MY SON DAVID, Deborah Melissa Möller [summer beach reads TXT] 📗

- Author: Deborah Melissa Möller
Book online «MY SON DAVID, Deborah Melissa Möller [summer beach reads TXT] 📗». Author Deborah Melissa Möller
“Because My Davids’ hearts are pure, they will speak with great authority out of a pure heart and many people will be influenced. Many great things will happen, if you use the authority given to you, from a pure and humble heart, when you are obedient to Me.
Consider the following:
“Then David said to the Philistine, You come to me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come to you in the name of Jehovah of hosts, the God of the ranks of Israel, whom you have defied. On this day Jehovah will deliver you up into my hand, and I will strike you and remove your head from you. And I will give the corpses of the camp of the Philistines to the birds of heaven and to the animals of the earth on this day. And all the earth will know that there is a God in Israel.” (1 Sam. 17:45-46)
“My Davids, if you speak with My authority and you do it in My Name, you will surely see the fruit and result from it. For I will give the enemy into your hand. When you go out and you trust Me and call on Me to deliver you, then you can rely on it and believe it and speak the word and with authority, and it will happen as you say it. I have placed bravery within your heart. Courage to even fight lions. If you trust and rely on Me and make Me your fortress, I will shield you and lift you above your enemies.”
“My Davids, you were born for a time such as this. I will raise you up in this hour, for your time is now to move into your kingly position. I want to take you through your training phase before I give you the sceptre to rule and reign with Me in the Millennium. The training might seem difficult at times, but persevere and press through, for the Lord makes it hard to be a king!
Through many trials and tribulations, your character will be shaped to mirror My king David. Although he loved Me with a pure and humble heart, I still needed to train him to be king to the nations. Likewise, I need to train My Davids now. I anointed you to be king, many years ago. For many years you have walked with the Sauls in order to path your way, but I will now direct and lead you away from the Sauls, out of your comfort zone. For at this point you need to flee for your life, otherwise the Sauls will kill you (your spirit and soul). You will flee
into the desert. For there, My Davids, I will do My final testing in you, your final grooming before I will raise you to be king to My people and the nations.
Should you choose not to leave the presence of Saul because of fear of rejection and fear of abandonment, you will then lose your inheritance and I will give it to someone else. Be serious and obedient when I call you to be obedient to Me. You can lose your kingship, authority and anointing. And it will have a lasting effect (like Saul). Choose today: My voice and My perfect will or to listen to the voice of people (like Saul). The choice you make will shape your future forever!”
Chapter 3: FACING THE GIANTS30 August 2011
“Every David needs to face Goliath in his life journey. You will face more than one Goliath in your life.
I, the Lord, will send the Goliaths to test you, to refine you, to see if you can trust and rely on Me in the midst of seeing a giant in the flesh. You will overcome with Me, when you are lead by My Spirit and do as I instruct.
Just as David needed to use one stone to smite the giant, so I will also require from you to take up your sword and rock and do as I instruct. I will not just hit the giants with lighting, as you many times hope I will.
I need you to put your hand to the plough because I will guide you and instruct you, because through your hand battles will be won or lost. I preordained it that I want to work through humans and conquer the world through humans – Created in My image.
Therefore My Davids, do not be afraid of the giants rising before you, I will be with you and ten thousands will fall at your feet. My Spirit will be with you and I will give you victory over great battles and you will rule with Me, for your heart is in line with My heart.”
“Thank you My child for doing My will. Many people in the world and even people that follow Me have judged you incorrectly. They did not ask Me for My counsel, but rather have listened to others and the voice of the enemy. All My true Davids were judged wrongly by the world and even their families. “For you are only a shepherd’s boy”, they said. But I anointed you as king.
I only look at the heart and if I find a David heart, I will anoint you as king, for you will rule and reign with Me. In My eyes, I do not distinguish between male or female. I only look at the heart. My Davids can either be male or female, for the heart is not male or female.
Obedience is better than sacrifice. Therefore, obey Me, love Me and do My will. If you do these things, you will be blessed and your inheritance would be blessed forever.
Ask Me to give you a vision of the future. Not your earthly perspective, but vision beyond the earthly borders. For there is still much to be revealed and many things in all eternity that will take place.”
“You need to ask Me to break you out of you boxed-in world, for I want to bless you. I know everything, even what you will choose out of your free will, yet I give you a choice to choose out of your free will. If I show you a glimpse of the future, you need to trust Me that I want to bring it to pass. The Davids trust in Me. Do not be afraid of what I will show you or what I will ask from you. My will is to do you good. Just love Me, obey Me and I will reveal and show you great things.
My child, you need to write down what you have learned, so that My children can ask big things from Me. Like you say: …”Think big, try to think even bigger and then ask the things that are in your heart”. For I have placed the desires in your heart.”
“But to Him who is able to do superabundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power which operates in us.” (Eph. 3:20)
“My child, you bless Me, for I enjoy the way you ask Me for spiritual blessing. You have asked Me six years ago that you want to be a Moses for South Africa, that you want to lead people out of Egypt. You thought it was big, so you asked it, because as you said, you would test what you’ve asked against the Word. My child, although it seems something big to ask, the result will be multiplied far above what you can comprehend. You will lead many out of Egypt. Your request to lead many out of Egypt will be multiplied far above your understanding.
What they ask in My Name, with My perfect will, I will bless them with far above what they can ever understand. You bless Me when you think and ask Me these big things, for you display that you know that I am God, that nothing is impossible for Me and that I can do everything and anything. Because you honour Me, I see this as a sign of respect. If you ask Me great things, then I will honour you. All the desires for you, I have already placed in your heart. Therefore, ask Me your desires, love Me and I will bless you.”
Chapter 4: OBEDIENCE1 September 2011
“Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked, nor stand on the path of sinners, nor sit in the seat of mockers; Rather his delight is in the law of Jehovah, and in His law he meditates by day and by night. And he will be like a tree transplanted beside streams of water, which yields its fruit in its season, and whose foliage does not wither; and everything he does prospers. The wicked are not so, but are like chaff, which the wind drives away. Therefore the wicked will not stand in the judgment; nor the sinners, in the assembly of the righteous. For Jehovah knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked will perish.” (Psa. 1:1-6)
“It is true, that those who are disobedient to My will and instruction will perish and nothing will stand that they build. All their words and deeds will be counted as nothing.
Those who abide in Me and are obedient to Me, I will raise up and bless. This obedience is a daily walk and instruction. As I speak and say, so you do. For My thoughts are above your thoughts and My plans above your plans. Therefore, if I ask you to do something, or talk to somebody or give something to someone, you need to obey. Abraham obeyed My voice and as I instructed him, he did. Because of this obedience, he was righteous in My eyes. Because of this obedience to Me, I blessed him and kept him.
Obedience to Me is essential to create your eternal inheritance. Those who are obedient to Me daily, doing as I direct without compromising, without being in the world, will receive much. For I test many of My children. Those who endure My testing and persevere and obey without compromise, I will raise up to be one of My sons. The sons will listen and do as the Father instruct. For I raise up My sons for a time such as this!”
“As we enter into spring, My Spirit will be poured out with a new taste and touch. In this season, I will pour out My Spirit on My sons, for in this season I will refresh them. Many things I will make new in this season, for I will touch anew. Every area of their lives.”
“And afterward I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy; your old men shall dream dreams; your young men shall see visions. Indeed even upon the male and female slaves in those days I will pour out My Spirit.” (Joel 2:28-29)
“I am pouring Myself over My sons, for My sons need to be refreshed and refined because a great task lay ahead and I will require endurance, authority and responsibility
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