» Religion » Mario William Vitale/ Christian Poetic Works, Mario William Vitale [little bear else holmelund minarik .txt] 📗

Book online «Mario William Vitale/ Christian Poetic Works, Mario William Vitale [little bear else holmelund minarik .txt] 📗». Author Mario William Vitale

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from the clear adventure...
Fascinated by the light's and sound,
Oft, not holding firm to it's tightened reins
One can feel this in their inner veins,

Yet you were once a very vibrant child...
Now your darkened through its puzzled expression,

Although we have been once bitten,

Still try to ponder a rescue of sorts...
Yet some of us were twice as shy,
Forget about looking back at the plow..,
Or even getting a bit high !

Seek to hold up the pie in the beautiful sky !
Yet we all waver in disbelief..,
Although most are sandwiched between two slices of Italian bread..,

Try to ponder every thought that comes inside of your head !!!


A Way Of Escape

Faith will be rewarded..,
It's not something that is just intellectualized,
It just is...
According to your belief,

We must believe that he is,
That he is a friend to those who diligently seek him,

Although for now we only see through just a very tiny little portal,

Yet to ponder that the light still oft' glimmer's
To a vast way of escape..,
Behind the hidden garb of desolate compromise,

Oft' we are left wandering in the vats desert all alone,
At our own discretion we are led vulnerable,

Yet we oft' encounter many violent obstacles,
Which oft' will be perplexed to haunt us...
With the complexity of the most chaotic society..,
Cold but yet still fascinating,
The dawn of a brand new day !

We are oft' longing to recapture our late youth,
Far from the loud desolate cries of yesterday !
Still we pause to release the inner tension,
We will oft' bow our head to pray,

Yet still the underscore read..,
"As light as the limber Timber Wolf"..,
Feel the heat from it's haunting lips..,
With the shortness of breathe,

Through the adaptation of time,
When fellowship sweet is suddenly broken,
One can't regain another magic ticket nor token ?
Still we oft' rely on luck to better see our eternal future !

Although for now we wander and are a bit perplexed..,
The light that was once found dim,
Has now come full circle into its full fruition !
Yet the truth is suddenly revealed,
Only through the sacrifice of what Christ did on that cross !

Not anything that is of the flesh !
Nor anything a bit manufactured..,
Further, an intense personal relationship with the risen Lord Jesus !


An Angel In Waiting

Today the door bell suddenly rang !
At my house today,

As I answered..,

There appeared an elderly woman,

A bit helpless and hurting inside ?
Having only rags for shoes,
My simple reply was,
"By all means come inside",
"Warm yourself by the fire !"

I had exclaimed,

Still the woman in question seems to be very happy !
Seemed happy at first, then feeling more concerned,
Not really concerned with those material things,
Rather with the inner soul,

Her next reply was gracious and sincere,
Do you know Jesus is drawing near ?
For I had muttered not a single word back to her,
As if I had not even heard a word,

That kind one gets as a sliver,
It was part of the actual rugged cross,
Still I had no real clue to what she was really after ?
I still poised a question to her ?

For what really hurts you the most ?
Her reply was quite sincere..,

Lost soul's dying without the Holy Spirit !
Then the hour's came and went,
That's when she had headed toward the door,
Then there sparked a light glimmer in her eye,

Never once did I see her again after that day ?

Oft, holding firmly to that tiny piece of wood,
As I slowly bow my head to pray,
For never will I humbly forget that most mysterious day !

Perhaps she might have been an angel in waiting ?
Releasing to me some sort of spiritual seed,
For that is what I was craving,
In this life when the devil is knocking at your door,

On the other side of it have Jesus answer it for you,
Oft, an angel in waiting,
For we have no reason by which to run away and hide !

An Angel With A Sweet Desire

A cunning devil had a deceptive plan,

With the sullen demise of all men...

Spring ahead to make a fresh new start,

After you get a taste of all the world's perks,

These are never lasting and really worth it !

Not a small thing to ever violate nor waste,

Suddenly the door bell rang !

A sudden tune of temporal romance...
With quite a simple reply,
Lest I refrain...,
Yet she still dances out on that ring of fire,

An angel with a sweet desire,

Nor a word to the wise,
Reach into your inner soul,
Too late to run away and hide...
There is an angel on our side !

With fresh fallen snow,
This is a very different way in which to go ?
Oft', we had been a little bit scared,
Of all our new found fame !

