The Word of God about the glory of the God, Lord Jesus [thriller book recommendations .txt] 📗

- Author: Lord Jesus
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All My words spoken into your midst, My people, mean My light, God’s light. My word is prayer upon you, asking from Me to be the witness of My word and its life in you. Look at the men’s sons, for its teeth are weapons and arrows, and their tongue a sharp sword, as it is written, but you have to be My witness for My life in you on earth, for I have come from the Father to you, and I do not come from the world but I come to make you grow to be My light in the world as John, My forerunner, was, for he was the light which prepared My way to the people so that the people might know that the Son of God was coming and to receive Him.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the beheading of the saint John, the Baptizer, from 11-09-2008.
I, the Lord, am coming down into the book with a feast of saints, My people. No matter how weak or how wrong you may be, you are great before Me when I am able to come down into your midst with the whole word of My today’s glory, for My glory is the word, as it was in the beginning and as it is. I am glorifying Myself in the word into your midst, and your faith is God’s gift upon you, My people. If I did not give you, you would not have faith in My today’s coming to you. Behold those who have given this gift away from them! Take a look at them to see how those who lose the gift of faith are and keep away from the snake of doubt, sons, as for the one who is bitten by this serpent, his eyes, his years, his mind and his faith become corrupted and he becomes reckless of his sickness, even if his spirit sighs.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the great saint martyr, Catherine, from 08-12-2008.
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, This is One God and He proclaims Himself over the earth. Amen.
The Lord is coming down into His garden into the midst of the Romanian people. The Lord is coming with His saints and is proclaiming Himself in His descent. The Lord is descending as word over the earth, and He is coming down into His book as word of feast. I am making Myself heard at the gates, and it is opened for Me to come in with My glory to the people of My word. My glory is the word, as it also was in the beginning when I made the heaven and the earth, the visible and the invisible things, and then I made man, saying: «Let Us make man in Our image and after Our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the sky, and over the cattle, and all over the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth». (Gen. 1:26) And after the heaven and the earth were finished, and all their hosts, God saw everything that He had made, and, behold, it was very good. And on the seventh day God finished His work, which He has made, and then He rested on the seventh day from all His work, which He had done. (See also Gen. 1:31: 2:1-2) Amen.
Oh, My people, this is how I have also waited for the rest for the creation of today, which I want to finish, and then I want to rest from all My work. In the beginning, God rested after He had made man, which He made on the sixth day, and on the seventh day, God finished His work of creation and rested from it, and then He blessed and hallowed the seventh day, resting on it.
Peace to you, My people! I am into your midst as word of creation, sons. My trumpet, Verginica, (Verginica - the diminutive to her real name: Virginia, r.n.) as I, the Lord, called her on earth when I blew from her over a people which heard My word sounded by her mouth, behold, she is with Me and with the armies of saints and angels with whom I am coming down to you on the day of the feast of her coming on earth from heaven. Oh, happy is the man who believes in those that are written in the Scriptures about the whole God’s work, which was, which is and which has to be and to be done, and the one who does not look into the Scriptures to believe in their fulfillment, that one is not happy, but he is temporary instead, and everything which is temporary is sad. Oh, you will be happy, people nourished from My mouth, from My word, if you believe in it and in its fulfillment, and concerning the one who believes, that one will not be temporary, sons, but rather he will be enclosed in My glory and My glory is the word, as I have told you that it is. I embrace you within My word to be a happy child son. Oh, let yourself be enclosed in My word to be happy, as anyone who does not let himself to be comprised by it, that one is sad and this is the sign of his little faith, a faith that struggles to be. Oh, not that way, sons, for I, the Lord, said that the one who believes has nothing to lose, but he does not have to be content only with that, but he has to rejoice believing and to be happy if he does not want to lose. My confessing disciples would have lost if they had not believed happily in what they had for Me, and they would have staggered in time of sacrifice; however, they were happy by their proclamation about Me and not by faith and only that, because if faith does not work its fruit, it does not make the man happy, but rather such a man is sad.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Saint Virginia, God’s trumpet, from 14-12-2008.
I give to the Romanian people the glory of My word, which I am setting into My book with you as counsel upon man, My people, and I teach him to take and to know, for I give him and I wait for him with great love for his renewal, to his new birth, to be a new creature, a new country, clothed within the saints and angels, for the fleeting glory of the world passes away like the world and as its worldly work, but the eternal glory of the saints remains, and I, the Lord of the resurrection of all things, want you to remain, My today’s country, for the land under you is My choice from the beginning, and you still do not understand what a mystery your land has. Take your time to hear Me! Oh, take your time to talk with God! Lucifer knows you even from the beginning, and now he tries to play his book in you to fill you with his work hostile to Me, but I am coming and telling you to take note of this from Me and to come under My mantle, under My counsel so that I may protect you from the hour of temptation, for the hard temptation has come upon you, about which is written in the Scriptures that is coming, and you do not read the Scriptures and do not know them if you do not read them to understand them. Oh, you have to read in the Scriptures and do nothing else but only that what is written in them to do, for I want to overcome for you, and then for Me with you, My country.
Oh, well Lucifer, oh, oh, My angel disobedient to God, do no longer be enchanted with your enmity against Me and against My work of the renewal of the world, since you know that I am God and not you, for I am he Victor and not you. Oh, put your weapons down and come to rest for you were the most beautiful angel of the angelic armies and behold what the man’s haughtiness did to you when he came to be proud, and you served him to your fall by his fall! Oh, step aside with your work from man and make way for Me to raise the man from the dead, to give him birth again and to see what he did to God’s angels, whom he drew in the depth of his will for the glory against God’s glory, which is eternal forever and ever! Oh, come back into the heavenly glory, from which you fell through man, disobedient angel, and you will have rest from your toils! Oh, behold what it does the hiding from God in those hidden of the hidden man! I command you, in a day of Passover in heaven and on earth on the Lamb of God, take your weapons and cleanse yourself and your work on the hearth of the Romanian people, the land chosen by Me at the beginning for the glory of God in the end! Listen to Me! Behold, you have armed yourself with all your hidden works to defile this land and to seal My people on it with the seal of destruction, (The money, r.n.) with the seal opposing to God’s will. I do not let you do this. You will come to obedience from now on. Either you want it or not, I, the Lord of resurrection, the Son of the Father Sabaoth and of the mother Virgin, ask you to come in submission, I subject you under My passing power, for it is written that I would do that. Oh, be good from now on, for you are an angel and you have to know what you were before what you are now, for I remind you this. I will give birth again to man, for I have come on the earth with the new birth of the world, and you will remain without man and you will no longer be the man’s tool, and the man will no longer be your tool, and you will be without a house and will not want to leave the enmity and wickedness; however, I tell you with mercy, submit yourself under My mercy, under My love, because behold, I am the Victor, I and not you. I do not tell you in this way to prevail against you, but to make you see and wake up from your wicked work, which has worn down your sight and you hope for good for you. Behold, look to see your place if you do not want to come under My love to give you the rest without fire. Do not be without faith. I know that you believe Me but you are stubborn. I, the Lord, call you to the rest which you lost after you had no longer listened to Me, after you had hidden in man to fall together with him, serving man’s will full of haughtiness
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