» Religion » 1995.03.04 - The Worf of God for Romania, Lord Jesus [best book club books of all time .txt] 📗

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clean bride, son, and My people, as woe to the one who will be put on the left when we will step on the bridge, when we pass through the little door of happiness! Clean yourself well, Israel, and clean your feelings, and feel Me with them, as I am close to you, and you love Me with them, so that you may not remain without Me, son and My bride. I am without sin and I want My bride to be the same, as I took you out of the world to make you worthy of Me, My people and My bride. I took you from the Romanian people and I want to make from the Romanian people wedding guests at My wedding with you, Israel, loved bride by God.


Oh, Romanian, Romanian Christian, remember Me, Romanian, My chosen people! Oh, perhaps that some ugly word enchanted you and you took it over on your tongue and it seemed sweet to you and you ate it and you clothed by the fruit of this word! Perhaps it came to you that stranger and whispered into your ear this word: civilization. There is no such a word with Me, and this word was not in the book of your language either. But this word is paganism. Nothing of this word with a hidden face is from God. And who saves you now from this sweetness anymore? Oh, here is what happened to you, Romanian, as the flies are attracted by this sweetness and they eat from you and leave you deprived of Me. Behold what a word, what a language foreign to Me: civilization! Romanian, you should serve God, Romanian, My people, as you have anointment from your beginning, Romanian Christian; you have My sign on you, and this sign is: in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. You should not serve your body, as you commit sin in your body if you serve this way. You should serve the Spirit of God with your mind, as you give forth heaven, holiness and true life by your spirit. Oh, Romanian people, you got civilized and have departed from God. I gave you birth from the Holy Spirit at My birth from the Virgin. I was born a baby and you were born a people in one day, on the day of My word that was proclaimed upon you, Romanian and Christian country! (View the history of Romanian people, r.n.) Oh, do you know what Romanian means? You do not know what this word, Romanian, means. In what language shall I speak to you, so that you may understand Me as at your beginning, Romanian, My people? Oh, you got into your box, (Residential buildings, r.n.) Christian, and you no longer have a courtyard and grass, trees and wood, glade and honey little houses, hoe and harrow, and you are no longer Romanian. You are German, as you went after the German feasts. You are French as you put on a French coat. You are Englishman as you confused your very sweet language. You are Turk as you did as Israel did, which mixed up with them in one body on their way. You are American because you forgot your age, which is as old as Mine, and you forgot your ancestors that you have under your lineage. You are American as though you no longer have forefathers and ancestral beauty. You forgot your grandfathers, Romanian people. Oh, Romanian, why do you no longer speak Romanian, son of Mine and of your grandfathers? You do no longer speak beautifully, and behold, I speak Romanian, as the Romanian language is beautiful on earth and in heaven. Your language is no longer beautiful today. You have confused it by loan words from the people foreign to your language, and it was not nice what you have done. Oh, where is your Christian language? I have let you known about the kingdom of the heavens since your birth, and I have dressed you in white cloth of baptism and I have taught you the prayer „Our Father”, and I have sent you the heavenly language, the language of the Gospel of the kingdom of heavens on your land. I have sent you a clean son, born of Me, (Apostle Andrew, the first called to the apostleship, r.n.) to make you a bride for Me, Romanian people, and he brought you a robe woven of water, spirit and blood, and I gave you a new name and I called you Romanian. My Holy Spirit called you by a new name, Christian country, as My godfather gave Me the name Jesus Christ. This is how God gave you the name of Romanian at your baptism. And this is how all the nations have been blessed into the name of Abraham by the name of Israel; the same is now, Israel of today; all the nations will be blessed into your new name that you have got from Me two thousand years, as every man, who dresses with the little robe of the Christian, will be called Romanian.