None the worse for wear..,
A last dance to celebrate,
One small tear will surely dedicate,
A lonely heart felt smile within us all !

Sing praise to the Lord !


An Eclipse Of The Sun

As a younger child I used to dream of those radiant night's...

Coupled with a cool breeze of comfort,
Within my backyard I oft' longed to paint a picture in the sky,

Those reacuring dream's...,

A secret door where an old woman had lived,
This had curved my enthusiasm and fascination !

A long tunnel would connect to a shopping mall at the end !

This was at a nice Italian restaurant,

An eclipse of the sun had tainted my vision...,

Through the year's that little boy grew !
At times he didn't know what he should do ?
Made a shoe horn out of a strange kazoo !

Painted pictures of people's faces out of the sky..,

A tapestry made from times gone by,
For tonight instead of a nice lobster salad,
I'll just have to settle for a ham on rye,
Oft', dreams that suddenly came true..,

My search for love had brought me closer to you,
We had erected false idols to honor the dead,

What is going on inside our head ?
Hence, the highway continued to bleed !
What shall fulfill our true earnest need ?
Perhaps a covenant love to plant a nice seed ?

Yet were being called to the yonder shore !

It is there we will find our true calling card,
No it doesn't have to be so sweet,
Maybe a little bit tough ?

An eclipse of the sun
For a given chance by which to have a bit of fun,

Now that's it for my pen for all is done,
There is a true need to be heard,
In this society of idolatry we are lead to believe the lie !

Toward our parting cause,
When I was young I had those dreams
Some were fulfilled,
While others are just waiting to be hatched !


An Enchanting Hike

You put a nail in my coffin today,

Even though I looked out at the dense sea...

Moses even spoke to the rock twice..,

With a loving toss of the dice,
Perhaps next time this will make you think twice ?

a thief come into the darkened night !

Oft, he would go through the window ?
For he come only to kill, steal and destroy,
Tonight was very different..,
Before I went to bed my feet were totally bare,

As I awake I had something in which to wear...

The thief had been quite a nice gentleman..,
This wasn't an average run of the mill home invasion ?

For a blanket was put on top of my feet
With the warmth of the pillow in which to heat
A nice glass of port was kept on the table with care..,

No, St. Nicholas was no way in his care ?
Such kindness out of a very thoughtful thief..,
None the worse for wear,
Was there something that I said ?

All of those thoughts were in my head,
I'm just grateful I didn't wake up dead..,
For a kind gentleman thief escaped in the night !

Even though he may have taken my only golden noodle..,

He had managed to leave behind my expensive antique bike ?

For now I will gather all my belonging's..,

To pursue an enchanting hike !


Between Here and Eternity

Love is not found in the concept of autonomy,

Hence, there is a direct correlation between truth and mere justification..,

With wisdom being the most principle thing...

In this life we all get one chance..,

Whether is be heaven where God is,
Hence, or Hell with Satan !
There is no in between,
No given sense of compromise !

Nor paradise or even Hell,
Now would you like to change the story ?
For today take the initial time in reading the moral of that biblical story !

About a new fond faith that came out of glory,

With one word out of his mouth,
Mountains were brought into existence,
Trees embellished without any habitation,
Yet one may long for rest on a long awaited vacation !

Winds, mammals and vast habitation !
Yet one may long for more ?
Hence, a vacation from what ?
Still God provides us with no known retirement plan !

A given chance by which to turn the page ?
Still there is no great need by which to pretend,

Today middle aged women oft' lie down on their sofa !

They gossip to your face until they don't even know you..,

Yet when something gets out into the air,
A tearful eye begins to tear !
Which is so oft' too much for some to even bare,

Yet Oh ! None the worse for wear..,
So why does one even bother to care !
One sorrowful moment can lead one to despare !


Destination Excellence

In the past I was once a lonesome sinner ?

Today I'm just a common beggar !

Just telling another beggar where to get some bread..,

Yet what really went inside my head ?
That simple truth is it's all about Jesus !
Still keep the conversation set on one object,
Yet each of us still is quite different then the next ?

What one experiences may not necessarily be what the next one gets ?

Hence, let us be ever more motivated to destination excellence !

We all have every reason to be very confident,
One life's arena score is rooted in the relationship !
Based primarily through the covenant of reconciliation.


For the love of God

Beneath the silence,

A life doth trod..,

Through the vast perpetual silence.,

One line was drawn in the sand...

Hence, where does one even begin ?

Amidst a world that's torn
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