» Religion » The Word of God about what defiles a man, what enters or what comes out of him, Lord Jesus [young adult books to read .txt] 📗

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supposed to be their example. When I turned the fullness of My age, I gave Myself as a sacrifice, after I chose My disciples from the world and after I separated them from sin and from the spirit of the world to be like Me, because any disciple has to be like his Teacher.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Annunciation, from 07-04-2004. (On Slideshare)



Oh, sons, the man full of powers for him is lost, that is the one full of dissatisfaction in him! That one has got his soul in him and not in Me and does not have a blessed life on earth, for the one who lives in himself, does not have anyone to bless his life and its works from heaven and from earth, and he does not earn his life from Me, but only from him, and he has become a great pain for God and for those who have lived on earth before Me with a blessed life. The blessed life if the one which is blessed upon man, and I have taught you, My people, that I do not receive you if you are not blessed in all the things of your living and of your life and its works. And when I teach you, I teach every man, for every man to know and to hear that the one who wants to come after Me must deny himself and follow Me every day with his cross, with his life under the cross, the one lived in obedience, for the deed done in obedience is protected, as the cross protects the man when the man loves it and honors it and stays under its sign with his body, with his soul and with his spirit. Amen. (See the selection topic: „About the graven image and the sign of the cross”, r.n.) The man who has a blessed life on earth, that one is the one who brings it before Me, the same as I, living the life of a son, bring every moment My life and its work before My Father, and I do nothing but only what My Father gives Me to carry out and to work, to speak and to love. I said with My word from the Father that whoever does not have his body received from heaven, from above, that one cannot have in him the kingdom of God, and the kingdom of God cannot have him either.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19-08-2004. (On Slideshare)



Oh, the word of God is a great mystery that says that God made his work into male and female and called him man and then He called him life. Oh, the man separated from My happiness in him and from his happiness in Me. I was his happiness, and he was My happiness, and then he has no longer listened to the word full of life to be able to work it for himself and to keep it so that God, the Creator, may have where to bow His head for His rest. Neither the man has rest and nor God, for God and man’s rest from the beginning was spoiled, and I can hardly seek to find a man with obedience for the commandment of life, for it is the obedience that the man violated, and as a result, the life died in him, and he has been feeding with difficulty and sweat on the fruits of the earth out of which he was made, and since then he has not been resting anymore, for the rested man is the one who does not break the commandment of life and its work.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Lent, of the Orthodoxy, from 20-03-2005. (On Slideshare)



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).


The sequel of this document will soon be published, after the translation, r.n.


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                   On the same theme from other sources


Then I said that they were indeed healthy as far as their body was concerned, but not in their soul: ‘For whoever practices harlotry and fornication is very sick in his soul. Through this sin a person’s heart hardens from day to day, becomes ever more unfeeling and merciless towards its fellowmen and in the end loves nothing but itself and the object of its lust, not for the sake of the object though, but only for the sake of satisfying its lust. Such a heart then flees God’s Word which admonishes it against its evil desire and in the end even becomes hostile to those who carry the Word of God in their heart and live accordingly. Many of you suffer from this sickness and that is why I returned to you to heal you from this very bad and fatal disease. Those of you who know that they suffer from this deadly disease should entrust themselves to Me and I shall heal them.’

In truth, I tell all of you: Those who are lascivious, unchaste and fornicators shall not enter the Kingdom of God unless they have drastically changed their most wicked way of life. For see, all other sins man commits outside his body and can, therefore, rid himself of them more easily, for what takes place externally does not cause as much damage to a person as that which takes place within him. Fornication takes place within man, damages his soul and spirit and is thus the most dangerous of all evils. Therefore, shun it above all and flee it like the plague, for the appetite for sensual pleasure is Satan’s trick. Woe betide him who has allowed Satan thus to take hold of him. He will find it extremely difficult to free himself from Satan’s claws. Unspeakable suffering and pains will be his share. Do heed all this, or else the time and the days will come which you will not like at all.’