Oh, I come to call you. Your beginning and My first love for you is calling you, as I pronounce the sentence of the sin and the Gospel of the creature’s resurrection into your language, and you, Romanian, have hated your own language, My Gospel, and you have taken in it from other nations that do not have your anointment. It is only you that you have had the anointment even since your swaddles; only you among the peoples of the time; only you, Romania, the land of My coming back. That is why I gave you birth and I have prepared you, both at your beginning and in your end, and why have you forgotten your language and your Gospel? Why? Oh, this is immorality. You have done as the pagan nations did? You have made factories of smoke and enterprises of death, to prepare the death of your body, and the small man in you does not know what you do upon him. You became a master over the man, Romanian, My people, but I made the man to be free and not the man’s slave. You have also learned the pagan way and science, and it has not led you to the good, and rather it has led you to lie and death. But I come to set you free. You are My chosen people; you are the man born from above at My birth and yours, as Father gave us both birth at the same time, Bridegroom and bride from heaven, from water, spirit and blood.


I set over you kings and waivodes, brave and full of My Spirit, and when you went wrong I would punish you by My tool. I would punish you according to your staying with Me and I would comfort you according to your faithfulness, so that I may not lose you from My arms, and that I may not remain with empty hands without bride. Oh, you have stripped of Me and I forsook you. I stay hidden from your face and I wait for the moment of your redemption. Wake up, I call you! Do you hear My voice? Get up and go after the one that is sold and expelled, as your anointment is on his head. (The King Michael, r.n.). When he was exiled by you, (By the Communist regime that came with Russian tanks, r.n.) I gave him all your anointment and he left with it on his forehead and not a wicked one lost the one of yours that wonders away.


Oh, Romanian people, your voivode is crying in the middle of Egypt; (Exile, r.n.) your king is crying, Romanian; he cries and blesses you always crying, so that you may not perish; he cries and prays with all of his heart, as David, My anointed one did, when he wrote his prayers on earth. You king is crying, Romanian, as he was taken away his house and his country and his kindred, and no one really wants him from among those that struggle for him, as they do not do My will on earth, and he will overcome by My will against the man who is against God; he will overcome by My sanctified people, and your king will come to Me and to you, My Romanian people. Oh, he was thrown away from his place, and since then it has not been going well with you, as you removed the small one far away to be eaten by the beasts. You did like Joseph’s brothers, who casted the little one away, and since then you have been a slave, as Israel had been as slave in Babylon.


Oh, Romanian, Romanian, are you really a people with a wicked soul? You are not with a wicked soul, but why did you cast away the one that I gave birth for you? Who taught you to do so? I punished and I still punish those that took you out from the man with a good soul to a man with a ruthless soul. Oh, it is not allowed for a brother to kill his brother, Romanian Israel. God does not allow you to destroy and murder. I forgave you and I will refresh you with the Holy Spirit, but wash away of this outrageous sin, as I wrote in My commandments that you should not kill, that you should not give false testimony against your neighbor, and that you should not covet your neighbor’s house. I did not tell you to cut your head off, and why did you do it? You cut your head off and put something else in its place. (The communist dictatorship, r.n.) I did not tell you to cast away your anointed and why did you do it? And where is the anointed of this people? Oh, I have protected him as he cried out to Me for him and for you. I have never had a people without a shepherd and a shepherd without a people.


Wash your sin away, Romanian, and repent as by your deeds you prove that you are the son and the daughter of those who agreed to the evil deed by which My anointed ones from you may be killed and casted away. Behold, I come and breathe upon you with My word. Take on you the holy garments, Romanian, My people. Where is your costume of Romanian, Christian?  Oh, you are a pagan people according to your costume. Your grandfathers look for you to see you, to know you among those from the earth, and they do not see you. The whole heaven bears the name of the Romanian on their lips and in their singing.  The whole heaven and all the angels sing the song of the Romanian crown. Only the Romanian is no longer shown to be seen by his grandfathers. Romanian, where is your Romanian shirt? Seek well to find your little shirt, Romanian son, as I open the book and you will see where the world, pagan in image and in its costume, goes. Receive My image, the image of your grandfathers, but you should not hide yourself under My image to tell Me that you are Christian and you are not Christian.  


 Oh, you do not know what I have prepared for you, Romanian. I have in you a little and tiny people. I have taken it out of you and I have brought it under the ray of My word, and I have grown it up in spirit and word; moreover, I have kept it hidden from Herods and Judases, and I have gone through it through the wilderness of disbelief, (From under the dictatorship of the communist „read beast”, r.n.); and I take it over and put it into the lamp stand to give you light and for you to take

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