The Word of God about the glory of the God, Lord Jesus [thriller book recommendations .txt] 📗

- Author: Lord Jesus
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– And I am Your word, oh, My Father, and I tell them: he who listens to Me, listens to My Father, Who has sent Me, for My Father glorifies Himself in Me with His entire word, with His entire work. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19-08-2008.
I become word over the earth and I give Myself to those who seek Me with the longing of their hearts, for those who believe in Me are full of love, are full of longing, and those who do not believe in Me are those who persecute Me, are those who deny Me. I am the Lord, Jesus Christ, the Son of God, and I am the Son of the Virgin Mother, after the Father sent Me on the earth by My birth from a virgin body two thousand years ago, for her longing after God was a stairway for Me to come down on earth, to come after man. And why to come after man? Oh, I have come on the earth after man because the man’s longing calls Me to come and his sighing calls Me, because the man’s spirit spends only in sighing, but the man does not know how to perceive this sighing of his spirit. He seeks, poor of him, and he has always sought after his happiness and life and he has worked hard within his search, but the Spirit from above is far from his understanding, for he does not find what he looks for, and I come into his way and give him of My spirit, for the man has missed it and he does not know where it comes in him the longing and the sigh from his longing and his labor for life. Woe to the man who does not read in the Scriptures to see God’s works on the earth and to believe in Him, and then long for Him as his companion and then to become himself God’s companion on the earth!
Oh, My sweet mother! Oh, the reading of the Scriptures about Messiah’s coming, the man’s Savior, was sweet for you, mother! Oh, how much you had waited for Me to come on the earth and to serve Me with longing! Your love for God wanted Me and made you into a praised stairway for the coming of My angel to you with the news of My coming by My birth from your virginal body, and then you received Me and set Me then before the people either to their faith or to their denial, mother. Then I lived on earth and fulfilled all that were written to be fulfilled, and then I went to be again with the Father, that is in the glory which I had from Him before the foundation of the world and by which My Father has glorified Me on earth, for I am the Word of the Father and I am his power in the heaven above and on earth below, as it is written.
On earth, in this day, it is the feast of your coming to Me and to the Father, mother, for if I went to be again with the Father, you remained on the earth and you remained with My disciple. I was on the cross and I spoke to you about him: «Behold your son», and to him I said: «Behold your mother», and you submitted and fulfilled in that way and remained with him, and he loved you with My love in him, for his love knew Me and then served Me with great love, and behold, love serves love, and there is no other kind of service for love, because My love in man has its own companions.
Oh, My dear mother, I have set on the hearth of the Romanian people the place of My coming of word on earth, for the Father has sent Me again on earth, mother. The Father has sent Me as word on earth, (Apoc. 19:13) and He has sent Me again after man, mother. From the beginning I am the Word of the Father, and when Father wanted to lift up for salvation the people of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, a people which was in bondage in Egypt, Father made Me word upon Moses and I had spoken with the people of Israel for forty years, mother, and I had led it to the country of promise, for its sigh had reached to God and then Father sent Me to save it from under its sigh and to teach it the longing for God, the faith in God and its works, mother. Behold, this is how Father has also sent Me today as word on earth, for the end of the ages has come near, and all and everything has been waiting for the coming of the Son of Man in heaven and on earth, mother, for by My birth of your virgin body I became the Son of Man and I became the Savior of the world, for the man lives only in bondage on earth, mother. I am speaking with you before those who have come together at your feast near the place of My spring of word. The mystery of the fallow land with a treasure in it, this is the mystery of the choice of this land in order that I may come, the land of the Romanian people, mother, and Father wants to announce it as heavenly homeland, the homeland of My coming again from the Father to the man with the news of the kingdom of the heavens, with the glory of My word, which fills the earth and the heaven, but only the man’s heart he does not fill, for the man does not long for God on earth, mother. Oh, let Us speak at the spring, My mother! The heavenly armies have come here, at the spring, for you, within a feast for you, and I am the Son of God and I am your Son as well. Let us feed those who have come together again near My spring of word, for the longing has brought them here, and their faith and love need power, mother. Let us glorify Ourselves with the glory that I have had from the Father before the foundation of the world, oh, mother full of word like your Son, the Word God, for the glory of God is the word, as it was in the beginning as well, mother! Amen, amen, amen.
I am in the midst of the people with this spring of word, for the man without food from heaven on him dies; he has always died. Let the man come to learn from Me life by this word, for I have come again from the Father to the man, and I work with the glory which I have had from the Father before the foundation of the world, and this glory which I have from Him is the world of My mouth, the world which made the heaven and the earth, and which has made again a new heaven and a new earth, a new Jerusalem and a new people, as it is written into the Scriptures to work, I, the little Lamb of the Father, for those who are redeemed by Him from among people to be My kingdom on the earth.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Assumption, from 28-08-2008.
With a speech of Holy Spirit I become word and I come into My book at the end of the time and I write Myself in it to My confession, for Father has sent Me, and I testify about My work, given to Me by the Father to fulfill it as He has given it to Me, and I do not work or speak from Myself, but I take from the Father and this is how I fulfill. I work out My coming again from the Father to man and I work by the word as I worked from the beginning when God made the heaven and the earth. I was then the word of the Father, and I am the same today, for I am His Son. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, this is God’s name and in this name I come as word into My book of today. Amen.
I strengthen My entrance and the power in the gates and this is how I come in when I speak into your midst, My today’s people. Oh, get used to stay for My waiting, for I have My coming with you, that which is prophesied in the Scriptures by My own mouth two thousand years ago. Let your preparation be warm then when I come at the feasts to you with My saints, for the prayers of My saints remind Me forever of My coming of now, My coming with them, promised by God to be, as also you are promised to be and to have God into your midst and to grow it over your life for His glory on earth among people.
Oh, My people, you have to be and to live only for God’s glory. Do not forget that this is what I have meant for you. And in order for you to know how to fulfill this, become forerunner as John, My baptizer, did, for he was the one who went before My glory among people, and you have to understand like one grown by God what it means My glory that I have from the Father before the foundation of the world. I am the light of the world, I am the light and the word, and I live on earth through My church and I am in it the light of the world. Oh, become light from the light, son. Oh, turn your soul into light from light, sons, to be the forerunners of the light from the beginning, the light not created and which will comprise the world in the light with its threefold power in the last day, for it is the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, and it works through the saints form God among people and this is how it works them and this is how it is My forerunner. The fleshly tongue of the man cannot comprise the glory of My light, but the tongue of the spirit glorifies it from the inside of the one illuminated by it.
Make your soul light from light, My people, as John, My baptizer, became, for God is light and this is how He appeared. The burning bush seen by Moses on the Mount Sinai was the light from which God spoke to Moses. The pillar of fire, which had led Israel in the wilderness was the light not created by God, which became an angel of light before man. My glory on Tabor, the light from the beginning, which shined on Me when I was transfigured before My disciples, was a light like that on the Mount Sinai when God spoke to Moses. My resurrection and its light, which I showed to My disciples in an image of angel, and then the glory with which I came out before apostle Paul on the road to Damascus, this is how the light from the beginning has appeared
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