» Religion » 1970.12.08 - The word of God, Lord Jesus [top android ebook reader .TXT] 📗

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1970.12.08 - The word of God



                                         The Word of God[1]

                                         (Translated by I.A.)



I, the Lord Jesus Christ, have come down in the Spirit among you and I have searched the lives of many of you. I have searched all your work, spiritually and earthly. I have searched your busy time and free time. I have searched your gained time and your lost time. I have searched all your Christian walk life. I tell you sons that many of you have wondered away from the Christian walk. Many of you do not feast anymore; many of you do not pray anymore; many of you do not go to the holy church; many of you do not confess to your confessor, your sins that you make every hour and minute and do not share the Body and Blood of our Lord in holiness and cleanness. Sons, sons, many of you work on Sundays and on holidays, not only in the factories and enterprises, but even in your houses and in your fields and your courtyards; you do all kinds of work. Many of you have become lazy and drones; many of you have become treacherous; many of you have become blasphemers; many of you have become drunkards and fornicators. Sons, many of you have become liars; many of you have become arrogant; many of you have become proud and boastful; many of you have become greedy; many of you have become lovers of foreign women; many of you have become lovers of money and wealth; many of you have become gamblers; many of you have become soccer players; many of you have become dancers; many of you have been after fortune tellers; many of you have turned into enemies and evil people; many of you have become unfaithful and rebellious; many of you have become slumberous; many of you have spoiled the holy law.


Sons, why do I tell your deeds? Here, you need to know why I, the Lord, searching your life and the places where you walk and the things that you do, I have spoken to you in an earthly way and spiritually of the busy time and of the free time. I have told you about the gained time and about the free time. Sons, sons, be careful of those searched by the Lord and written here. Know that I have told by this word that many of you, in your free time, are sleeping deeply without prayer. Many of you, in your free time, do not go to the little church and to the service, rather you go to the taverns, to drinking, you go to competitions and parties. I have found many of you on Sundays and on holiday days committing fornication. Instead of being at the service or in praying, you commit adultery.


I ask you, these, I do not tell you the names, but you need to know your sins: why are you no more Christians and have strayed from the Christian life and have gone to the pagan life? Sons, why you do not feast anymore? Why, sons, do you not go to the little church? Why do you not confess your sins and why you do not partake of the holy sacraments? Why, sons, you do not observe the Sundays and holidays in holiness and cleanness? Why, sons, do you work on Sundays and holidays? Why sons, have you become sluggish and lazy? Do you not work anything for your eternal life? Why sons, have you become rebellious, instead of going ahead on My way?  You keep on backing away? Why, sons, have you become treacherous, and betrayed your life to Satan? Now Satan laughs at your life and at your faith through your sins. Why sons, do I, the Lord, hear when the world blasphemes your spiritual and faithful life? Why sons, do you commit adultery with other women, abandoning your women? Why, sons, do you go to taverns using alcoholic drinks until you get drunk as the ones in the world? Why sons, go you play cards? Why sons, do you go to the competitions and to the ball? Why sons, do you go to the saloons with satanic dances? Yes, if it were a holy dance as in the time of David, and I, the Lord, would come to your dance and round dance, but now everything is impure; it is nothing holy and pure.


Sons, sons, you have been lead astray. What will you answer for your going astray? Why sons, do you commit gross and evil sins? Why sons, you do not pray so that Satan may flee from you?


Sons, sons, what have you got involved in? What trouble will come on your head! Sons, flee away from the Satan’s way! Sons, sons flee away from the Satan’s places! Flee away from the Satan’s work! Run, run, for the death is catching you! Get out of the taverns, get out quickly! Come back to Me until you do not perish!


Sons, why do you no longer pray to the good God? For the prayer made with much faith gets you out of the wandering away. The prayer turns to repentance the sinful one. Prayer is the latch of sin. Sons, make prayer in faith to the too good God, for prayer is the wing of faith and the fruit of hope. Sons, make prayer with much love, for prayer is the mirror of the Christian life and of love. Sons, sons, I tell you to make prayer, for prayer is the seal of the Christian life. Sons, prayer is a wellspring of holiness and of Christian living together with the Lord, Jesus Christ. Sons, make prayer, for prayer is the shield which protects you from the stings of the devil’s temptations. Sons, the prayer is the key with what you open the gates of heaven.


