» Religion » The Bodhisatta in Theravada Buddhism, Nico Moonen [christmas read aloud .txt] 📗

Book online «The Bodhisatta in Theravada Buddhism, Nico Moonen [christmas read aloud .txt] 📗». Author Nico Moonen

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    The dispensation of the Buddha Metteyya will last a long time. And after a long period this earth will be burnt by fire. After the end of this auspicious aeon there will be one asankheyyya empty of Buddhas. Then there will come a manda aeon in which two Buddhas will appear, namely Rāma and Dhammarāja.

    In the time of the Buddha Kassapa there lived a young man named Nārada. When he saw the Buddha Kassapa he thought it worthwhile to give his life for the Buddha. And he burnt himself, like a torch.[337] Then the Buddha Kassapa foretold that Nārada would be the Buddha Rāma. After his death he was reborn in the Tusita heaven. From there he will be reborn in a family that has performed the perfections during 100,000 aeons. And then he will be the Buddha Rāma.[336]


3. The Buddha Dhammaraja


    In the time of the Buddha Konāgamana lived a young man named Suddha. He guarded lotuses in a lake. He sold two flowers every day. Once the Buddha Konāgamana foretold him that he would be the future Buddha Dhammarājā.[339] Then the young man offered two flowers to the Exalted One. He protected him against the heat of the sun with two pieces of cloth. After his death he was reborn in one of the deva-realms. From there he was reborn as King Pasenadi from Kosala. After the fulfilling of the perfections he will be reborn as the Buddha Dhammarājā.[338]


4. The Buddha Dhammassami


    After the destruction of the manda aeon by fire, there will come a sāra aeon. Herein one Buddha will arise, namely Dhammassāmi.

    In the time of the Buddha Kassapa there lived a great general named the minister Bodhi. King Kikī, the ruler, had forbidden the giving of alms to the Buddha. Yet the minister Bodhi liked to give food to the Buddha, even if death might be the result. Before visiting the Buddha he was captured by the king’s guards who bound him and brought him to the king. He was sentenced to death and was taken to the cemetery. By his supernormal power the Buddha Kassapa appeared before the guards and the minister and said: “Give alms as far as you are able to do, and be happy.” But the minister had nothing to give since everything had been taken away. Now, by the power of the Buddha food appeared before the minister who took his portion of the rice and robes and offered them to the Buddha. Then he made an aspiration to be a future Buddha by the merits of that gift, and the Buddha foretold that the aspiration would succeed. Hereafter the executioners cut off the head of the minister Bodhi. He was reborn in the Tusita heaven and, as a result of the giving of his life for the Buddha, and after having lived as Abhibhū king of the gods, will be the future Buddha Dhammassāmi.

    After the sāra aeon a lakkhana aeon will follow empty of Buddhas. It will be followed by a manda aeon in which two Buddhas arise, namely Nārada and Ramsimuni. [340]


5. The Buddha Narada


    Rāhu-asurinda (chief of the Asuras), known as Dīghasona, will become the Buddha Nārada. Before the time of the Buddha Kassapa he was a king named Sirigutta. One day eight brahmins approached him and begged for the kingdom. He was extremely happy and offered the city to them. Together with his wife and his two children he left the city and entered the jungle. He climbed the mountain Dhammika and built a hermitage where they lived a pure life.

    At that place lived the demon Yanta. One day he was unable to allay his hunger. Disguised in the form of a brahmin he went to King Sirigutta and begged for the children, saying: “If you give me your children, you will be a Buddha in the future.” King Sirigutta was delighted with these words and he gave his children to the demon and he made an aspiration to be a Buddha.

    Then the demon took the children, cut them up and ate them. Even though he saw this still Sirigutta’s heart did not tremble. [341]


6. The Buddha Ramsimuni


    In the same aeon the brahmin Cankī will be the Buddha Ramsimuni.

    In the time of the Exalted One Kakusandha the Bodhisatta Cankī was a youth named Magha. Several times he encountered with great disasters, lost his wealth and was crushed with suffering. He borrowed a blanket and a lakh of gold.

    Then a chief disciple of Kakusandha went to the city. The youth Magha saw him, saluted him and, having heard that the chief disciple had come to meet him, he was delighted. He offered the blanket and the lakh of gold to the chief disciple and he made the aspiration: “May this be a factor for the All-knowing Knowledge.” The Elder said: “May your intention be successful.” Then he rose up in the sky and disappeared.

    On another occasion the Elder said that Cankī was a Buddha-sprout, one who has fulfilled all the perfections.


    After that manda aeon there will be another manda aeon during which two Buddhas: Devadeva and Narasīha will arise.[343]


7. The Buddha Devadeva


    The brahmin Subha will appear as the Buddha Devadeva.

    In the time of the Buddha Konāgamana the brahmin Subha was the Elephant-king, Chaddanta. One day a disciple of the Buddha Konāgamana finally passed away. The Elephant-king saw the dead body and, wishing for All-knowing Knowledge, he thought of cremating thet body.[345] He cut off his two tusks with a saw and made a funeral pile with one and a casket with the other. The god Vissakamma helpt him to complete the work. Taking the remains from the funeral pile, he deposited them in the casket, making devotional homage to the relics.

    The relics rose up into the sky and were received by the gods. Then the Elephant-king Chaddanta made the aspiration to be a Buddha. At the end of his life he was reborn in the Tusita heaven.[344]


8. The Buddha Narasīha


    On the disappearance of the dispensation of the Buddha Devadeva, in that same aeon the brahmin Todeyya will become a Buddha named Narasīha.

    When the dispensation of the Buddha Kassapa had ended and that of our Buddha Gotama had not begun, between those times the brahmin Todeyya was born as the youth Nanda. One day he worshipped a Paccekabuddha, offered a blanket and a lakh of gold and he made an aspiration that in future he, too,[347] would become a Buddha: “May I attain All-knowing Knowledge.”

    The Paccekabuddha said: “May your wish be successful,” and left the village.

    Nanda was reborn in Tāvatimsa heaven. Having died there, and practising the perfections in different lives, he was reborn as the brahmin Todeyya. As the result of his generosity he will be the Buddha Narasīha.[348]


    At the end of that aeon there will be an aeon empty of Buddhas. At the end of that empty aeon there will be a manda aeon adorned by two Buddhas: Tissa and Sumangala.[346]


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