» Religion » The Word of God about what defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him, Lord Jesus [young adult books to read .txt] 📗

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to fight against God, who speaks and fulfills. Behold, I sent you a letter. I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot, but lukewarm and say: „I am rich and I lack nothing”, but you are blind, naked and pitiful and I come to give you a golden word to be rich and dress in white garment, so that the shame of your nakedness may not be seen. I come and give you word. My word is salve for eyes, for everybody that I love, I rebuke for repentance. I stand at the door and knock, so that you may hear and I may have dinner of word with you. He who has ears let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. After that repent; if not I will soon come to you and move your lamp stand out of its place and put Mine instead. Amen.


I am the Light of the world. Amen, amen, amen. The one, who walks after Me, will not walk into the darkness. My word is the way, the truth and the life. Ask the law and the prophets. If they do not speak of this word, only then you are justified not to believe. And I will come with the tens of thousands of saints to you, people of the church, as it is written: «Behold, He comes with the clouds and with His tens of thousands of saints, and His name is called the Word of God», (Apoc: 19/13, r.n.) and the saints will testify that this word is My word. Amen.


Oh, I came to water My garden with heavenly water as the gardener comes out to search his field and work over it. I came to search My flock and to pasture it. I came to take the fruit of My vineyard, and the vinedressers want to disinherit Me and to be the masters of My vineyard.


I am the One Who made the heaven and earth and the man as well, and I am the One Who founded My church. I and not you man of the worldly church. If you do not know the One Whom you say that you serve, then who are you, man of the today’s church? I am God, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. Say who you are too, the same as I come too and say who I am, and help the faithful one to know Me and to do My will. I am the way, the truth and the life. Say who you are, man of today, who sit on the seat of Christ’s church. I am Who I am, but who are you? I am. Open for Me, so that I may know who you are and so that I may help you to be. Amen.


I am Who I am. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the fourth Sunday after Passover, of the paralytic, from 18-05-1997 (On Slideshare)



The man in the world does not listen to God and he does not like his speaking with Me, for he has many things to speak about and he does not like to speak with Me and does not listen to Me, just as Adam did not listen to what God had told him, and it was bad of him and of all human kind. However, you, sons, you should listen to Me, and you shall do whatever I tell you and ask you, for disobedience is not good. Disobedience brings forth disobedience in man if the man takes it in him. Adam listened neither in paradise nor on earth; neither in paradise and nor outside of paradise. I told him in the paradise what to eat and he did not listen to Me. I told him outside of paradise what to eat for his disobedience and he did not listen to Me then either. Behold, I also tell you: eat My word and eat of its fruits to be eternal, sons, and to be obedient to receive the reward of God’s obedience. Amen. You should take from My entire word and eat and share eternally among you, but you should not take from those of the people, so that you may not die like the men, for you have the milk of life, and I nurse you as a good father and as a good mother.


I told Adam in paradise, I told him what to eat and how to eat and he did not listen. I told him this: «Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree, which bears fruit yielding seed». (Gen. 1:29) Further, in paradise I told Adam: «Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat of it: for in the day that you eat of it you will surely die». (Gen. 2:16, 17)


Oh, sons, the day of disobedience is death. Disobedience is death, sons, for in the day when Adam ate of those that were forbidden, he came into disobedience, which is death, sons; death entered him and he hid in his own self, and when I took him out of paradise and put him on the land, I told him this: «Because you have not listened, cursed is the ground for your sake and in toil you will eat of it, for thorns and thistles will it bring forth to you; and you will eat the herb of the field, and by the sweat of your face will you eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken». (Gen. 3:16-19) And I cast him out of the paradise to work the ground out of which he was taken and made.


