» Religion » BACKSLIDING TO HELL, Mike Peralta [13 ebook reader txt] 📗

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and I was really terrified to see someone there. I ask God to reveal who that soul was - so God gave another dream and I saw my father. His love to pornography got him there and there is nothing that I can do to help him. Now he will suffer for Eternity!

The next week luap wrote the following:

Luap.   October 12, 2010.

My father took us to church every week but I guess he did not listen to the Gospels where Jesus Christ said if we Lust after a woman we have already fornicated with her. So - pornography that my father enjoyed brought him Eternal Damnation forever. Jesus means what he says!

- End of luap's Testimony -

So we see here another illustration that, Pornography and Lust WILL send you to Hell. Remember and believe what Jesus says in Revelation 21:8 about all forms of sexual immorality also called whoremongering, including adultery, fornication which is sex outside of marriage, lust, pornography which is lust and adultery of the heart, homosexuality, bestiality (sex with animals), and all other forms of sexual immorality:


Jesus does not lie. He will render judgment precisely as He warns. He will be sad and cry for you but He will still have to send you to Hell if you persist in sin and do not repent.

In yet another testimony, Jesus gave visions of Hell and Heaven to Pastor Yong-Doo Kim from Korea, some of his relatives, and some of the people in his church. The following is some excerpts from their testimonies.

- Beginning of Pastor Kim's Testimony -

Excerpts from the Book. Baptize by Blazing Fire. by Pastor YongDoo Kim. (Free website download. Used by permission from

Pastors and Church members committing adultery

My heart aches whenever ministers make headline news and their dirty secrets are exposed on TV. I would either turn the TV off or shred the newspaper in fear of my family getting wind of it. As a minister, I am very ashamed and embarrassed. I am bewildered, I do not know what I should do. I feel as though it is me being exposed since I am also a minister. I have no desire to discuss or expose the dirty hidden secrets of the other fallen ministers. However, the Lord had pressed me to record the details in this book.

Jesus commanded that we never commit the sin of adultery. Among the countless of people going to Hell, many of them are adulterers. The Lord had reminded us, "Didn't your church members witness the adulterers tormenting in Hell? Adultery is a sin that is very difficult to repent." The Lord hates His people committing spiritual adultery but He also despises people committing physical adultery even more.

Many ministers and church members are deluded in thinking that if they just confess their sins using the name of Jesus, they are absolutely forgiven. As a result, they continue to commit the same sin, repent again and think they are covered by grace. They trample on grace and do not hesitate to commit the same adulterous sin over and over. The Lord resented their delusion. Revelation 2:21- 23. Before a person comes to Jesus, they do evil out of ignorance. Jesus is very angry that people have accepted Him as their Lord, but continue to sin repeatedly without hesitation. The Lord shouted angrily, "It will be very difficult to forgive ministers who commit adultery in secret. If they do not repent sincerely, they will end up in Hell!"

I compassionately pleaded, "Lord! They are human beings, they are flesh, therefore, they could still fall and make mistakes, right? If a person dies, he or she will not have the opportunity to repent. But while they are alive, won't they be forgiven if they repent? There are many verses in the bible that states that You will forgive, if one repents." The Lord replied, "the ministers know the scriptures very well, and yet if they commit adultery, they will be harshly judged. It will be difficult for them to be forgiven!" The Lord austerely reproved me.

I persistently pleaded to the Lord for mercy and refused to back down. I pleaded like Abraham did. "Lord! Although you are right, if you send them to Hell for their past sins without forgiveness, it would seem unfair. Among that group, there are probably some who have lead many souls to You. There are probably some ministers who are leading their church in a pleasing way. Are not some like this in the group of adulterers?" The Lord fearfully rebuked me, "As a Pastor, do you not know your scripture?" Jesus helped me remember Philippians 2:12, "continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling."

Although the Lord had rebuked me, I continued to debate and argue with Him. "My beloved Lord! But those ministers have sacrificed their whole life for you. They have spent their time on earth to serve You. Don't You think You should give them opportunities to repent? If I claim that Pastors go to Hell, who would believe me?"

There was a moment of silence and pause. The Lord then quietly and with dignity spoke. "God the Father agrees with Me. If the ministers who have committed adultery sincerely repent with fear, they shall be forgiven. But if they turn back to their wicked ways and commit the same sin after repentance, they will be mocking God! It will not matter whether they have lead small or mega ministries or have lead great or weak ministries, they will have committed the sin in which God hates the most. You will have to bear that in mind."

