» Religion » The Word of God about antichrist and the apocalyptic beast, Lord Jesus [readnow .txt] 📗

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faith, Lord. Do not cry any longer! Comfort Yourself with Your saints, for if You have a great people on earth, a people such as never been, and which Your saints protect and support on its heavenly way on earth. And the people will understand too, if those at their head will bow down to You to take life from the life of Your word, Lord. We, Your saints, are for Your joy. Do not cry, You Lord, the One Who are so good! Let us, Your saints, cry, for You are God. Do not cry any longer, Lord!


You anointed sons from heaven, give blessing from blessing, for I give blessing over you from the Lord. Let nothing damage you, nothing prevent you by the news of the kingdom of heavens on earth. I speak this fulfillment over you in the name of the Lord. I embrace you in my arms of a shepherd and I comfort you by the whistle of my word which is delivered from the Lord. I give you from those of his, so that you may also give, as the clamor of your wedding with the Lord and with His heaven it will resound louder and louder, as the bugles of the priests who were playing around the walls of Jericho until they submitted them by the song of heaven on earth. Be gentle, good and humble in your heart, be prayers towards God for man, for by your patience the multitudes will rise towards God and the dead will rise for an eternal life in the body, and those left alive who will be with the Lord, will take on them that what is not spoiled as an eternal undamaged garment. Amen. (See selection topic: “Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.)


Do not cry Lord, for You have a people in heaven and on earth and You are truly the Lord. You Who are, and all are on Your side at You word, for Your word is action when delivered, Lord, and Your saints and angels, in heaven and on earth, will fulfill Your word and its kingdom and Yours in heaven and on earth, good Lord, Bridegroom with a bride in Your Romanian country. Amen.


− Oh, your comfort is sweet, My apostle and My bishop! The voice of your little whistle is sweet, which is playing from Me, the Word of the Father, for here, I cry from heaven on earth so that the man may help Me as those in heaven are helping Me, as the people of My covenant is helping Me on earth. I come with you in Israel, oh, loved saints of heaven. Help My people to shine in the darkness over people, for the people are in the dark.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the Feast of the St. Bishop Spiridon, (Saint Spyridon, Bishop of Trimythous) from 25-12-1996.



I come as a word in your book, Verginica, My last trumpet. You dwelling is in Me. Your Word is speaking out of Me. Amen.


Oh, My measure is the word. Is there really a man on earth to understand well enough what God is and how is He perfecting his being on earth and in heaven? Oh, today there are no more people full of the Holy Spirit, so that the Lord may have what to understand with the Lord on earth and over the man. If I had remained in the body among people as I had stayed for three years and a half as a God, and not until My thirties, there would have been only war on earth, for people do not want to have God. Behold, when I let the work of My divinity on man as well, a war is being waged on earth between the good and the evil.


When I was down to you, Verginico, what lurk, what anxiety was aroused over to people, what hatred, what a war! Oh, and I did not know where to hide with you and with the people that were coming at the spring of My word, for all over the evil man was lying an ambush to give you over to torment and to scatter My people and to frighten them with persecution. The antichrist had his own people in each house, in each cottage, and people were saying that you are stupid, that you are a prostitute; they were taking you to the mental hospital, and they were taking you in prison and were scattering the Christians who were comforting themselves by the word of God, which was chirping by your mouth as a bird which is feeding its chickens. But your patience prevailed and by your patience you won many souls for Me and I chose from them for this time, when I put a limit to persecution and when I gave to the zealous for God freedom to follow Me, for look, I am the living word, I come on earth as word and I give Myself to people for an eternal life for resurrection.

Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of Three Hierarchs: Basil, Gregory and John, from 12-02-1997.



Know Israel, do not forget My people, for when I am speaking the word mightily in spirit, I will be coming down on earth by day, but you, do not worry. Rejoice son, for in that day I will shout to the man and I will tell him: “This is My beloved people in whom I am well pleased.” The man took the helm out of My hand and made himself God for himself and fell down and had no more honor. But you, let Me be your helmsman, for I gave you power to make you My son and to say Father to My Father, Who gave you birth from Me at your faith in His Son, the One sent from heaven on earth, so that to He may make Himself God by the resurrection from the dead.