Excerpt from the Great Gospel of John (Jakob Lorber) Vol. 1, Chapter 86. 



The process of digestion in the human body

My dear friend and supreme judicial city officer, on your sharp-witted question from your mouth, I will also give you a clear and sharp-witted answer.

Look, there seems to be a clear real difference between the miracles that I perform, but basically there is none. Look, everything that you eat and take into your stomach to strengthen and enliven your body is not as dead as you think. It has 3 parts: firstly a material part that you can see and feel. And when the food is well prepared you can perceive a good taste, and already beforehand you can also inhale the nice smell with your nose. Look, this is the part that enlivens your body.

When secondly the food comes into the stomach, they are in a way cooked for a second time, and by that, 2 main elements are formed of which one of them – the biggest, to nourish the body, its limbs and muscles through the blood that comes from those 2 elements – is led to all parts of the body that need to be nourished and strengthened.

Once these 2 elements are greatly extracted in the upper stomach from what you ate, and are spread in your body, you become thirsty and you drink. By that, the food comes into the lower, little stomach that is divided into 12 parts. Here, by means of a special fermentation process, the etheric particles are separated from these little cells of the food that you took and are needed to give life to the nerves. That is why you also can call this element ‘nerve spirit’.

The extremely fine ethereal, which we will call ‘substance’, is guided by the spleen along a very hidden way to the heart, and from the heart it passes completely purified into the soul of man. And so also the soul takes of what is related to him, and by that he is nourished and strengthened in all his separate elements that correspond completely to those of the body.

This you can easily notice from the fact that the things you say and conclude are clumsy and disconnected webs of thoughts and ideas when you are hungry and thirsty, but when you first eat good, pure food and also drink pure, good wine, the things you say and conclude will in a very short time be of a much different nature. And this is because the soul is then also satiated and strengthened. If you would not take any food and drink for a long time, your thinking, speaking and concluding would be very poor.

Once the food has delivered its important part to the body, to its nerves and to its soul, the actual impure part of the matter that you took to enliven your body, is removed from the body by the 2 natural paths. However, if a person becomes a glutton in every respect and has made his belly as his idol, then the food that was taken, as well as the too much wine that was poured into the stomach, cannot be completely separated in the 2 stomachs, which I explained. By that, still many more parts, which have to enliven the body, the nerves and the soul, but which were not extracted from the food, come into the big belly and the intestines and for another part via the liver and the spleen in the urine bladder. There they will again cause fermentations out of which in the course of time will develop all kinds of sicknesses for the body, and which will make the soul lazy, dull and insensible.

However, out of those bad elements, another bad thing will often result from that. Because when the bad, still unfermented nature spirits from the atmosphere of such person will clearly notice that in his belly and his lower body already a great number of nature spirits have gathered who are related to them, they will soon penetrate the body of such person and unite themselves with those similar spirits in the body.

Once this has happened, things look already very bad for such person. Soon a number of difficult to heal or incurable diseases will seize not only his body but also his soul, and he, being made very weak and lazy in himself, cannot avoid that they pass into his sensual and suffering flesh.

To avoid that a soul becomes completely materialistic, there are no other means than the big diseases of the body itself. Such a person looses then every lust for food and tries to remove the old filth from his body by means of drugs. Here and there he will reach a kind of healing but never completely, and such person only has to be a little forgetful and he will have enlivened his former tormenting spirits again, and his second suffering condition is then usually worse than the first one.

Excerpt from the Great Gospel of John (Jakob Lorber) Vol. 10, Chapter 209. 



The causes of physical sickness

 I said: “For what concerns your question of yesterday, namely about the often long lasting and severe state of illness that precedes the death of the body, and also about the often very early dead of children, this is only allowed by Me to improve the people, but this does not mean that it was a decision that came from the almightiness of My will.

Look, the first men, who always stayed in the order and simplicity that was shown to them by My Spirit, did really not know about any sickness which precedes physical death. They mostly reached a very high age, became never sick, and they finally fell quietly asleep, and by that their

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