» Religion » 1995.03.04 - The Worf of God for Romania, Lord Jesus [best book club books of all time .txt] 📗

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1995.03.04 - The Worf of God for Romania

                                                    The Word of God[1] for Romania

                                                                          (Translated by I.A.)



I have descended upon My manger; I have descended with a seat of angels. I put My seal again upon Israel, in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. This is the seal and the sign through which, I, the Lord, Jesus Christ, come down and work upon Israel, which turns forty years; forty years of food by the word of this work.


Peace to you, watchmen of the manger where My word comes down! Here is what I do: I build Myself as a word before you, My people. I build Myself into My garden and I become word. I create Myself and I call Myself the Word of God, (Apoc: 19/13, r.n.) and the word remains on your table, in your heart and in My book from Israel, in My history of word during this time. My word remains with you, Israel, and you should fulfill it, son, as there is no one to fulfill My word on the earth. My word was built by the prophets as they wrote My word, and I fulfilled it. Well sons, My word was through Verginica[2], and you listened to it, My people; you have listened to if for such a long time, as I have built Myself before you by the word.


Jerusalem, people of Israel, I have been with you for forty years, and I have sent a voice of trumpet upon you to gather you together now at the great celebration, as I, the Lord, open the seals of the book, and I will celebrate this book, which is called the Word of God. But you have no more time to learn from this book, and that is why I have come before you. I take the sons of My garden and I come down with them into your way, at the lap of the mountain, as you are My mountain, and you have peak and you have laps. You have no more time to learn to do the things from the book. The time of learning has been until now. Now it is a celebration of passing. You have to fulfill this book, again and again, and that is why I have come down now. I have come down to speak a word to you. And what kind of a word? A word to be fulfilled! Be careful, as Moses fasted forty days to speak to Me and then to sanctify himself and to remain into Me. Elijah fasted forty days to speak with Me and to take him up by a heavenly chariot and heavenly horses. Son, Verginica fasted forty days (See the Life of Saint Virginia[3], r.n.) and then I descended in her and I made her the spring of the river of life, and you drank from this river. (See the selection topic: „This word is the river of life”, r.n.) I am the river of life, and I sprang from Verginica into your way, as I turned her into a rock and a rock foundation, and I came and touched it with My staff, and the spring of the river of life gushed out of it, and you drank Israel from the river of life. If you have not known by now what you drank from this rock, behold, I tell you today what you drank from. You drank from the river of life, the river that the Scriptures write about. And how comes that? I came down and I overcome the world from you, and I overcome the unbelief from you, and I pointed with My hand and I showed you My spring and I gave it you to drink from and come to live; and to give you a way of heaven under your feet, son. I stayed with the little path toward heaven into your way, and I have always showed it to you, and I have always exhorted you toward heaven. The river was flowing to you, as I turned Verginica into a riverbed. Oh, what I have not made of her to stay before you! In the time of Moses I was working under cover. I was covered by a cloud of mist or by air, and Moses listened to My voice and then he was telling My word to the people; and I worked then as the man was. During the time of Elijah I worked likewise and I hid Myself into the wind and I spoke with Elijah. I spoke with the prophets likewise too! With Abraham, Isaac and Jacob I worked the same. Behold, Israel, how many sons of faith! And you have been written today and chosen to hear My voice and My voice upon you, and now I put the book into your arms, as if I has been to fragment it until now, you would have not been My people now, because the time and its sons would have been broken you into pieces, but I gave order that the seals of the book might be open; however, I am worthy to take it and open these seals. (See the selection topic: „About the Book of the Lamb - The Book of Life”, r.n.) I said shortly before: „Woe to him who dies before the opening of the book!” And here is why I have come. I have come to tell you to rise well, well, Israel, before opening of the book, and to be great in holiness from now on, and to be good from now on; as good as you have never been, as My book from your time is being opened. Be careful My people, as it is not a joke, and from now on it is about to rise. Rise, rise, Jerusalem, as God’s glory comes and covers you! Rise and rejoice over resurrection, and let the death no longer be in you from now on, as he, who causes death in you from now on, will be more pitiful than any other sinner.


