» Religion » BACKSLIDING TO HELL, Mike Peralta [13 ebook reader txt] 📗

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to me, “I am going to introduce you to some people, and I will let you see them as though they were already living in their future. What I am telling you is this: I will allow you to see and talk to certain people in this very room, all of whom are dead, yet are very much alive on Earth!”

There were many people in this room, and some of them I recognized as preachers! I was shocked to see one preacher in particular that I knew. He was my friend when he was alive on Earth! He did not see me, but I saw him. There were many other people I saw that I knew could not possibly be dead, yet I saw them in the Room of the Future Dead, in Hell. I saw people who I thought would never be there and the ones that I thought would go to Hell, I did not see.

Immediately, I could see through the wall. It appeared as if I were watching a television screen. I saw a jail cell, with rusty black iron bars. The bars ran up from the dirt ceiling and down to the dirt floor. It was a very small cell, and inside, lying on the dirt floor was my brother Randy. I remember him distinctly. I said to the Lord GodJesus, “I know who that is! That is my oldest brother, Randy!” Then the Lord God-Jesus said to me. “I have brought you here to Hell this hour so that you can see his future. So that you can go back to the Earth and tell him to change and repent from his lukewarm and sinful-Christian lifestyle. If he doesn’t repent, he will be here in Hell. Tell him that I know about the many unconfessed and unrepented acts of sin he has committed, and the hurt and pain he has caused his family. I know of his arrogance, I know of his pride and I also know about the pain and hurt that is in his heart.”

Immediately I saw two more jail cells that contained my brothers, Michael and Bernard. Jesus gave me the same message for both of them. I asked the Lord God-Jesus, “Where is my brother Tony?” The Lord God-Jesus answered and said, “The demonic spirit named the Prince of Hell assigned demonic creatures to take him as well as your other brothers to their assigned jail cells, where they shall receive their temporary punishments of torment for their unconfessed and unrepented sins. Then on the Final Day of Judgment, I will command that the Prince of Hell release them from their jail cells, and they will be judged for their lukewarm and backslidden-Christian lifestyle. Then they shall be cast into the Lake of Fire, which is the Second Death.”

After hearing the Lord God-Jesus say this, I cried bitterly. Then He said, “There is nothing that I can do about it that I haven’t already done, but there is something that you can do about it! Go back to the Earth and warn your brothers before it is too late! If they repent, I will have mercy upon them, forgive them and cleanse them from all unrighteousness, but if they don’t, great will be their punishment in the Outer Darkness of Hell.”

Then the Lord God-Jesus said to me, “Come!” We continued to walk through the Room of the Future Dead. He said,” I brought you into this room because I knew that you would appreciate it.” The Lord God-Jesus told me to turn around and look. There, sitting approximately five feet before me was a black wooden chair. Sitting on the chair was a image of a person with their back turned toward me. I stared at the image and I knew instantly who it was. I walked over to the chair and looked into the face of that person. Recognizing that it was my best friend, Richard, I yelled at the top of my voice in complete horror, “Richard, what are you doing in this terrible place?!” His response was silence. I put my hand on his shoulders and said, “Talk to me, Richard! What’s wrong?” He gave no response, except for his cold, transfixed stare at nothing. I continued to ask him over and over again, “What’s wrong? Talk to me!” Still, I received no response but silence. Just then, an eerie feeling came over me. It was as though I could feel his emotions, and those I perceived were that of rage and hate. I noticed that now, when I looked into his face, his countenance changed.

In thought I said, “This doesn’t look like the Richard I know.” He did not seem to be the same person that I knew back on the Earth. At one time, joy and peace radiated from his face. Now hate, bitterness and meanness dominated his facial expression - even his eyes. I became frightened.

Just then, the Lord God-Jesus said to me, “Look, listen and learn. I have brought you here to this Room of Outer Darkness in Hell to see your friend Richard as he really is.” The Lord God-Jesus knew that I was confused at what I had just heard him say about Richard because the Richard that I had always known was loving, sensitive and compassionate. The person sitting in that chair was not him.

