» Religion » The second coming of Jesus Christ - The Apocalyptic Trumpets, Lord Jesus [novels in english TXT] 📗

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not have been a more beautiful one than this. But she is not a bucket, she is a body, and God dwells in it.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 21-06-1973



“ … When Holy Mary was in my Plan, when the birth of Lord Jesus Christ was being prophesied, the devil wanted her annihilated. It is the same today, when God prophesies for the man to know the plan of God and sanctify himself, here, a group of devils watches step by step to annihilate Our Work. And then I said: «Take the baby and go to Egypt and stay there, until the plot is over». Do you believe? It is the same I speak nowadays. Arm oneselves well, in order not to remain without Me, as devils got out from hell watching to annihilate this work and My trumpet. Pity the one who sells My work today! Pity you who made way to the devil in order to harm Me! (It is about the informers from the “Security police”, r.n.)

… Oh, the time comes that, as the man talks to the phone, so you will talk to God. The time comes when this body will be handled by everyone in order to talk to me. It will be carried in the air by planes, it will be carried by train and you will say: “Where is God’s trumpet?”And this people will like to see her and they will say she died. And she did not die, she is alive. Why? Because it is written that she will abandon the places where she lived and she will be no more.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 04-08-1973



“ … Look, My trumpet has never been through the pains from today. Look after her, christian. What say you, will there be a path to walk with her? Some chase her, some despise her, some do not listen to her and this will bring her death. If all these were not, My trumpet would rejoice, but the stroke goes to the soul. How was once My trumpet when she was singing: “Heaven, you garden sweet, from here I would never quit?” because it was in heaven where she enjoyed herself. She was the christian’s arm, full of flowers.” (Spiritual, r.n.)

Extract from God’s Word, from 20-02-1974



“ … My children, when you set off with My trumpet, be fear within and attentive. Do you know how to take care of her in order not to be judged when I come? Children, My sheep, I did not take the trumpet among the rich ones or among the kings in order not to ascend, and I took the trumpet from below, among the babies, among the children, as I took David and Daniel among the sheep. And I did this for you to be able to enter, to take to God the honesty of the poor, to embarrass the rich and the poor ones, and the kings too. I have worked through priests, I have worked through monks, I have worked through monasteries, I have worked through civilians, I have worked through patriarchs. There are only the kings I have not worked through, nowadayslike kings. I have worked through kings like Constantin the Emperor.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 08-09-1974



“ … My Children, let no one come and say: “The end is coming!” and this is the trumpet by which I announce you, the trumpet of Lord Jesus Christ. Sons, children, olders who have children, you will suffer for your children as in The Judgement Day Lord Jesus Christ asks you why you let your child into the world. And He will judge and punish, you, christian who unleashed your woman, for behold, the One who punishes comes.

Oh, beautiful bride, how dirty you made your silk dress! But it is not your fault, it is someone else’s fault. I have written this wrath only in the prophecy I told to the Indian one. Now the Indian is a martyr in heavens, killed in his own country. I have spoken through My pot in prison to an Indian doctor and he wrote My word and believed in Me through My trumpet. He was killed when he went with this message to his country.

Extract from God’s Word, from 30-01-1975



“ … that the house and cattle of the Maglavit shepherd burnt, and he didn’t come out from the liturgy and when he went home, he found nothing but ashes. The Maglavit shepherd had many ordeals.” (The second trumpet, r.n.)

Extract from God’s Word, from 15-06-1975


“ … Who gets angry with My pot, gets angry with Me. For if I were not to work with My people, My pot were not My pot, and it had been rotten long ago. Since when do I work with My word through her? Since 1955. Since when do I prepare her? Since 1940. If someone blows towards her she falls, as she is no longer body with life, but only My Spirit lies in her. Look after this trumpet, as she is My instrument, like David’s harp, both on good and bad weather.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 06-07-1975



“ … O, my sons, My trumpet is too small. If I blew it with all My power, it wouldn’t resist, it would break into pieces.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 17-08-1975



“ … My beloved People, make no mistakes any more, as Lord Jesus will come soon and He will dress His bride and leave far away, where it is written. If the trumpet stops blowing, then you should know that God is at your door, and the wedding is coming. Do not say: “Oh, My God, what am I going to do? for God took His trumpet”, but say that God has come and took His trumpet and everything is ready for the end.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 07-09-1976



