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Book online «Hell Testimonies, Mike Peralta [best book clubs .TXT] 📗». Author Mike Peralta

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we usually end each visit to Heaven. The Lord sat on His favorite rock while I joyfully sang and danced with my transformed body. Meanwhile, the hands of my earthly body were moving in rhythm to the Heavenly music.

"I still have many things to show you, My daughter," the Lord said as I moved closer to Him. "You must be patient."

This was good news to me because I knew He meant that I would get to go to Heaven with Him many more times. My heart soared with delight and rejoicing as I danced in this wonderful place of joy near the peaceful pond. I was in the presence of the Lord, in the place He had prepared for me, and I knew I had to be the happiest person who had ever lived.

On March 19 the Lord spent two hours with me, from 7 am to 9 am I shook for half an hour and then groaned in the Spirit for an additional fifteen minutes that morning. Then I heard the pleasant, compelling sound of the Lord's voice speaking to me. He took me by the hand and we went back to the beach.

My body underwent its supernatural transformation, and I found myself wearing a white robe like the one Jesus had on. We then ascended the mighty mountain along the narrow road. I noticed a large rock where we sat for a rest.

The length of time my earthly body had had to endure the manifestations preceding the Lord's visits was inordinately long, so I knew this visit would be a very special one. My mind raced with thoughts of anticipation and joy. What will the Lord show me today? Where will He take me?

Jesus broke my reverie by saying "I know you are still worried about the things I told you and showed you. I told you to stop worrying." The tone of His voice sounded angry and severe. "You do not trust My words."

I knew immediately what He meant. I was still worrying about the book, even after what He had shared with me the last time. He had told me that every detail would be carefully handled by Him, but I still felt intimidated by such an important project. I was truly overwhelmed by the magnitude of the assignment.

I began to cry tears of shame and repentance at the Lord's rebuke. I put my hands together, bowed my head and began to plead, "Please forgive me, Lord. No matter how hard I try not to worry, Lord, I still end up worrying about all this."

"From now on, Choo Nam, I want you to stop worrying. I do not want you to worry about anything. Some people will not believe you, but you don't need to worry about that. My daughter, I am simply using you for this book. It is My book and I will take care of it. 

"As I told you at the beginning, it will take a while to prepare you for this work, so do not worry. Leave everything to Me. If you worry, you are not making Me happy."

"Lord, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me."

"I know you do not know many things, but I see that you are purehearted. I know that you believe everything about Me. I've seen your obedience, and I know you fear My words.

"I want you to concentrate only on My work and nothing else. I am pleased about everything about you, My daughter. After you finish this book, I will bless you more than you ever wanted."

"Lord, the only blessing I want is for my whole family to please You more than anything in their lives."

"Because you are what you are, I chose you for this work. This is My book and My responsibility. I will take care of everything. Don't ever worry again. I always want you to be happy because you are My special daughter."

"Lord, I need Roger to help me with so much of Your work."

"Your husband is going to serve Me through you. I have many plans for both of you, so prepare your hearts to serve Me. It will all begin to happen very soon. Now I must take you back."

We walked back down from the mountain. While we walked on the sand I felt incredibly happy. It was as if a great burden had been lifted from my shoulders. Truly the Lord had shown me many new and important things-things that brought healing and freedom to my timid soul. After the Lord left me this morning, I felt like a new person. 


The Holy City

The Lord took my hand and we left the lovely valley. Next, we walked on a divided street that was the same color as the yellow brick road in The Wizard of Oz. There were white houses on both sides of the street. The island in the middle of the road was adorned with fruit trees that had been evenly placed along a clear, blue stream that was indescribably long. There were many beautiful rocks on both sides of the stream.

Then the Lord took my hand and said, "We are going up, My daughter." We lifted from the ground straight up, like a helicopter does, and then we began to fly. He took me to the same mountain where we had started this particular journey.

As we took flight, my earthly body, lying on the bed, was screaming in panic. In my transformed body, however, I was getting somewhat accustomed to the extraordinary things I experienced in Heaven. We walked back onto the narrow road and went to the white building where we always change our garments. Next, we proceeded to the quiet pond.

The minute we arrived at the pond I began to sing and dance. My heart was still flying with joy. The Lord said, "Come, Choo Nam, sit by Me."

I obeyed by taking a seat on the rock next to Him and holding His arm.

"My daughter, I showed you the river and New Jerusalem. Those houses are in Jerusalem-the Holy City. We will all live in Jerusalem when I bring My children home. I want all of my children to know that Jerusalem is ready for them.

