» Religion » 1970.12.08 - The word of God, Lord Jesus [top android ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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you ancestor Abraham, for the Lord wanted to fulfill with you his miracles which are written to be fulfilled at the end of this age. And if you return from your swerving from Me, you will be partakers to these great miracles, which follow to be fulfilled by the Lord. But I tell you: put away from you the sleep and laziness. Give up on alcoholic drinks. Give up your lusts after other women. Give up from you chosen food from canteens, (Restaurants, r.n.) with which I, the Lord, see that you feed on. My miracles are done through feasting and praying and holy faith and through all kinds of good deeds. Sons, turned back from laziness and slumber and from all sorts of bad things which you are doing without fear of God. Sons, make prayers by faith in God so that you may lose all the passions with which the Antichrist has endowed you, as serious and heavy sins master over you, for if death is not catching you into these deeds, it will go ill with you, as the Lord will not spare you, for I, the Lord, have come among you as in the former time in Israel. And now, as then, many from the blessed ones by God have swerved from the right way. So it is now, as then; no one believes, no one listens to Me.


Sons, you have to pray with power and faith, seeking all the blessings arisen from through prayer. Sons, pray for one another to heal yourselves of many kinds of evil and serious illnesses in which you have fell down. Sons, pray for your peace and for the whole people. Sons, pray for your liberty. Sons, pray for the freedom of your faith and for the freedom of your religion. (Strongly restricted under the communist regime, r.n.) Amen. Pray, sons, as the priests pray too for the peace to the world. Sons, be useful to Me and not to the world. Sons, be very careful and very attentive to My advice, which I write here through Verginica. Sons, you have to pray, as for this thing the good God has been preparing you. But you do not want to pray. Sons, I urge you: do not stay without prayer, for it is great sin.


Sons, you have dealt all your life time with jobs and many other earthly works. Sons, you have been busy with your jobs in the time of prayer without thinking to leave free place for prayer too. Sons, work the good. Do not stay in the taverns; do not sit at counsel with the world. Sons, do not go on the same way with the world, rather sanctify yourselves, as the death is catching you, with the world in your way. Sons, do not lust after the foreign women to Me, the Lord. Leave the foreign women, for those women are deceitful and lead you into the eternal fire. (See selection topic: “The apocalyptic fire[4]”, r.n.)


Sons, know that I, the Lord, have searched you and I have found many of you in the most serious sins, but I tell you not to deny saying that it is not true, as you will be bitterly tormented. Sons, I, the Lord, have tired My vessel, (Virginia, through whom He speaks, r.n.) for your sins.


Sons, turn back to Me, the Lord, for I announce you that next year at this time, we might not be as we are now, rather we will be changed. Sons, be fully aware and do not say that I did not let you know. Sons, come together and seek counseling for correction so that you may not perish with the sinful ones, for this is what is written, that all the sinners will perish and they will be no more. Sons, make peace with God by confessing your sins and by partaking with the holy Sacraments and forsake the ways of perdition. Run, sons, from the way of Satan!


Sons, I did not write your names here, of the ones fallen into heavy sins, but rather, you alone know yourselves that are guilty you of whom, I, the Lord speak very angrily.


Sons, I, the Lord, Jesus Christ close this pain to you, who have swerved from me, the Lord, and ask that this letter to be read by my people, so that all the guilty may hear their sins and each one to know them well. And to Daniel I tell, to keep this writing with much care, to a confessing in front of the future Judge, for there have been and passed many judges, but as This Judge there has never been one ever since, The One Who will show Himself in from of all humankind.


Peace to you, for the correction on the good and eternal way of God! Amen, amen, amen.


