» Religion » The Word of God about what defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him, Lord Jesus [young adult books to read .txt] 📗

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soul did not feel any pain or fear of death.

Their food was always the same, and not today this and tomorrow something different. They mostly lived from milk, bread and good, ripe tree fruit. This kind of dish was their food for their body during their whole life, and to quench their thirst, fresh spring water was used.

For this reason the nerves of their body were always fed by the same good, harmless substances of the soul, and no bad, impure and therefore harmful soul substance could creep into the body. That is why those men always stayed strong and healthy, spiritually as well as physically.

Excerpt from the Great Gospel of John (Jakob Lorber) Vol. 10, Chapter 182. 



Soul and body

Say I: “Very much so; for if you eat the bread, the material bread is soon discarded from the body by the natural process, however, the germ-life is as something spiritual immediately assimilated by the soul-life and unites to its corresponding composition with it. The more material part of the life-germ which always served it as a solid base, like the water of Moses the spirit of God, becomes nourishment of the body and finally, as properly purified, goes over to the soul and serves for the development and nourishment of the soul’s organs like its limbs, its hairs, etc. and in general for the development and nourishment of all this what you from alpha to omega would find in the human body.

Excerpt from the Great Gospel of John (Jakob Lorber) Vol. 2, Chapter 218. 



Advices about nutrition.

I said: “Precisely what you just said. That which is fresh and well prepared and which goes inside through the mouth does not defile man, and will also never harm his health when taken in moderation. But man should not eat anything of the meat of suffocated animals, which is common among many gentiles, because in the blood of animals certain unfermented nature spirits are swarming which are for the physical nature of man almost like poison and will therefore also poison man’s blood, will make him sick very quickly and he will not be able to do his work.

Excerpt from the Great Gospel of John (Jakob Lorber) Vol. 10, Chapter 240. 



In earlier times, when people lived much more simply than now, there were frequently those who had so-called second sight and were completely at home in both worlds. It would be possible to reach this state easily even at the present time if our nourishment were only simpler. Our present-day complicated, refined, and wrong nourishment causes people great harm. With their food, they corrupt and stupefy their nature to such a degree that the soul, like a bird in lime, becomes entangled and stuck, and it becomes impossible for her to reach the agility and activity that would enable the soul to have the possibility of free ascent and free flight.

What kind of food did ancient and simple people eat? It consisted mostly of legumes, which were simply boiled until soft with a little salt, and never eaten while hot. Also, simple bread made from whole grains, milk, and honey was also an ancient simple nourishment on which human beings reached a ripe old age and were continuously in possession of their second sight until the last breath of their lives.

Anyone may occasionally moderately consume some wine, but not so much as to feel inebriated.

… Behold, in ancient times there were many people who lived in such a simple manner, and those who had their residence in the mountains had a particularly simple mode of life. That is why they were in possession of their second sight at all times; they had, by day and by night, a fully natural association with the spirits, and allowed themselves to be taught by them in many different subjects. The spirits showed them the effects of herbs, and also where one or another precious or base metal was hidden in the mountains. These spirits also taught them how to obtain these metals and make use of them through melting and forging for all kinds of beneficial purposes.

There was rarely a house in the mountains that did not have its very own house spirits, as in other houses where there were house servants. Especially in the mountains, many wise people existed who lived with the most secret forces of Nature; particularly, they associated with the spirits with the greatest familiarity, and these forces or spirits were at their disposal at all times.

Excerpt from Earth and Moon (Jakob Lorber) Chapter 35.



Carnal and sensual pleasures

The Lord says: “I tell you that you may be assured that most human ailments originate from their hellish inhabitants, for which they themselves have paved the way into their own flesh; many already begin the school of Hell in their youth, and these are the true children of the world. These human beings do not sense that they are accommodating foreign guests of the dirtiest kind. These spirits not only seek to place the mood and flesh of the landlord in a sensuous mode, but also work in this manner upon the soul to the extent that she begins to find pleasure in all kinds of worldly things.”

These worldly things, especially for females, are “fashion”! The charming flesh must be covered in accordance with the prevailing fashion, the hair must be curled, and the skin must be embrocated with well-scented potions. For men, there must be the ever-present hellish tobacco, and many young dandies, if they have a little money, will frequently smoke as much in one day as ten poor people spend to buy enough bread to feed themselves.