Call out the trumpet upon you and prepare yourself by fasting forty days, and we will welcome the feast of the opening of the book, of the opening of the seals of the book, and you are written into this book and are called Israel, the Lord’s people. (See selection topic: „Romania – The New Jerusalem – The New Canaan[4]”, r.n.) Let the watchmen come; let your centurions come before you and bring My word to fulfill and to remain forever in the heavenly holiness on the earth and in the spirit of your body, as your body will be seen as My temple in the time that is still left, and the man, who will seek for repentance and salvation, will follow you.


Son, My people, you should fast for forty days; you should no longer give yourself up to food for forty days. I will give you great power, son, My people. I will give you heavenly satiety, Israel, My loved son. (See the selection topic: „About fasting and almsgiving”, r.n.) Eat bread after the day is passed. Eat wheat son, as Ruth did, the daughter of Moab, who found mercy in Israel picking up wheatears after the reapers. Ruth was a relative to Abraham’s family, and I added her to Israel and I counted her into the number of My ancestors after the flesh. Behold what feasting does; as it led this daughter to the God of Israel. The man, who eats wheat, becomes god in spirit and body, as the mystery of the wheatear is as great as from here to heaven, son, My people; there is a great power in man. I trained My apostles into this mystery, (See: The Essene Gospel of Peace, r.n.) and I also want to train you, Israel of today, people of the apostles from the end. I want you to eat wheat as well, and I will give you much, much health, if you listened to Me to love this food; and I will give you a spirit of holiness, as the living wheat grain will work in you and will make Me grow in you; and you will love Me with much grace and much love. I come to prepare you well and to teach you to eat the seed of wheat and the seed of oil, milk and honey (Spirituals, r.n.) from those that I grew up for the saint on the earth. I come and build Myself by the word before you and I give you teaching of wisdom of an endless life, as you are to pass a bridge with Me, so that you may not remain and taste from the end of the world too. (See the selection topic: „The End of the world and the Day of the Lord”, r.n.) Behold, the world remains on the earth and will serve antichrist, but I will be with you, and I will sanctify your body and mind and I will bless your bread and water and your seed of wheat and oil, and I will bless your clean fruit, clean food from earth and blessed by Me. (See the selection topic: „The antichrist and the apocalyptic beast[5]”, r.n.) Fasting is useful only to those that love to fast. During the time of the clean fasting the devils do no longer have the courage upon you, but the angels take delight in those that fast. During the fasting all prides, claims and rope that is hidden in the man must disappear, but the man of the world of today does not know the point and the power of fasting. The fasting heals the man and feeds him spiritually. All the body of the man goes to healing by fasting. The man does not believe that all the sickness of the body and of the soul comes by food and from the belly with food. The man does no longer believe so. The man says that he has no vitamins if he does not eat; this is what the man of the sciences says. Oh, and he is right, but he does not know how to get them. Oh, if the man kills the food (Boil or fry food, r.n.) and only after that eats it, and if he does this with all the life from food, where should the food get life and strength from? The food fleshly work, and fasting is spiritual work, sons. The prophets had their fasting in their life, and that is why the Holy Spirit was speaking upon them. Who, Israel, shall believe any longer that My voice with you is the Holy Spirit upon you? You, My people, had a tradition for fasting and food, for living and consecration. You are blessed if you listened to Me! Behold, if you did not listened to Me in everything, from now on listen to Me My people; listen to Me in everything up to the bridge and then you will see why you have listened to Me.


I will tell it to the world that there is God. You will see what I am about to tell the world that God is and how is He. Settle down, Israel, My bride, as the world will see that you have a Bridegroom and that you loved your Bridegroom. The Bridegroom of the world is sin, but the Bridegroom of the Christian is the Lord, Jesus Christ. My people, you are My bride, son. (See the selection topic: „The Wedding of the Lamb”, r.n.) You should be a

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