… Sons, once you decided to ask for a gift from the Lord, renew your request as often as possible in front of the Lord. Present yourselves with great humility, with much faith and with much friendship and without any kind of wickedness in your heart. And if, praying for a while, you have not yet received what you have been asking for, do not be discouraged, for the Lord is testing you, for as many times, sons, you consider some things that are not good and ask them from God as good ones, to be good for you to damage or to death. Then God, to your benefit, is not giving you. Or, it is better to tell you that many times the Lord is testing you and is expecting from you steadfastness in prayer. Sons, I tell you: be steadfast in prayer, renewing your prayers many times a day, for as the doctor gives a medicine many times a day, he gives the same medicine, with abstaining from food and drink, so do I, the Heavenly Doctor, give to renew your prayer, abstaining yourselves from any evil deed, as the good God does not neglect your prayer, and will never forget them. The Lord Jesus Christ is giving you all that you ask from Him, at the best time. Perhaps you, sons, have asked from Me a thing, and I, the Lord, have given you another, for better use. Sons, persevere in praying all the time, for the perseverance in praying is very useful.


... My sons, I, the Lord, tell you that it is not allowed to speak in the holy church, not even in whispering. Do not make noise, do not throw papers or candles on the floor and do not walk in front of the altar during the Liturgy.


… I say to you, My sons, I ask you in tears: do you not miss Me? Do you not miss My teachings which I gave you once? Do you not miss My fragrances that I was pouring over your candles and over to you? Do you not want to see the eternal happiness? Do you not want to live a life without death? Do you not miss it anymore? Do you no longer want another life than this where you are now? Oh, how the world has cheated you with its noisy and full of pleasures life! How they have robbed your tastes from My face! How you have clung to the worldly pleasures! You do not care about spiritual things as I have been telling you all this time, in each work.


… Sons, you have to know from Me that the lack of humility is such a big gap in your heart! And that gap is because of many evils. Sons, why are you so mischievous and always ready for revenge, impatient and stubborn? Why do you receive the opinions and advice of others, who are outside of Me, the Lord? Oh, how easy it comes to you to judge others, while you do not suffer a reprimand; what about a judgment! 


… On the journey of you live, sons, many times you have been powerless. I, the Lord, have given you strength, and in time, you have not even thought of Me, son, all the more troubling you to ask power from Me; because many of you say that the strength which you catch through drinks and sports which you are accustomed to! Sons, sons, I am present in all your journeys. You have been many times to the sick; I, the Lord, have given you health. You have been many times saddened and upset; I, the Lord, have given you comfort and joy. And you, at that time, did not even think of Me. How many things have you not lost, sons, and I, the Lord, have given them to you on sight and you have never thought that the Lord gave them to you. Oh, My sons, when do you come to be grateful and satisfied towards all the gifts given from the good God? Do you not know, sons, that your holy saints were receiving only through prayer the gifts from God, whether food or clothing or footwear, even the health and peace and joy? Everything they needed, they received only through prayer, but you are more to foreign towards Me, the Lord, and towards your parents. You do not want to know about them and about Me, the Lord. You think as the world does, but I tell you: get out of the world with everything: with word and thought, with behavior and food and drink and hearing. Get out of the world with everything, for the world will perish in an instant. You will look and see it no more and neither will you see the place where it dwelt, rather everything will turn into a large desert. Sons, how many times you are told to get out of the world! Sons, do you not hear what I, the Lord, tell you? Sons, do you not believe what I tell you? Sons, sons, if beat you, you would listen to Me out of fear, but I do not beat you, rather I tell you: sons, listen to Me, do not be late any longer. I, the Lord, am going to wage a great war on earth against the world and not a seed from this world will remain.


Sons, I conclude. I know that it will not frighten you so that you may come back to Me. Pity on you sons, that you have the opportunity to be happy but you do not want! Pity on My work which has been done for you! Pity on the grace and My words that have run over to you, for you despised and trampled them under your feet as nothings.


I tell you, sons, the faithful and obedient ones: remain in the peace of the Lord. May the Lord be always with you! Amen. Peace from God, the Father! Amen, amen, amen.


I am coming soon. Amen.



Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).

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[1] God’s Word in Romania

[2] You

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