The Word of God about the glory of the God, Lord Jesus [thriller book recommendations .txt] 📗

- Author: Lord Jesus
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Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint archangels, Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2009.
All the nations will bless you for My name upon you and for the river of My word in you, oh, Romanian people, and nations and languages will come and take of My glory from you, as it is written about the mountain to which all the nations will come to drink of My light. Bow, therefore, to give glory to the Lord, Who has His dwelling into your midst with the spirit of testimony, with the spirit of prophecy, Romanian son, for the work of My word upon you is a heavenly crown on your forehead, and all the nations will bow before you, because you are My land of coming now, in the end of the time. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint martyrs Catherine and Mercury, from 08-12-2009.
I, the Lord, am becoming a river of word on this day and I am writing Myself into My book of today with the memorial of the days in which I have sealed with My holy law the little garden of My word into the midst of the Romanian people and My ark of covenant in it, and I have opened before those in heaven My Holy of Holies of the New Jerusalem and the service in it before Me, and I have got as witnesses coming from heaven with Me, the apostle Andrew and My trumpet, Verginica, (Saint Virginia, the sixth apocalyptic trumpet, r.n.) and from the earth, I have got here My bishop of today, (Irineu, r.n.), and with whom I have proclaimed My word of hallowing and sealing with the law of holiness of the little garden of the spring of My word, My little garden set apart for Me and for My glory of today, a mysterious glory, the word of resurrection upon those on earth. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint apostle Andrew, from 13-12-2009.
I am coming together with you at the table of word, My people from the spring. We are getting ready, sons, to raise to heaven a day of memorial for the shepherd Daniel, for I, the Lord, want now to stay in the word with My people of yesterday and today and that of tomorrow. I am full of the glory of My word, My glory in the end of the time on earth and I am speaking the word and fulfill it, and this is how I prove that I am the One Who is speaking this word. I have sat at the table of word over the Romanian people to set further into its midst a ruler according to My will and I have worked hard with the whole heaven of saints and angels all over the Romanian land, as the struggle for precedence has been fierce and the unfaithful man, who has sought after his glory, has given Me work to do. However, I have been watching with great mercy so that this nation may not fall down again under the hand of those who are foreign to the truth and foreign to My walking over the earth with an iron rod in My hand, as I can hardly make My way among people with the glory of My word, which shepherds the man and it does not let him fall, as he tries to work without knowing where his work leads. All the saints are only love and watch on the hearth of the Romanian people, because they see Me with My river of word in this country, the country of My returning again from Father to man, work with great mystery done between Me and those who are faithful to this heavenly time on earth, and about which it is written into the Scriptures to come and to be.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint hierarch Spyridon, from 25-12-2009.
Oh, My people, I speak with you so that I may be able to speak on earth. You are the house of which I come out just as the Bridegroom comes out of His chamber to appear before the people with the glory of My word, the Spirit of truth, the one about Whom everything was and is. The martyr Stephen sees My glory with you now and your glory with Me, son, and he is confessing you as Mine, for this disciple is a witness and the testimonies from heaven remain and testify on earth to the judgment of the unbelief for those who have been unbelievers and are stiff-necked against the truth. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the saint apostle, the first martyr and archdeacon, Stephen, from 09-01-2010.
I have been speaking in a spirit of Epiphany to My people and to those who have been eating of My mouth, and on this day, I have been teaching the watch for life on those who chose and choose the life. My Spirit hovers above waters and becomes Epiphany over the earth. My people is My testimony and I, the Lord, glorify Myself in the word over the faithful ones. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the Synod of the Saint John, the Baptizer, from 20-01-2010.
Oh, the Pharisees and the scribes were always following Me in fear lest the crows might like Me and follow Me; however, with Me it happened everything that it was written to be fulfilled through Me on earth then, and I was the King of the creature, and this is how a king is from God on earth, and this is not earthly or humanly upon people, but it is rather ordained from God, and God is the mysterious One by His works, and He is not like man, and once with the people’s things, He also works His things, and He has got them by working them out, and everything God has done, is eternal, just as I am eternal, for I am the King of the Zion, as the prophets prophesied about Me to be, and I am that what they call Me to be and they name Me to be, and everything, everything happens in this way as it is written that they may be worked, and I work them mysteriously, for I am God, and I do not work My things with the people and for the people as people do, but I rather work them as in heaven on earth, and the people forsake Me after they follow Me for My mysteries among people, for they want to see My fulfillments as on earth, as theirs, with a glory like theirs, but it is not possible, for My glory is great because it is mysterious, and everything that is mysterious is great, and everything that is great is mysterious, My people, because the man is not worthy of them and cannot bear them either. Oh, only one who has no love for God, only that one cannot believe in My mysteries among people, and even if that one believes up to a certain time, he withers away and then he gets dry, for he, who brings forth fruit from his self and only for himself, does not remain in the vine. Oh, very hard, the man can hardly understand God! I have worked everything only for the man’s salvation, those fulfilled through Me, for I have had to prove Myself first that I am the One announced by the prophets, the Son of God, but because My glory and My fulfillments are not like those of the people, the man leaves Me if he sees that I do not sit down on earth as he hopes as a man. When the man tries to follow Me, he must think first at the forgiveness of his sins lest they may come back to him, and then he must also think at his death that comes from sin, and only after that at God’s visible glory with him among people. However, he turns around, poor of him, when he wants to follow Me or to serve Me at My mysterious fulfillments among people and for people, as for two thousand years the man has been following Me and then he has been leaving Me for his self, for whoever does not follow Me as I told him, that is with his self-denial, such a man leaves then My way for himself, for his whole mind turns him round and round, and behold, the man does not follow Me up to the cross, and even if he might reach there, at least to reach there, he would leave Me, because man loves himself, and he who loves himself is fearful and does not go to the end on My way with thorns, a way praised by its sacrifice on it.
… Oh, what shall I do with you, man, what shall I do to you if you are so weak in your faith and so strong in your self-love, in your self-desire, which does not bring anything but shame to you? Oh, you do not understand with your mind what glory is, the true and great glory, for you always imagine it as the passing glory. You call out for Me either «Hosanna!» and «Take Him, take Him and crucify Him!» And you cannot do something else, and the man in paradise, who did according to his own will and then he hid from Me and longed after himself, that one is he who lives in you, man coming out of the first man built by My hand out of dust and made a living soul by the breath of My mouth breathed upon him and in him!
Excerpt from the Word of God on the sixth Sunday of the Lent, of the Palm Sunday, the Feast of the Lord’s entrance into Jerusalem, from 28-03-2010.
This is why, I, the Lord, have come down on earth, oh, suffering soul from the waiting and from pain. I, the Lord, am giving you great relief now. And I am also giving to those who pierced Me and nailed My body on the cross, and who see My glory of today in the word of the new creation. Those, who intercede before Me for you, are as merciful as I am, those remembered in this time on the altar of fire of the church of new Jerusalem, a prophecy fulfilled by Me on the heart of the Romanian people, but so little has the earthly man believed and understood it! I, the Lord, empower here by My word a merciful prayer. I am the One Who stay at the helm of this little people, for neither at that time had I got any room among those who were great, and neither have I got any now. Oh, let My saving will be upon you! Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God on the third Sunday after Passover, of
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