» Religion » Mario William Vitale/ Christian Poetic Works, Mario William Vitale [little bear else holmelund minarik .txt] 📗

Book online «Mario William Vitale/ Christian Poetic Works, Mario William Vitale [little bear else holmelund minarik .txt] 📗». Author Mario William Vitale

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Whitened stone upon the vast water front

At the edge of the clift,
Beneath the expanse of the vast radius of stars !

Oft, to learn of new frontiers
Within this valley of fallen tears..,
Like a caged rat that's hidden in a tiny hole,
Let us turn from every evil desire

Turn toward the vast radiance of the son !

Have the ancients spoken in vain ?
There is no lazy walk..,
Perhaps a picnic in the monumental park ?
You had lit the dim lit spark that had lit the flame..,

That day the Earth stood still !

With one word spoken out of his mouth..,
A picture of a two edged sword,
Although no one had spoken a single word
It was the beginning of the end,

When the four horsemen rode off into the sunset
This will not be a good time to hide and play !
The day the Earth Stood Still..,
We all need a true repentant heart..,

That is saturated with the truth..,
This is in order to with stand that true test of time !

Let us run to stand the truth,
In regaining sight to the blind !
That time is now...


The Devine One

The devine one works in mysterious ways..,

Perceived to most as being quite futile,
Yet still transformed between the lines...

Among heaven's door !

To that place of vast solace..,

There is a direct coorelation out of time and space...

The cross to the present century,
Thank you Mr. Bernanke !
With your warm helping hand you had led us,
Right out of a would be Great Depression !

For now, we as a nation...
Have suddenly lost our way,

Throughout the moral decay...
The bitter sweet motive,
We have suddenly lost all sense of integrity !
In retrospect..,

Fainting amidst a cold but bitter chill..,

Some having turned inward,
Have wandered from the faith...

Yet some may get lost in a type of purple haze,
Hence, clearer head prevail... !
When your tied up in knots,
Then there is a dozen of pots in your sink...

Can't even wink to dismiss this Earthly bliss in thought ?

Yet this is the given pathway in which we have chosen...,

Can we visibly see a devine hand ?

Still look upwards !

Unto the great master's plan...

Within a moments notice in which to depend,
The ever changing currents to life's changing flow !


The End Of The Age Of Innocence

When I was young, it had oft' sparked..,

My hidden curiosity to walk so carefree !

Although we oft' lived in the land of make believe..,

There are many of us today that want to live as they please...

Nor to watch us bleed !

When one lives by sight,
This will surely send quite a fright !
Oft, we seek to justify our sin...
Out of no regard to personal preference,

Such as a caged rat that's hidden in a tiny hole ?

Who shall release us from this character assination ?

To the end of the age of innocence..,

Forget about it if it feels right just do it !

Such as monkey see to monkey do...
Who would have known ?
My words shall spring forth out...

Fresh out of the sugar bowl !
Who shall seperate us from this inner battle ?

Nor plague, tempest or pestilence..,

Such as the strong arm of Moses !
Speak to the rock !
Let my people be set free !
If curiosity killed the cat ?

Then what do we do with curiosity ?

Yet I shall go forth to ponder and cherish,
A delicate rose that was picked for me so long ago !
Although we have been beaten through the storm,

Yet we ponder a rescue of sorts
Still after been bitten,
Some of us were just twice as shy ?
Hence, to falter to take hold of that pie in the sky !


The Face

Amidst this mystic granduer we call life,
We venture forth !
On wayward to our chartered course...
I was young once,

Yet now I'm old,
Furthermore, let the truth be told...,

To no avail some may even venture forth out to set sail !

To the proceeded found danger zone,
The line drawn in the sand...
You all heard our plea for help !
A silent whisper in the darkened night,

Amidst the dense and mirky sea !

In the barren distance a cry was heard..,
Hence, a passing facade nor lullabye ?
Yet many there be that cry !
Then suddenly their appeareth the face..,

That rainbow drew a plough in which to see !

A farmer lends a helpless hand,
A smile from a lonesome Grandma...
Even though this is killing her inside !
Yet we all tend to vant yet what does that gain ?

In desperate times of sorrow, lax nor pain...
Yet the lazy man is burdened from the inside !
The secret nights with my pillow being soaked with tears,

Hence, thing's in the natural doesn't turn out to what they really appear ?