Adam was made of dust, and the earth recognized as its master the one that was made by God out of dust. And if Adam fell from the face of his Creator, then the ground also fell under the curse, for Adam was made out of dust. However, Adam did not obey God the second time either, for he did not listen to eat what God told him to eat, and the man ate living being. The man killed the living being and ate it and he did not listen to eat what God told him to eat when He said: «You will eat the herb of the field and by the sweat of your face will you eat bread».

Excerpt from the Word of God on the fifth Sunday after Passover, of the Samaritan, from 25-05-1997.



Behold, I leave a new word on the earth. I leave new wine and new teaching over the people: he who gives up the eating of meat and the spirit of the flesh and of the world, he who gives up the drinking from which the immorality comes in man, such a man can see what kind of wisdom, which comes from flesh and blood, is, the wisdom of the man’s nature, the wisdom that has separated the man from God. He who gives up the eating and the pagan drinking from which all evils in the man come, that one will find the spring of wisdom and will come to meet Me. Amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God, at the feast of the Saint martyr Demetrios, the myrrh streamer, from 08-11-1997.



… Oh, men, the spirits of the angels cry out to you! What do you eat? What do you drink? What does your soul eat and drink? The meat and whisky left you without any protecting little angels. Until when do you eat and drink? Oh, you have both soul and not only body. Why do you like the bread of the evil angels, the bitter bread? The evil angels exhort you to stay without God, without the angels from heaven. He who drinks whisky, that one does no longer have the protecting angel around, for drinking is debauchery. What else can the strong drinking be? It is an evil spirit, and the man, careless of soul, eats of it.


Oh, men, the evil angels, who have taken you away from God, lead you to eternal destruction. Turn back from your shameful works and leave them off forever, and the Lord will receive by your repentance. Receive the Lord’s word and come to God’s laws. The law says that you shall not have another god except the true Lord. The law says that you shall not take the name of the Lord in vain, and to remember the day when the Lord rested after He had made all things, and after He made you, man, for whom the Lord died and was resurrected. The law tells you not to kill, not to commit adultery, not to steal, not to give false testimony, not to covet your neighbor’s house. Turn back, you, those who fell off from God, and the Lord will receive by washing and by your repentance. Amen, amen, amen.


… And as for you, people faithful in the Lord, correct the one who went wrong, for his forgiveness is not enough. There are no longer apostles with heavenly power on the earth, for all love meat and drinking, sexual immorality and the unfaith for the Lord’s coming. Receive the Lord’s word, and breathe it to all the margins, for we, the angels, work through you and help you and fulfill the Lord’s word, which has been sent to you. Be holy seed on the earth, so that a new earth may spring from holy seed, and do not taste sin, for the sin took the man out of paradise. Help those who are hidden in themselves with their sin, but take care of you, at the same time, abhorring sin and pulling the man out of hell. He, who does not confess his sin, then that one needs to be shown the sin inside of him. It is not possible for one to walk in black oil and his foot not to be dirty, but the angels wipe you out, for each doctor gets dirty on his hands when breaks the festering boil in man.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the synod of the saints archangel Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-1997.



The man, who knows those that are in God’s being, comes to become haughty, for it is a sin to the man to get over God, and the one who does pass over, that one falls into the sin of debauchery, for it is written: «The Lord stands against those who are haughty and gives them over to satan», and satan means riot and shameful passions, the reward of the haughty man, so that the man may know that he cannot be God, and that he needs to repent and seek with humility after the grace of the Lord, which is for those that are subject to God.


The flesh lusts against the Spirit and it becomes lust in the flesh. The woman was flesh of the man’s flesh that was first created, and the flesh of the woman became lust for the man, as the woman lusted against Adam. If Adam did not tell the woman the word from the Lord, that is not to take from the tree of knowledge, the beautiful angel would have not heard the word told to the woman, and because he heard it, he became an evil spirit, submitting to man and not to God. The man was loved by God and he became haughty and he made wisdom in his own self, and the beautiful angel was working through the man, and the man gave him a body through a serpent. The serpent coiled around the tree and this worked out into the mind

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