» Religion » BACKSLIDING TO HELL, Mike Peralta [13 ebook reader txt] 📗

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celebrate the returning of his son. That is love which forgives and truly forgets all sins. If the physical father showed that great love toward his sinful son, how much greater is God's love toward the prodigal ones who sincerely turn back to Him. In spite of the sins of the backslider - which fully deserve eternal punishment in Hell - God will immediately forgive the truly repentant just as He promises and so longs to do.

God has compassion upon them and desires so intensely to free them from their slavery? He is the One Who said, "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. I am not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Matthew 9:12-13.

The father experienced all these feelings for his son, but how did the son act toward his father? While the son was in the far off country, he promised himself to apologize to his father, saying, "Father, I have sinned against Heaven and before thee and am no worthy to be called your son, make me as one of your hired servants.", Luke 15:18-19, However, it happened that when he met his father, he uttered those words but the father did not let him say the last sentence which is, "Make me as one of your hired servants." This behavior on the part of the father has a very important significance in our relationship with God. When we sincerely repent, God reinstates us as sons. Jesus paid with His Holy Blood as price for this sonship. "For as much as ye know that ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold from your vain conversation, received by tradition from your fathers. But with the precious blood of Christ as of a lamb without blemish and without spot.", 1 Peter 1:18-19, The expression "Our Father" is a beautiful one which the Lord rejoices in hearing. That is why He asked His disciples to use it. "When you pray, say, 'Our Father, Who art in Heaven.'" Luke 11:2.

In this parable, what happened after the lost son apologized and repented? The father ordered his servants to "Bring forth the best robe and put it on him and put a ring on his hand and shoes on his feet. And bring hither the fatted calf and kill it and let us be merry. For this my son was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found." Luke 15:22-24.

The son became naked by sinning and the father put clothes on him - the best robe He had. This is what repentance does, it puts robes of righteousness on the sinner. Robes that were bought by the precious Blood of Jesus. We might wonder and ask ourselves, Doesn't the older son, who spent his life obeying his father, deserve all that? But this is the compassion of the father, for the father pities the sick son more than the rest of his brothers. Also, the Heavenly Father pities the spiritually sick more than the ninety-nine who did not need a doctor.

The ring which was put on his hand is a sign of the covenant between the father and his son. He does not remember his sins anymore. All that the father cared to do was to cover his son's nakedness so that he might look like a son again, as if he had not done any evil. All that the son offered his father was his heartfelt repentance and a true willingness to obey from that point on, even as a servant. But the father rewarded him with all his blessings. Likewise in our relationship with our Heavenly Father, we need only offer Him our sincere repentance and a true willingness to obey from that point on, and He will accept us and give us of His abundant richness and spiritual gifts to re-establish the blessings that were lost by sinning.

My reader, look at God's great mercy and His love and compassion to you and His eagerness to re-establish you to salvation. Even though you have disobeyed Him and turned your back to Him, truly repent from your heart and ask God to forgive you by praying as follows:


Prayer To Repent And Come Back To Jesus:

“Lord Jesus, I realize I have turned my back to you. But now I turn back to You, Lord Jesus. Come back into my heart and forgive me of all my sins. Wash me in Your Blood, and make me clean again. I have sinned against Heaven and before You and am not worthy to be called a son. I receive You again by faith as my Lord and Savior.

I also realize that Lordship means that I commit from my heart to willingly obey You in all things. As I repent and confess my sin I know you are faithful and just to forgive me of all sin and to cleanse me from all unrighteousness. This you promise in your Word. I know I don’t deserve Your mercy but I know you are merciful to me because You are faithful to Your Word. Jesus, cover me in Your precious Blood. Lord, I commit never to profane your Blood ever again. And I know in your strength that I can overcome. Lord, I no longer want to sin against you.

Thank you Jesus for forgiving me.”




 The best sermons that I know of that will help you overcome sin and temptation are the temptation sermons by Keith Moore.

Click on “Free Downloads/Word Supply”

Enter Search Phrase:  temptation

They are the most practical and effective teachings that I know of that will actually help you to overcome all sin. I greatly urge you to keep listening to these sermons over and over and over again until you have completely overcome all sin. At the same time keep asking God to create in you a clean heart. Remember your eternal life is at stake.

These sermons can also be freely downloaded as MP3 files from: 00.mp3 06.mp3 07.mp3 08.mp3 09.mp3




Mike Peralta was born in Phoenix, Arizona. He received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior in 1979. He is a graduate of the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. He has worked in the Electronic and Semiconductor Industry since 1982. He is currently working as a Semiconductor Device Modeling Engineer in Phoenix, Arizona.

His email is at:

His website is at:

This website has many testimonies of Hell and of the very soon rapture of the true saints.



Other Books By Mike Peralta:

Hell Testimonies

This book (434 pages) has many revelations of Hell that God has given to various people around the world. These messages should be taken very seriously. There are many, many people in Hell right now that thought they were right with God but they found out at the moment of their death that they were not, because of sin and disobedience in their lives, and then they found themselves in Hell. Because of this it is eternally vital that you read these testimonies of Hell and to repent of any and all sins.

Keep A Look Out For Soon To Be Published Books. Look at and

Time is very short and I am endeavoring to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit about what books to publish.

Keep getting closer and closer to Jesus, keep reading His Word, and keep obeying all His commandments written and spoken.


Publication Date: 01-13-2016

All Rights Reserved

I dedicate this book to the Holy Spirit. He is the One who reveals all truth from God the Father and Jesus Christ. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to acknowledge the Holy Spirit who I requested to guide me in the writing of this book. ABOUT THE AUTHOR Mike Peralta was born in Phoenix, Arizona. He received Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior in 1979. He is a graduate of the University of Arizona in Tucson, Arizona. He has worked in the Electronic and Semiconductor Industry since 1982. He is currently working as a Semiconductor Device Modeling Engineer in Phoenix, Arizona. His email is at: His website is at: This website has many testimonies of Hell and of the very soon rapture of the true saints. Other Books By Mike Peralta: Hell Testimonies, Hell Lust and Porn, Tithe Still Applies, Forgive or Hell, Tithe or Hell Keep getting closer and closer to Jesus, keep reading His Word, and keep obeying all His commandments written and spoken.

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