The Word of God about the glory of the God, Lord Jesus [thriller book recommendations .txt] 📗

- Author: Lord Jesus
Book online «The Word of God about the glory of the God, Lord Jesus [thriller book recommendations .txt] 📗». Author Lord Jesus
I am coming down within the voice of the Holy Spirit into My book of these days and I am becoming a feast of word for the memorial of the day, two thousand years ago, when I explained to My disciples, bit by bit, that I am the Christ of the Father, and I took three of My disciples, who were more strengthened in the wisdom of My mysteries, and I went up in the mountain with them and I revealed My invisible glory to them, and they saw, on that day, beyond those that could be seen by the man’s eye, as I allowed them to be there, for their eyes were opened for a little while so that they were able to confess to the other disciples, and then down from generation to generation and up to this day, so that the faithful ones might be able to speak the truth about Jesus, Christ, the One about Whom the Father spoke from the clouds on that very day over My three disciples in a convincing voice and He said this: «This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him». Amen. (Matt. 17/5)
Peace to My good and faithful people! I am sitting down with a feast of word at his table with Me and I am reminding him of the Father’s commandment, Who said to those faithful at that time and up to this day: «He is My Son. Listen to Him!»
… Two thousand years ago, with a little bunch of disciples, I set a new kingdom on earth and it has lived in time by the faithful ones, who were and are God’s kingdom into the midst of the people, and I am working the same today and I am on earth with My kingdom in those who are faithful and I am working through them My word into their midst, and by speaking it then I fulfill it, and this is how I prove that I am a true God and I show the man what truth means, for man cannot prove that is a true man, because his body has always, always overcome him, and man exalts himself by this after that, even if he does not find any greatness from man for him. Oh, it was otherwise when My greatness was confirmed on earth, when My face shone bathed in the light before My disciples in the mountain that was transfigured in an instant while God’s glory was upon it. Oh, it was otherwise with Me, for I did not exalt Myself but the Father done this from the clouds when He showed My greatness to the apostles at the time when He spoke in the sky and said: «This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased. Listen to Him». (Matt. 17/5) And on that very moment, the Father glorified Himself in Me and the Lord’s glory was shown outside, as white as snow over My body and over My garment, and then My disciples confessed My glory, and behold, I do not exalt Myself, but the Father does this within Me and over Me, and man is a liar when he glorifies himself, for I said that man receives his comfort from his sin.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Lord’s Transfiguration, from 19-08-2010.
I am coming down on earth as the word of man’s making, for it is written for Me to come again. I am the Lord, Jesus Christ and I am coming again, and I Myself am speaking with man and I am invisible, for I am surrounded by the angelic hosts without a body, as I ascended to the Father when I departed from My disciples, for a cloud of angels hid Me from their face, and an angelic voice told: «This Jesus will come back, as you saw Him going to the Father». (See also Acts 1/11) (See the selection topic: „He comes the same way as He ascended: He comes with the clouds[32]”, r.n.)
I become word of My coming to man and of the man’s coming to Me and I dwell into the midst of a people that I have been preparing during these days for My glory, and My glory is becoming word and is given further through its sharers, (See the selection topic: „The glory of the Lord”, r.n.) through its heirs, and it is not given to anyone who has to share with the people the news of My coming to be believed, My word of today and the man’s calling to Me. Oh, it is not for anyone who has to do this, but only those to whom I, the Lord, tell them to preach Me, and by their own life and stature to show Me and then to preach Me, and the one who gives news about Me that I am into the midst of a people speaking over the earth does not have to be alone, but he who sanctifies himself to become the messenger of the coming of God’s Son, Who is coming again for the living and for the dead to give each one according to his work, needs holy companions. Amen.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the Birth of the Lord’s Mother, from 21-09-2010
Now, I am blessing the journey and the good spirit of those who are going to come to the spring, at My table of word and meeting with the angels and saints and with those who are resurrected and on their way to resurrection, for I, the Lord, have prepared this feast from heaven, and you, from the earth, My people. I make a free way with comforting and watching angels and travelling companions for those who will come together near Me and near you, son, who serve Me for the days of My glory full of word, as My glory is the word and its love, well sons, for the prophesies of My saints, who from far away saw My work into the midst of the Romanian people now, in the end of the time, and proclaimed that it would be, but as in the time of My birth all sleep in their own things and do not have faith and understanding for God’s mysteries that come and are worked on earth under the veil of humility, far from the sight and from the understanding of the unfaithful man, who takes his things from his own things, and then he chews them likewise after that.