You should also know what the spiritual significance of this fashionable smoking is. These evil inhabitants make every effort to familiarize the soul, while living a physical life, with the hellish vapors and stink of tobacco. Therefore, after the soul leaves the body, she does not become aware of her stinking company immediately, nor does she sense early enough that this fine company, completely unnoticed, is leading her into the third Hell.

You may easily conclude from this why I often rallied against this highly detestable smoking of tobacco.

Excerpt from Earth and Moon (Jakob Lorber) Chapter 59.



The most important food for man

So if man wants to stay completely healthy in body and soul, from childhood he must moderately nourish himself with pure food.

Look at Me. I am also a human being for what My body is concerned, but I eat and drink always the same food and quench My thirst with pure, good and healthy wine, but always in the right measure. And what I eat and drink now before your eyes, I already ate and drank in My childhood years, as well as most of My disciples here who were almost all fishermen and lived from fish.

When they had a surplus of fish they caught, they received money, and with that they bought the necessary clothes, bread, salt and also wine which they drank in moderation with water, and ask them if one of them was ever tormented by a sickness, except the one who I do not wish to specifically indicate to you.

I say to you: if people would have stayed with the food that was indicated by the prophet Moses, the doctors with their medicines would never have had any work to do for them. But they began to stuff their body – just like the pagans in the manner of the epicures – with hundreds of different so-called delicacies and by that, after a short time, they fell into all kinds of sicknesses.

Excerpt from the Great Gospel of John (Jakob Lorber) Vol. 10, Chapter 210. 



The consequences of immorality

This is however something that is of the greatest importance in life because if white people could forsake their immorality and only have intercourse in order to awaken a fruit in the body of a virtuous woman, I tell you: There would not be a single one among you who would not at least be clairvoyant! However, as is your custom, both the man and the woman waste their best strength in their often daily secretion of life’s juices which are most refined and most closely related to the soul. There are thus no reserves which could be stored to ensure that an ever more intense light would finally build up in the soul!

This behaviour causes them to become more and more lethargic and polyp-like hedonistic beings. They are seldom capable of clear thinking and are fearful, cowardly, very materialistic, moody, capricious, selfish, envious and jealous. They only understand any spiritual matter with difficulty or not at all as their minds always drift away to the attractions of stinking flesh and they are incapable of lifting themselves to any higher spiritual level. If here and there are a few among them, who, at least during moments when the lustful thoughts of the flesh are not occupying their minds, might glance briefly upwards, then there immediately appear, like a black cloud in the sky, new sensuous thoughts to blanket the higher ground to such an extent that the soul simply forgets about it and immediately plunges back into the stinking pool of carnal desire!

... It must therefore be said to you in all truth that pimps and whores, adulterers and adulteresses and other immoral degenerates of all kinds and of both sexes will with great difficulty or not at all find a way to enter My kingdom!

If you think in your hearts that this is a little too harsh, then you should try to reform one of these men who are obsessed by the flesh! Start by drawing his attention to God’s commandments and say to him: ‘Peace be with you, the kingdom of God is nigh! Abandon your life of vice, love God above all things and your neighbour as yourself! Search for the truth and seek out the kingdom of God in the recesses of your heart. Abandon the world and its materiality, and try to bring your spirit to life within your being! Pray, search and act in accordance with God’s ordinances!’ You will have directed these words to completely deaf ears! He will laugh at you, turn his back on you and say to you: ‘Just go away, you pious fool, do not irritate me with your stupidity, otherwise you will force me to hit you in the face!’

Tell Me what else would you do to a debauched fiend like that provided you had no governmental power available to you?! If you admonish him for a second time, you can expect him to be even more offensive than the first time! What then? -

Therefore a fornicator is not just a sensuous scapegoat - in his agitated state he is also an evil person full of wild fury as well as blind and deaf to everything that is good and true in the spirit. You will more easily convert a robber than a real fornicator and adulterer.”

 (The Lord:) “Now, as lechery and fornication have taken root as a true pestilence afflicting people’s souls, that’s the end of preaching the gospel! How could one preach to deaf ears and show symbols to blind eyes? However where truth is not preached and can no longer be preached, there is no other way to strengthen and free the soul and enlighten it completely. The soul only can become active, full of love and also of light by means of the truth because there is no other source for light to diffuse the soul. It is only the light of truth from the soul that can shape the sphere of influence of external life!

Where therefore lechery and fornication are deeply rooted in a nation, the people have no sphere of influence in their lives.  They are sluggish, cowardly and indifferent and can not take pleasure in anything that will make them joyful or blissful. They no longer delight in a beauty or shape. Their character is based on the mute, animal desires

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