Be smart My people, for I am on the way to revelation with great glory upon the earth and I will turn you into a mountain of Tabor, for I will be revealing Myself next to you, and out of your midst I will be giving forth the light of My glory. Oh, what will do those who wanted to kill Me, those who received silver and praises and ranks to play the string of the antichrist, the one with a hidden face under the laps of the garments, which witnesses the man of God’s holiness on earth? Oh, on that day all will fall down, all and everything, beginning with the heads and ending with the feet of the heights on earth who drove their stakes deep so that they may not fall during the storm. What will do, they who put the providence under a bushel, they who covered My river of word with lie against the truth, which runs like the river from the throne of God upon the earth? The heaven and earth are Mine, they do not belong to the man, and the man will remain deceived and he will lose his loftiness. And you, My people, should not be surprised that I told you that I come to disturb your peace and ravage your heart. I have also told you otherwise too. I told you: Come and understand My speech for I want the demons to hear that I say to you, “Come!” I want the demons to hear that I am speaking to you and to hear what I am telling you, and to hear that I come as a word heard on earth, and the heaven and the man’s earth will shake and the heaven and My earth will rejoice and spring forth and they will be brought out into light.

Excerpt from the Word of God from the Sunday of Adam’s expulsion from Paradise, from 09-03-1997.



Oh, it has been a long time since the man of the church beats his fist on his chest that he is the man of the church and a minister of God, but the man of the church neither serves God nor man, for the man pays the priests, he pays him enough and to spare and all payment of the priest is on earth and who else can heal the one full of greed? Oh, Israel, son, the paid prayer remains on earth for it is paid. Prayer should not be paid for. I did not take any money when I was praying to My Father for people. A servant of God must be deprived of the earthly ones and rich in the Spirit of God.


Oh, Israel, there is no one to pray for the man without a direction. There is no longer someone to direct towards Me, neither the poor nor the rich. The earth should be full of priests of God, for the priests of God do what I did. I speak with you, people of My word, as the priests of the world may also take word from Me and live by the deeds of the upright faith as Abraham did. Oh, no one is becoming in these times a priest for God, no one, My people. And I will shake the world from its foundations and I will ask it of the upright faith and I will show it how it loves God. It is written this: «Love the Lord, your God, with all of your heart, with all of your virtue and with all your mind!», and this is a commandment from God. Who shall teach the world what God is in order to love Him? The priests of the world have played the string of the antichrist, and have done as the sons of Eli did, and they have stood this way before the world in My name. I cry out to man to hear Me, for the man is sitting carelessly and is submitted to the stomach.

Excerpt from the Word of God on the first Sunday of the Great Lent, of the orthodoxy, from 16-03-1997.



I am who I am. Amen. Israel of today, My people taken from the Romanians and called Israel! I am who I am. I am the One Who gave you birth through the word and I called you My Israel, and I fed you on and on with the word which was coming out from My mouth for you to grow up and to have you and rejoice over you on earth and to fulfill the Scriptures of the last days, My people. Oh, wake up and prophecy the time of My accomplishments upon the earth, for I come to speak those prophesied in the Scriptures. It is written in the Scripture: «The sixth angel poured out his cup over the world, over the worldly teaching and he dried it out in order to be prepared the way of those from the sunrise, the way of the faithful ones» (Revelation: 16/12, r.n.), your way Israel, yours and of those who will believe the world which comes out of My mouth. Amen.


Do not be afraid My people. Let the teachers of the world blaspheme you, as they do not know the truth, for it is written in the Scriptures: «Out of the mouth of the dragon and of the beast and of the false prophet, three unclean spirits are born, devilish spirits which wake up the mighty of the world against God, against the truth.» (Revelation: 16/13-14, r.n.). But you, watch for the truth, the one who does not watch is walking naked and his shame is seen. It is written in the Scriptures: «The seventh angels poured out his bowl into the air, and a great voice came out from the temple of the heaven, a great voice from the throne of the Lord, crying: “It is finished!”» Amen. (Revelation: 16/17, r.n.).


My word is the voice of God upon the earth, and the mighty of the world do not

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