The Lord God-Jesus continued to say, “As I have told you before, I am the Alpha and the Omega; the beginning and the end and the first and the last. I can show anyone his or her past and future. I allowed you to see a small portion of Richard’s future. He has died and come here to Hell. While he was yet on Earth, he lived another life that you knew nothing about. He was an adulterer and he lusted in his heart for women; sexual perversion polluted his heart. He began to tell lies, and at moments of rage, profanities would issue from his mouth. I came to him on many occasions by my Spirit and convicted him of his wrongdoings. He knew that he was doing wrong, but at certain times he just stopped caring to correct himself.

Marital problems, along with other problems, began to invade his life. The more that I tried to love him and warn him, the more stubborn and rebellious he became, until one day, Satan killed him in a car wreck and brought him here to Hell. He became angry, mean and bitter about being here. Immediately, I came to him and he asked me why he was in Hell. He said to me, “I am a Christian. I am a member of the Church. I have done long work for you, Lord.” Then I said to him, “You know the reason why you are here. I have pleaded with you to repent of your sins, especially the adultery. You stopped for a while, but the lust and adultery in your heart grew worse later on. You knew and read what it says in my word about adultery.” Exodus 20:14, “Thou shall not commit adultery.” Matthew 5:27-28, “Ye have heard that it was said by them of old time, THOU SHALT NOT COMMIT ADULTERY: But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”

Then the Lord God-Jesus continued to say that Richard had told Him that he had changed, and pleaded with Him to let him out. The Lord God-Jesus explained, “I said to him, ‘I was not the cause for you to be here. I never sent you to Hell and I can’t let you out.’ ” Richard having heard that, walked away very slowly and with much anger. I began to cry, and I said to the Lord God-Jesus, “What is going to happen to him?” The Lord God-Jesus said, “Soon, evil spirits will come for him, and throw him into a cell and torment him, right up to the time of the great throne judgment.”

“Please let him out! Let him out!” I said. The Lord said to me, “I did not send him to Hell. He sent himself. Neither is it my decision to let him out. There is nothing that I can do for him that I have not already done. However, there is something that you can do. That is why I have brought you here. I want you to go back to the Earth and tell him everything that I showed you and allowed you to hear. Tell him that I love him, and I want him to repent.”

After hearing the Lord God-Jesus say that, I knew that there was a chance Richard may not die and come to Hell. I felt a little relief, but my heart was still heavy. I was depressed and frightened as we continued to journey through the Outer Darkness of Hell. In the Room of the Future Dead, I also saw many relatives of mine, but in particular I saw my dad. I called out to him, but there was no response. I tried desperately to find him, but trying to find him was like looking for a needle in a haystack. He quickly disappeared amongst the thousands of people that were in that room. I knew then that it was just a matter of time – that he would die soon. I had a chance to go back to the earth and reach him before it was too late.

- End of Hell Testimony from Dr. Roger Mills -

Knowing how prevalent the sin of lust, pornography, and masturbation is among men, and woman too, I also present the following which is a very helpful article from, Into The Light Ministries. (Free website download.)

The title of the article is:

A 12 Letter Dirty Word: Masturbation.


This article is from a single Christian males perspective, however the principles are the same for both men and women, married or not.

This is a subject that no one wants to talk about. Mainly because most of us are guilty of it and continue to be or have been guilty of it in the past.

We will cover four things that have to be established on this subject and we will cover them one at a time.

Question 1. Is masturbation a sin?

By the Word of God yes it is.

Question 2. How bad is it?

We know there are no degrees to sin. It's like a woman saying I am a little bit pregnant. She either is or she isn't. If she is that baby is going to grow. That may be a bad metaphor but if you let sin go, it will grow, and it will give birth to death not life.

Question 3. How wide spread is it?

Question 4. How do we stop, repent and turn away from it?

Is masturbation a sin and if so how bad is it? The first clue should be why would God convict you of it if it weren't sin? Why after masturbating do you feel guilty and empty?

1st Corinthians chapter six verse eighteen: "Shun immorality and all sexual looseness, flee from impurity in thought, word or deed. Any other sin which a man commits is one outside the body, but he who commits sexual immorality sins against his own body." Amplified Version.

Matthew chapter five verse twenty eight: Jesus said "But I say to you that everyone who so much as looks at a woman with evil desire, that is lust, for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart."

Guys I don't care what woman or women you are thinking about when you masturbate, if they are married or not or just made up. The fact is your thoughts are impure and the deed is too. God's Word commands us to shun and flee from these thoughts, not dwell on and use them. You may say that nice and toned down term it's just 'self-sex'. God says you are in adultery and fornication.

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