You sons who do not make prayer, I, the Lord, have come down you to urge you to make prayer. Sons, do not spend any longer your days without prayer, for through prayer the grace of God comes upon you. Sons, make prayer, for the prayer lifts you up from the downfall and encourages you to good deeds and to a happy life. Sons, make prayer, for the prayer comforts and protects you from troubles and sorrows. The prayer, sons, raises you in all the travelling of Christian life. Sons, make prayer, for praying turns you to repentance and strengthens the weak one in the faith. Prayer, sons, humbles you and fulfills you and tames you, those full of pride and envy. Sons, make prayer, for prayer takes you to a good and pleasant life to God and urges you to do good deeds and feast. Sons, make prayer, for the prayer protects you from troubles, sorrows and sicknesses and from sudden death and prisons. Sons, the prayer brings to you peace and love into your homes. The prayer gives you health and strength. Sons, make prayer, for the prayer gives you the daily bread to feed on it. Sons, sons, may prayer and ask from Me by praying the things you are in need of, for it is only by prayer that you will receive. Sons, sons, take heed to My words that I tell you here! Sons, do not give up praying. Sons, let no one of you be stopped from praying, no matter how hard and wicked the time is. All of you have the right to enjoy the fruits of prayer. I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, neither here, nor in the time past, have I prevented or prevent you from praying. That one, you need to know and get to know him, for he is the Antichrist. Only the Antichrist, since he appeared on earth, has led astray from Me, the faithful man, filling the minds of the believers with evil lies, leading them astray from faith to unbelief. Sons, flee away from the Antichrist and from all his demons. (See the selection topic „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast[2]”, red. note[3].)


You sons, the ones to whom I have discovered all My good ways, why have you wondered away? Do you not know that you are not allowed to? Sons, why have you wondered away? Have I not discovered to you My mysteries? Is it not with you that I have spent whole years? Sons, what harm stands to you in the world, working with the world’s deeds! Sons, how bad it comes to you in the worldly clothes! Sons, how bad it is for you to behave in a worldly manner, you, who bore a spiritual image! Sons, how bad it is for you in taverns, you who took part at the holy assemblies of God! Sons, how bad it is for you singing worldly songs, you, who sang spiritual songs! Sons, how bad it is for you partying and committing adultery with foreign women, from the world, you, who have a wow with God at your marriage that you made! Sons, how bad it is for you being into the gambling parlors, you, who were in My little church! Sons, how bad it is for you playing cards and taking part in competitions, you, who had My blessing! Sons, how bad it is for you pinching women’s breasts and cheeks, you, who had My holy law! Sons, how bad it is for you talking with your mouth jokes and words of blasphemy and disgrace, you, who told Me “Lord, Lord!” Sons, how bad it is for you sitting at a table with chosen food and drinks, you, who have as a guide the Law of God and the laws of the holy apostles!


Sons, sons, why have you wandered away from Me, the Lord? Are you not afraid, sons, of My wrath which is about to come on the head of the sinners? You sons, who have wondered away from Me, because of the futile deeds of the sinners, you have to know that you will perish at the same time with the sinners. Sons, have you heard and seen what heavy plagues God has poured out over the sinners? For thousands of sinners perished and those left have not yet repented. God has sent heavy and long rains upon the sinners, making the waters coming out of the riverbeds in order to drown them, so that no one may be left alive. God has loosed earthquakes and high winds, killing thousands and thousands of sinners, and those that remained alive have not repented yet and have not turned their hearts to God, and I tell you that none will escape alive. God has ordained heavy wars making the sinners to kill each other with weapons of war and a great multitude of sinners have perished, and those left alive have not yet repented of their deeds, but God will destroy them all. The Lord has sent, sons, over the sinners, pestilence, cholera, and some other nine kinds of illnesses to destroy them all from the earth. And also, God has sent great famine over the sinners and nine other plagues are still to come over the whole world, which is destined to death because of the sins which it does. Sons, I tell you once again: you have to know that all sinners will perish each one according to his own sin.


Sons, sons, wake up, for the death is coming over to you as well, you who have wondered away from Me, the Lord, and you will perish too, together with the sinners, for your sins will not be forgiven, as the selling out and betrayal of Judas is not forgiven, because you have mocked the holy blessing, with which God blessed

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