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1. “Once Saved Always Saved” Is Not Biblical

2. We Are Required To Warn

3. Doubting God’s Word Is Fatal To The Soul

4. The Fear of The Lord

5. The Judgment For A “Believer” Deliberately Persisting In Sin Is Hell

6. Torments In Hell For Backsliders Are Worse Than For Unbelievers

7. Names CAN Be Erased From The Lamb’s Book Of Life

8. Hell, Lust, and Pornography

9. Come Back To The Father With All Your Heart

10. How To Overcome Sin


 Backsliding to Hell


A Message To Those Who Keep On Sinning.



"Should You Not Fear Me?" Declares The LORD.

"Should You Not Tremble In My Presence?"

- Jeremiah 5:22


God is to be greatly feared. The gospel is not a soft, shallow thing. It is a solemn matter which has to do with time and eternity, life and death, eternal mercy and eternal judgment, salvation and damnation, Heaven and Hell.

Jesus said to His friends, His disciples,: "To you My friends I say: Do not be afraid of those who kill the body and after that can do no more. I will tell you Whom to fear; fear Him who, after He has killed, has the power to cast into Hell. Yes, I tell you, fear Him." - Luke 12:4-5.

If His disciples were already secure in Him why did Jesus give them this warning? I suppose you can assume that Jesus was just being polite when He used the term “My friends.” But Jesus was and always is, very careful with His choice of words. In fact in John 15:14-15 Jesus reserves the term “friends” to those who are obedient and have been discipled extensively by Him., Considering that Jesus, when He was on earth, taught and gave this warning to His original disciples face to face, how much more should we take this as a very serious warning from Jesus. For Jesus never speaks idle or inaccurate words.

The “Once Saved Always Saved” doctrinal controversy has been around for many years. I will not go into its history. That is not the intent of this book. The intent of this book is to make an appeal to you, who in the past, truly repented and received Jesus as your Lord and Savior, but with time have now gone back into a sinful lifestyle. 

To those who are back into the mire of sin, I wish I could get across to you the extreme and eternal danger you are in. As I write this I am in tears about you and all the other people who are being damned to an eternity in Hell because of the “Once Saved Always Saved” doctrine. I realize you are currently in your sins because you don’t believe this way. But I hope you read all of this book before you pass judgment on what I have to say. Again the purpose here is not to win an argument but rather to help you understand and turn away from sin. Perhaps you have not thought about it much, but your sin, even your secret sins, has repercussions on those who have never known Christ - especially your family and friends. They see your sinful life and so are kept out of God’s kingdom by your sin. Many of those people will be damned eternally in Hell because of your sinful life. If your life is to be light, but your light is darkness, how great is that darkness. Matthew 6:23.


Once Saved Always Saved:

A Doctrine That Damns People To Hell.


In spite of very strong Scriptures against it, the claim of the “Once Saved Always Saved” doctrine is the belief that: “Once saved by an initial commitment to Jesus, a person can never lose their salvation regardless of how sinful they live after their initial commitment.” By looking carefully at the Bible, and if one believes the Scriptures one will be able to see that this belief is false.

The words "Once Saved Always Saved" are not found in the Bible. Nor is there anything like them. In fact, there are many Scriptural passages that strongly oppose the “Once Saved Always Saved” concept. Hebrews 10:26-31, 2 Peter 2:20-21, Ezekiel 18:24-32, Ezekiel 33:12-13, John 15:6, Revelation 3:5, Exodus 32:30-31, Genesis 3:1-6, 1 John 2:3-4, 1 John 3:7-8, 1 John 3:10, Luke 15:11- 32, Luke 12:42-46, Titus 1:16, and many others.

I also realize there are many Scriptures that provide an assurance of salvation for those who are IN Christ Jesus. These Scriptures are also true and to be believed and cherished. Now, I hope you notice how I capitalized the word IN. For it is only those who remain IN Christ Jesus that are provided the assurance of salvation. As I will later explain, those who lose their salvation, lose it because, by their deliberate sinful lifestyle, they have separated themselves from Jesus and so can no longer be considered to be IN Christ Jesus anymore. Jesus Himself says in John 15:6 that, “If anyone does not remain IN Me, he is like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned.” Please notice here that Jesus is referring to branches that did not REMAIN IN Him and so the branches are referring to true believers that were once IN Him but who later separated from Jesus. Remember sin always separates you from God. Ever since Adam and Eve we know this. Sin indeed separates you from God. All of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation reveals this. Isaiah 59:2 expresses this very thing:

“But your iniquities have separated you from your God; your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He will not hear.” Isaiah 59:2. Notice also 1 John 2:5b-6 which states that: “This is how we know we are IN Him: Whoever claims to live IN Him must walk as Jesus did.” and 1 John 3:24a, “Those who obey His commands live IN Him, and He IN them.”

Notice also 1 John 3:10, which states that: “This is how we know who the children of God are and who the children of the devil are: Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God.”

In other words, according to the Bible, you cannot be considered to be IN Christ Jesus or a child of God if you are being disobedient and are living in a deliberate sinful lifestyle. “Anyone who does not do what is right is not a child of God.” 1 John 3:10b.

With this in mind, I pray that those who believe the “Once Saved Always Saved” doctrine will completely and carefully read this book with an open heart and an open mind. Above all, I urge every reader to check and truly believe each Scripture presented as written – and then check the context that the Scriptures are quoted in by prayerfully reading at least ten verses before and ten verses after. And please pray to God to open your eyes to see the truth about this subject. The consequences to getting this wrong are eternal. I realize that if you are in sin, that your flesh will not want to pray - for you know in your heart that you are guilty. Ask the Lord to show you the vileness and ugliness of your sins. Ask Him to impart the fear of God into your heart.

In spite of your sins, God wants you back but He cannot accept you back unless you repent, renounce and stop your sinning. If you repent, God the Father will happily and joyfully accept you back just like the story of the prodigal son. But you must repent. Remember in the prodigal son story the father was waiting patiently and compassionately for his son to return back. I am sure he probably looked out several times a day to see if his son was returning. That is why he saw his son returning even when his son was far off. Oh, how God the Father loves you and desires so greatly for you to return to Him. Why continue to hurt Him so? Please come back to Him with all your heart. If you really want to turn away from all your sins and come back to the Father please read all this book with a believing heart.

I have prayed and prayed as I was writing this book that every word and phrase be inspired from the Holy Spirit. The whole intention of this is so that you are reconciled back to the Father and you will be blessed again with the joy of His salvation. The same joy you felt when you first came to Christ. If you believe, you will be able to repent and overcome all sin and then you will truly have an assurance in your heart because you will truly sense God’s presence in your life again. Remember, “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” Matthew 5:8. I know sin has had a very destructive way in you with respect to your walk with God. You don’t sense Him any more. You don’t have His presence anymore. The reason is, because your sin has separated you from your God, Isaiah 59:2. Your sin has grieved the Holy Spirit. I know the Holy Spirit has spoken to you, telling you: “I love you, return back to Me, as My child. Let go of your sins.” His voice is so soft. He will not force you to repent, for He has given you a free will. 


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