until I give you light, for the light will perish and you will be the light, My people. I tell you not to be sick of prayer. It is the time of antichrist. The antichrist works in an invisible manner; he has servants which run from man to man and tell him to leave God, the Creator of heaven and earth. Oh, My people do not forsake Me, for I will not forsake you too.


Oh, My children be strong, because now I told you who you have to fight with. Look, take the sword in your hand, as those without a sword are not strong yet, for here, the emperor had a command not touch the oil, but he broke the commandment; he touched. Do you understand?


Oh, My children, who still keep My commandments, beware so that the stamp may not be put on your hand or on your forehead (Of the party membership or of an informer of the “Security”, r.n.), for look, My little church is empty and those that come, one percent is good; the rest are dirty and filthy. But the entertainment lounges are full.


Oh, where is the world for which I was crucified, the world for which I carry the cross, for which I carry the crown of thorns? Where are the sons for whom I cried on the cross? The devil is boasting about them that they do his will. He was not crucified and did not suffer. He does harm to everyone and all love him and do his dirty will.


Oh, it hurts Me because of this earth which is full of aborted and thrown away children! All living creatures and animals that live on earth are wiser than mothers, than the parents who do these ugly, dirty and outrageous things. The family of doctors turned into butchers. Women

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