“ … When the priest Mirică Ilie sent My trumpet to the asylum-hospital, he told her to die there in order not to be in his way. (They forced her to go to the mental illness’ hospital, r.n.) He did like the nobleman and the rooster. But, behold, My pot is still alive today and the priest with his wife are long burried. He has dug his grave since then, for him and his wife too. When My trumpet used to make offering for the church, she would give to his wife too, but she wouldn’t take it and she wouldn’t allow to her nephews to take it either, saying: “Do not accept anything, because this woman is cursed by the priest.” And she left without being forgiven for the curse.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 07-01-1977



“ ... I want to let you know that besides this prophecy you will see Me. You will see God face to face and you will turn your back and put on a sheepskin coat and you will talk to God dressed like this. When this body is taken into heavens, there will be no work like this one. You will hear rumours about works like this one here and there. Do not believe them because you will indulge in illusions. “

Extract from God’s Word, from 06-05-1977



“ … When Lord Jesus chose this long pipe, she talked a lot, but now she rarely speaks because of the people’s disobedience. My trumpet will heal through My work, as she got sick through your work.”

Extract from God’s Word, from 25-05-1978



“ … There is only doubt into My people: “that one suffers and the other one doesn’t.” But I say: each one will have time to suffer and no one will escape from suffering, but listen to these words no matter what. Neither Job nor Lazarus endured such a pain like My pot did, and no one had this suffering, for she is not loved into her own house.

Extract from God’s Word, from 14-07-1978



“… My son, fix the voice of My pot, repair the belief, as the people don’t want to believe. They say that it is a woman’s voice, not a man’s voice and that is why it is not God’s voice. I shouted: <Like My trumpet, like My voice> My voice will be heard at the proper time, and the one who will hear will be petrified, as the rocks will smash and the mountains will crush too, hearing My voice. Be satisfied with the way that God shows His voice through My trumpet, as the time for God to show His voice is coming, and it is too bad that you haven’t prepared. If you are with Me, you will stand patiently and you will listen to Me: you will not stagger, you will not crush if you are ready.

Extract from God’s Word, from 17-11-1978



“ … This human being was in a cell and she made five hundred genuflexions in the morning and five hundred in the afternoon. (A bending on ones' knees until the forehead touches the ground and then the body comes back on ones' feet, during which a prayer is being said "Oh, Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me, the sinner", so that only in the exact moment of touching the ground with the forehead one say "me, the sinner", r.n.) She was praying for My people not to get lost lacking the knowledge and she was praying to be with God until she returns from her cell. But the one who didn’t understand the work of God, thought that this was made for simulation, for money.

… Be perfect, for look, there are a lot of heavenly guests near you. They came with Me, Lord Jesus Christ, and they sit above. There is no roof, there is only a bridge of clouds, and that people come from heaven sits on the clouds, together with The Holy Trinity. (See also the theme: “He is coming like He rose, He is coming with the clouds”, r.n.) There is a crown of cherubs that surrounds The Holy Trinity, and Lord Jesus is on this chest who is speaking. This body is crushed into fire.

Extract from God’s Word, from 25-06-1979



“ … Once more God tells you: do not be stubborn in belief, as you will all see today’s work in the middle of the sky, from the genesis till the end. All the trumpets will be revealed and shown in front of you.

Extract from God’s Word, from 01-08-1979



“… Oh, my sister, pay attention to what I’m saying, to what I’m asking you to. We have a lot of work to do. When will we finish? Who will help me to fulfill what God has given to me? Put everything away and help me. Look what God is saying: “Where is your people, Verginica? You had a big flock of sheep. Why did you let them spread? Blow your trumpet louder, for all the sheep can hear, for all the people can hear, to wake up from sleep, from indifference. Blow a preparing trumpet. Wake up, people, from your numbness. Undress yourself from the old man and put on the new man’s coat. Think no more! Doubt no more!”

My beloved people, get ready fast, wait no more. God summons you to give you something you had never had. My people, the eternal happiness that God gives to his people is expensive, but it cannot be bought with money: it can be bought with the listening of the holy knowledge. Do not strive for the world that lives in the big dissipation, with all its desires and the devil’s too. Oh, pity that this world doesn’t know what is waiting for her, and the way she will pay for this dissipation in which she lives! There is no one to help the world, because today’s ruler says there is no God.

… My beloved people, my sheep from all the corners who once knew the work of God! God is calling for you and is calling for you to wake up, to gather and to urge yourselves, because behold, God took you the body (The body of Saint

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