Jesus still knows how to change a toughened ego..,

Raise a family the right way !
Muzzle an ox in flight,
Although as strange as it may really seem..
His love will be forever amazing throughout all of eternity !

Even though at the moment we are oft' charged to fight !

Those vast turbulent waves that may soon come our way..,

Yet still he has all of his children in his sight !
The precious saviour who spilled his own blood..,
Hence, for the whole entire world to see,
A roman soldier pierced his side..,

When you see him one may have every reason to run away and hide !

Still look at Calvary to that bllod stained cross..,
A teenager then gently rubbed their lip gloss..,
To that which appeared to being a book on the floor,
In then opening the door,

An invitation to accept or reject the Lord ?

Still with pieced bloody hands and scars !
Jesus has pointed to the vast amounts of stars..,
All this my child was made for you to see !
That vast array of slendor filled with intense love !

Although a bit complex as it may seem ?
Jesus with opened arms and hands,
Gently smiled and then pointed to The Face !


The Fall Of The Church

Have we become a bit lukewarm, cold or indifferent ?

Can you please refrain from speaking ?

What more can I say to dampen out the gossip that you have been bleeding..,

Grace dot stregnthen the heart...

We are all headed for soon to come disaster !
You see,
Condemnation with fear brings most of us apart..,

Let us take a long look at that man in the mirror,
Does this come at a big surprise ?
Satan is working over time in providing us with his whole host of lies !

Just look at the way the church is today ?

Instead of truth we have settled for a moral decay..,
Whatever happened to the true compassion ?

We all tend to hid ehind the hidden garb of false compromise ?
Forget about what you have heard start to cling to Jesus and his every word !


The Great Compromise

A house on a hill,
With white picket fence to line up its path...
Yet we all paint with a fine brush,
Out of a canvas of a world in quite a rush !

Some heart's are heavily bound,
Just don't think that you can look for it in the lost and found !

Looking through mirrored glasses..,

We all notice something quite different ?
A carousel with the smile of youth !
Watch the American flag,
Now look a bit closer...

We slowly notice something extra different ?

Why are people so down right mean ?
It has been this way since the beginning of time..,

Ever since the devil dropped Eve that first line,
All of us one time or another,
Have bitten into it's forbidden fruit !

Just at first but bitter in taste,
Filled with moistened lies !

We all played the fool of compromise !
Hidden behind the false garb of flash, flesh and bitter lies !
Now does all of this come as a big surprise ?

Satan was never a friend..,
Someone by whom you can depend ?
Now as painting begins to dry..,
In the distance, the cry of children slowly diminishes,

What one is left with is only a lasting memory !


The Land Of Make Believe

A chance to dine with the master of all time !

Do you all remember when you were broke ?
Down to your last thin dime ?
Then you couldn't even cope..,
When you had a big fight with that soap on a rope !

We are all living in the last days !

Don't get trapped in some purple haze..,
Let us all long to sit at the master's feet !
Within the land of make believe...
A softened reply to the one who bleeds,

Yet we think we have a tight grip on what is real ?
Perhaps a game of Let's Make A Deal ?
Hence, we all live in our much sheltered homes !
Having every convenience that is known to man..,

Still why can't we even shake our neighbor's hand ?
Don't you believe in what the television may say..,
That mere gossip at your local flea market !
Even what other's may have read..,

It's a matter of heart how one truly feels..,

For some, its all a grand illusion that were all living in..,

The Land Of Make Believe !
There can only be one devine purpose..,
To ultimately win that great crown of life !
At last a chance to dine with the master of all of creation !


The Mountain Man

A rock was suddenly thrown from far up above !

As I began to look up,
Another black pebble began to drop on my head...
I was itching like crazy all over my entire body !
As I look up again..,

Those two piercing eyes were looking right back at me !

This was really quite a bit of surprise !
Clearly, I was lost in the wilderness,
The next thing I knew the man was right in front of me,

Perhaps he wanted something but what ?

Instead of a spear he had extended his hand !
For the mountain man only wanted some peace..,
Just needed for me to be his friend,
Next he took me to an enchanting village..,

Where the Mic Mac Indians lived,
To the ancient lake were prayers they would give..,

As I again looked above,
Suddenly a large brown hawk flew in the sky !
For who was I ?
Just some ordinary guy..,

Yet we all sat their and
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