» Religion » The Word of God about what defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him, Lord Jesus [young adult books to read .txt] 📗

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no longer a joy for the man, and rather is humility for the man, and is repentance for him, and joy for God, if the man remains in the state of repentance when he prays and after he prays. Amen.


− Oh, little children, I speak by My book; I speak with you so that the man may know to speak to God. How were praying to Me, Daniel or Jeremiah, or the young men from the furnace of fire? How was I praying to the Father? I was spending the night in the Mountain of Olives before crucifixion, praying with tears for the man, for he is without humility when praying to My Father; for I came after the fallen man becoming Myself a fallen man, and this should be the humility and not joy for the man.


Here is a word like a sword for those who do not know to come after Me when they want to come: he, who is humble and repented and cleanses himself in order to unite with Christ’s body, should not sin any more. You are not allowed to make of My body a member for fornication in you, oh, you people who want to come after Me and do not know how to come. Oh, you do not know because you do not have teachers that should have mercy upon you. And here I am, a Teacher coming down from heaven to save you from the body of sin and to clothe you in My body and come out to you with a little garment to put on and to be truly members of Christ. Amen, amen, amen.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Mother birthday, from 21-09-1999.



Let no Christian, among those that believe and feed on the joy of My coming, word upon earth, wonder at the persecution that is, at the wandering that struggles to lead astray those that love God. During all My preaching of two thousand years ago, the Pharisees, the scribes and the elders who killed Me on the cross, tempted Me with questions to find error in My word and then to catch Me, as they were puffed up because of their knowledge. I was going from place to place and huge multitudes were coming after Me, not in secret as now. I was healing their sufferings to reward their faith and love, but the scribes and the Pharisees, because they had not got My power to also perform My works, were murmuring saying: «Who is This, Who blasphemes?», «Who can forgive sins except God?», «Why does This eat with tax collectors and with fornicators?». But I answered them: «Most assuredly I tell you that the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering into the Kingdom of God before you, for John came in the way of the righteousness and you did not believe in him, and the tax collectors and the prostitutes believed, and you seeing, did not repent afterwards and to believe in him». The man who sins does not repent because he sins, but the one who repents, that one does no longer sins, and understands the Kingdom of the heavens, and John told the Jews: «Repent for the Kingdom of the heavens has come near!». I told them the same, and I have also told them: «the Kingdom of the heavens is like the virgins», and it was I that I caught them into the word and not they, and they were plotting My death.


The people are no longer satisfied with marriage and being given in marriage and fornication. The man would like to have a woman after the resurrection as well, as I was asked: «Whose wife will the woman of the seven brothers be for they all had her». And I told them: «You are mistaken not knowing the Scriptures, not the power of God, for in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are like God’s angels in heaven». To those that were tempting Me about the man’s separation from the woman, I answered with those that Moses told them, as I could not give them something else; however, to My disciples I answered clearly, as clear as their soul was, as they understood My speaking with the Pharisees, and they said: «Lord, if this is the case of the man with his wife, it is not expedient to marry». I answered them: «Not all the men can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given to understand», and I added this: «He, who understand, let him understand». Amen. 

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint, apostle and evangelist, John, from 09-10-1999



The word of the fast is a great mystery. It means for the man to fast from those for him and to do those of Mine. He, who feeds on bodies, (Of meat, r.n.) is flesh, and he who feeds on God, that one becomes great in his spirit and grace, overcoming the work of the body. Amen. When I created the man out of the dust, I told him to eat everything, which comes out of the ground, but he did not listen and rather wanted to eat from heaven, and he ate without obeying. That is why I say today: blessed is the man who eats in obedience of God in this time of My coming. Amen, amen, amen.


Oh, sons from the garden of listening, those who call themselves „theologians” seek to find you guilty and want to find the likeness to all kind of people who waited or wait for Me, and that are liars, since I did not come. This is what they say about you, but here is what I ask them: you who want to find guilty those that are set by Me for the waiting of My coming, why do you not wait for Me? Are you afraid that you go wrong waiting for Me? Why are you not afraid of the reward of your sins that you do again because you do not wait for Me? The one who waits for Me cleanses himself and stays waiting for Me in cleanness. Is this really that you sin? Because I do not come? But who told you that I do not come? Did I tell you? Did I tell you in the Gospel that I do not come? And if I did not tell you that I do not come, but, on the contrary, I told you to watch because I come, then where do you know from that I do not come? Do you take part in the counsel between the Father and Me so that you may know what I do and if I come or not? Oh, what name do you speak into to the people about not My coming? Oh, until when do you lead the man astray from the way of My coming? Here is how I prepare it for Me, how I pave it with living stone, with hard stones, with heavenly sons between the heaven and the earth! Oh, until when do you hide the keys of the kingdom of the heavens from the people, My endless life with the man that became a god by My grace? Here I am with those that have My grace in them, as I was well pleased to work in these days. Do you really believe that I will stay and wait for you that call each other „theologians”? Did I really wait for Anna and Caiaphas to prepare the way of My coming? Did I come through them when I came? On the contrary, I died through them when I came and then I returned from the dead against their will. Behold, this is what I have also worked today for My second coming for you want Me in heaven, and I come against your will and work as two thousand years ago with those that are not taken into consideration, you who name yourselves great and people of God.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday of the Lent, of the Holy Cross, from 02-04-2000 (On Slideshare)



Oh, man, remove the scales from your eyes to see My coming and remove the scales from your ears and hear My calling, with which I come before you with the sons of My Father, with the sons of My word, with God’s sons, wandering man. I come after you with them to receive Me from them, for I give Myself to them for you, and you should receive Me from them, for I come with the word and with the fire and you will have to choose what you will receive. Receive the word and get ready through the teaching of My word. Do not take the fire, for the fire will be for all those that commit sin and that not give up sinning, which is meant for fire. Man, receive from heaven, for I come with the paradise on earth and I have already come and set the law of the paradise with God’s sons on earth. And if you hear Me, then be careful, for there is no sin in paradise. In paradise it is eaten a heavenly food, as I taught the first created man in paradise. When I put the man in paradise, I did not say anything to him but what to eat and what not to eat for him to live and not die. Man, you should know that everything from heaven are or fall from man through eating, for the man’s body is a temple either for God or for the devil. You should also know man, that life dies in man through eating and life is the holiness, which lives forever. You should know man that the sin is stirred up in man through eating, for the man is flesh and not spirit. Oh, if the man had wanted to eat what I told him to eat at the beginning, he would have not sinned and he would have not died through eating and disobedience to the law of the paradise, but now I have brought the law of the paradise on earth, and I have always come with it to make it perfect and I want that the man may no longer be flesh and blood, for these do not inherit incorruptibility and do not inherit the paradise and the holiness of the paradise. When Adam became flesh and blood by lust, then he lost his incorruptibility, for I said to him: «If you eat from what is not to be eaten, you will surely die, you will lose the corruptibility of your body and you will lose your body». Behold, dear man, why your body perishes and goes into the ground. The body which eats something else than what I told the first created to man to eat, perishes and will no longer be, but the soul of the body cries to Me; the man’s blood cries to Me from the ground and the man is not terrified that I ask for his blood from his hand; I ask for his life, I call him into account for his life and the man cannot flee from this answer and will come into sufferance. Even the bodies in the ground, which have been waiting for their resurrection, will come to life, some to eternal life, because they loved it and worked it by waiting, and some to eternal condemnation, because they worked it in the life of their body.


Oh, do not hide man anymore, as I am in everything that I made, and you cannot hide but in Me, to save you from sin and perishing, if you want. I came to put the law of the heaven upon you, and

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