Then, in a vision, the Lord showed me a specific pastor who fell in love with a young sister in his church. They often met to have sexual relations. Eventually, their affair was exposed to the Pastor's wife. She was in such shock that her stress level was greatly elevated and even dangerous. The wife attempted to persuade the Pastor to repent, but he would not listen. The wife could no longer endure the pain and shock, so she became very depressed. Then, she committed suicide, a choice unbelievers make. Now she's in Hell and in great torment.

The Lord said, "Whenever I see that daughter, my heart is torn apart. How can I not send that Pastor to Hell? That Pastor is still in ministry. His repentance was not genuine. Even today, he is living a life of delusion and self deceived. His way of thinking is corrupt. No one can ever deceive me. No one can ever cover up the truth with lies!"

Blotting out names from the Book of Life

There once was a deaconess in our church. When she was living faithfully, she received many gifts from the Holy Spirit. However, the gifts were all taken back. Soon afterward, she began drinking and smoking frequently. Moreover, she would talk to a man over the telephone daily, and meet him in secret. I persistently attempted to persuade her from dating that man. I even yelled at her but she continued to see the man. God is patient with people. However, if people do not repent, they will be subject to His wrath. God showed me in a vision that He had erased her name from the book of life. When we found out, we all shook in fear.

When God gives us a chance, we must take it, no matter what. Jesus said, "That particular saint mocked God, and troubled the Holy Spirit. Therefore, if she does not mourn and sincerely repent, she will not be entering Heaven. If the judgment of the congregation members is hard, then how much more will I judge the Pastors who are committing adultery? The ministers must repent to the point of death. Currently, the ministers of today are mocking God, they say, 'these are the days of grace, and the gospel sets us free, just repent and one will be forgiven unconditionally!' These are the days one needs to be in fear more than the days of the old testament." The Lord warned us that the day is coming when we will all have to give account for our deeds.

As I write on this chapter, I am experiencing many hours of dismay and dissension. Jesus said, "Do we then nullify the law by this faith. Not at all! Rather we uphold the law." Romans 3:31. In fact, we are living our daily life within the Lord's amazing grace. However, living in His grace does not mean our sins just disappear. We are abusing God's grace if we do not repent. A daily repentant life is the fastest and shortest route to God's mercy and compassion.

- End of Pastor Kim's Testimony -

Notice in this testimony that the deaconess, at one time was a good obedient Christian. But when she backslid into sin, she caused her name to be erased from the book of life. This really should scare the Hell out of us. In Revelation 3:3-5, Jesus mentions that if one is not victorious over sin, then their names will be blotted out of the book of life.

In the bible, Jesus says: "So remember what you have received and heard; and keep it, and repent. Therefore if you do not wake up, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come to you. But you have a few people in Sardis who have not soiled their garments; and they will walk with Me in white, for they are worthy. He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels."

Because of its serious implications, let us keep looking at Revelation 3:5. For “he who overcomes - I will not erase his name from the book of life.” This is a solemn and tremendous claim. The very same finger of Christ that writes, is the very same finger that can erase, a name from the Book of Life. It is wise to take special note of the plain and solemn implication that your name will be struck out of that Book - if you deliberately keep on sinning and keep soiling your garments. The words of Jesus in Revelation 3:5, as well as Hebrews 10:26-31, and 2 Peter 2:20-21, and many others, are much too plain to be neglected or misunderstood. It is possible that your name can be struck off the rolls. Do not let unbelief or the distractions of this world blind you or deceive you from that fact. Take it into account in your daily life. It is possible for a man to "cast away his confidence", Hebrews 10:35. It is possible for him to make a shipwreck of his faith, 1 Timothy 1:19. And, if your name is not in the Lamb's Book of Life, then at the moment of your death you will be cast into eternal Hell.

Notice also how Jesus states that His grace cannot be trampled on, and that repeated sinning is mocking God and that true repentance must involve repenting to the point of death. In other words, God's grace is not a license to sin. In Jude 1:4 God's Word states: "For certain individuals whose condemnation was written about long ago have secretly slipped in among you. They are ungodly people, who pervert the grace of our God into a license for immorality and deny Jesus Christ our only Sovereign and Lord."

If we repeatedly sin over and over and only repent on the surface, even when we confess our sins, and ask for forgiveness, but then go back to sinning over and over again. Then our repentance is not genuine. And we are essentially treating God's grace as a license to sin. As seen in Pastor Kim's testimony, in these cases, Jesus is saying that this is mocking God. And as it says

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