"You saw there was no road to get into Jerusalem. Therefore, we had to fly to get there. We all will fly there soon-that is why your work is so important."

"I don't want you to miss anything I've shown you or told you," the Lord continued. "I know some people will not believe many of the things I've shown you-the doubtful and ones who don't know My Word-but I know how hard you are trying to please Me.

"After you finish this work, your life will be pure joy - far greater than what you've just experienced. You will be blessed. Whoever believes you and helps you will be blessed as well.

"You will be a surprise to all the churches, a joy to those ready and waiting for Me and sad news to those who love the world more than Me. This book will help to deliver many people who are in spiritual darkness.

"Daughter, you must not be concerned with what people think or say; just write down what I show you and tell you. I trust your obedience completely. You have always feared and believed My Word since you knew me. I notice that you have not been deliberately disobedient since you gave your heart to Me, and you always put Me first in your life. That is why I chose you as My special daughter and friend."

His words were both humbling and reassuring. They made me feel good. One thing I knew for sure-since I had become a Christian I had always endeavored to please My Lord, to put Him first in every situation and decision. He was blessing My obedience. 

"It took a long time to prepare you for this work," He said. "Now you know how special you are to Me. You said that you had given your life to Me, and I know your heart. Don't ever deviate from this commitment, Choo Nam.

"Whatever you have to give up, or lose, in your earthly life will be restored to you in Heaven. In Heaven, you will be with Me forever." 

To me, those were the most important words of all. It was this promise that kept me going, because I know how immeasurably wonderful it is to be with Him. The thrill of knowing that I would be in His presence forever was the most blessed thought of all.

"Lord, I am not that good," I cried. "It's just that I love You more than my own life. I am not happy with anyone or anything unless You are included. I feel Your control in every part of my life, and it makes me so very happy."

"Whoever permits Me to control their life will be blessed. These are My obedient children. You are My special child."

When the visit was over I pondered the many things Jesus had told me. The New Jerusalem is coming from Heaven. It is ready now. 

The Lord wants His children to enjoy eternal glory with Him. He has selected me to share all this with anyone who will listen.

Throughout the day I studied what the Scriptures have to say about the New Jerusalem. When I read the twenty-first chapter of Revelations, I realized that the apostle John had had the same experience with the Lord that I had just enjoyed. 

And he carried me away in the Spirit to a great and high mountain, and showed me the great city, the holy Jerusalem, descending out of Heaven from God, having the glory of God. And her light was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal. Revelations 21:10-11.

I was enthralled by his description of the Heavenly city, because I had seen so many of the things he wrote about. “But I saw no temple in it, for the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are its temple. And the city had no need of the sun or of the moon to shine in it, for the glory of God illuminated it, and the Lamb is its light. “Revelations 21:22-23.

I had walked in the brightness of that city. I felt I was surrounded by snow because everything was white and bright. Like John, I had noticed that there were no churches or temples in the New Jerusalem, only beautiful homes that the Lord had prepared for His children.

“Its gates shall not be shut at all by day there shall be no night there. “And they shall bring the glory and the honor of the nations into it. But there shall by no means enter it anything that defiles, or causes an abomination or a lie, but only those who are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.” Revelations 21:25-27.

This is what Jesus had been telling me-Heaven is reserved for those who will obey. Only the pure in heart will be able to enter and live there.

I continued my reading, into chapter 22, and I was truly taken aback by this confirmation of the reality of Heaven that I had experienced. 

“And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. In the middle of its street, and on either side of the river, was the tree of life, which bore twelve fruits, each tree yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.” Revelations 22:1-2.

I had tasted the water of that river, and I had walked down the streets. I had seen the trees and had even tasted the fruit of some. “The message that Jesus gave to John was the same as the one He gave to me. This is the message that the Lord wants me to share with everyone who will listen "Behold, I am coming quickly! blessed
is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book." Revelations 22:7.

The Lord is just, and He wants everyone to know "Behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work. I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last." Revelations 22:12- 13 .

On this particular morning, the 25th of April, the Lord seemed more light-hearted than usual and very talkative. His words and actions made me laugh a great deal, and He was laughing too. It was such a joyous time. In many ways He seemed almost like a regular person instead of almighty God. He was certainly enjoying the current moment with me.

After a while, however, the tone of our meeting grew more serious.

"Daughter, I thank you for making yourself available to do this work," He said. "The most important thing to Me is that

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