… Oh, disciples are needed, but also faith, as at the time with the trial, there comes also the power of victory, only that the Lord may have faithful and powerful sons, for the power of victory is in My hand, not in the hand of the hostile man, and I want to be able to work through the faithful sons, as I want to glorify Myself with power over the Romanian people, as it has to get up and to hear My voice, to believe and to fulfill My glory with it, as the saints have prophesied that it will be. Amen.
Let us bind the thread of My word and set into the book the entire word of today’s feast, as I am finding watch within the gates for My entrance. When I come to speak, I descend with great longing and I come on the way of the word and no one can hide from Me when I speak, and all the nature startles when My voice speaks and is heard, and in the heaven above the heavenly and angelic hosts see pages of Scriptures being fulfilled on earth, as they are written to be fulfilled in the last days, and My host is fed with My glory and its, the glory which is not seen on earth by those who are from the earth, but which is revealed from the Holy Spirit to those who lift their eyes to God that they may be with the Lord on earth and not with this world, which has nothing from God in it, as God has nothing from it as well.
The blindness of those that are from the earth and live without heaven over their fleeting life is great! If man saw how much heaven he needs on earth to come closer to his salvation and not to perish, oh, he would leave all those from the world and he would also deny himself completely and would become a dwelling of the heaven, and the Lord would have a house with him and He would appear with His glory, as He appeared to His disciples on the Mount of Tabor, while they were under preparation, in a heavenly school for their life with Me on earth, for God’s knowledge in them. Oh, with whom shall I do My works in this way on the earth, the pages of the Scriptures, so that I may fulfill them with man, as My Father has sent Me to work? Man goes to school many years in order to leave it as God’s servant and a servant of His holy things, but he does not learn to look out of the window; he does not learn to look into the Scriptures and to understand what kind of works God has been doing from them and what else He has still got to work today and tomorrow.
Excerpt from the Word of God at the feast of the great saint martyr Demetrius, the myrrh giver, from 08-11-2010.
On the way of angels, I lower My voice and I sit on the throne of cherubim, and My glory is the word, and hosts of angels sing to Me as in the heaven: Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord Almighty, the One Who was, the One Who is and the One Who comes! Amen.
… The table of the feast of angels is blessed by the whole heavenly host together with My faithful people! My glory with you becomes word and it sets you at the table with Me within an angelic feast. Peace to you! Be faithful! My feast and that of My angels with you is a great beauty. My angel Michael serves between Me and you, between those in heaven and you. May your faith be love so that My word upon you may have power and life.
I am Who I am and I stay into the midst of the Romanian people as on a top of a high mountain and I call everyone to My glory; I sit on the throne of cherubim and the angelic hosts are singing to Me: Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord Almighty, Who was, Who is and Who comes, and the heaven and the earth are full of His greatness. Amen, amen, amen.
Excerpt of the Word of God at the synod of the saint archangels Michael and Gabriel, from 21-11-2010.
Now, I am blessing the feast of the Holy Spirit into your midst and I am setting you to prepare for Me a sweet table and a sweet meeting and full of comfort from Me and from you for those who come with longing at the spring, at My table with you, at the feast of Holy Spirit, My people. I am giving you new powers and I am giving you all the support needed, for you do not have any power without Me, sons. I am all that you need and all that you can, My people, and you should be little in My hand to have Me as your father, and I am glorifying Myself again now with My glory, with My feast of My word with you and with those who come again and again at My table of
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