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pounding headache for an entire week.

My mind was made up that I would not talk to anybody about my experiences because who would believe me? What would people think? I kept telling myself that would never relate my experiences to anybody. One of my mentors phoned me three days later to enquire about my well-being because I sent her a text message asking her to pray for me. Before I knew it I was telling her about my experiences.

When I realized what I was doing I had already told her most of the story. I wanted to kick myself. I was crying because I was convinced that I had made the biggest mistake of my life. Now the story was told, there was no possibility I could hide it anymore. Now I knew that if God wants something to be told, it will be told. He is God, after all.

On August 19, I woke up, feeling the signs of the anointing in my physical body. I was weak and trembling, while waves of electricity were going through my body. In the evening I saw a brilliant light coming into the room and in the midst of it was the same man. This time He sat down on a chair next to my bed. I have no idea where this chair came from but it was there as soon as He was ready to sit down. It was a beautiful chair made of solid gold; the shape was that of a conventional chair, with back support. On each leg was a silver star embedded in the gold; the same star was also in the centre of the back support. There are round wheels on each leg.

After greeting me, He told me that He knew that I had many questions about His identity and that He came to reveal Himself to me and to explain certain things that I have experienced. He said: “I am Jesus Christ, your Saviour. If you have any doubts, look at my hands. That place where we went is Hell.” When I looked at His hands, I saw scars where the nails pierced Him.

Dear friend, I want to tell you that Hell is not a figment of anybody‟s imagination but it is a real place and it is unpleasant. It was not made for people but for Satan and his demons. Our rightful place is in Heaven with Jesus but we have to choose Jesus before it is too late. Today, when you hear His voice, do not harden your heart; accept Jesus as your personal Saviour today and live for Him. Hell is a terrible place: it is a place of fear and sadness; it is a place of torment and eternal cries and gnashing of teeth. Satan wants to take as many people with him as possible. Do not co-operate with him; co-operate with Jesus and you will live and not die.

I could not understand why the Lord would tell me to make a choice between the two groups He showed me in Hell when I was already a born-again Christian. I have accepted Him into my life and He was still telling me to make a choice whether I want to go to Hell or not. I could not understand. I started to pray and asked God to give me a revelation of what He meant and what He wanted me to do. The Lord revealed to me that I was harbouring a lack of forgiveness and resentment in my heart towards one of my sisters, as well as to my cousin. I asked the Lord to forgive me for my unforgiving spirit; I also asked my sister to forgive me for harbouring anger and bitterness in my heart toward her. The Lord instructed me to go and ask forgiveness from my cousin.

The Lord also reminded me that there was a time when I acquired a teaching job with a fraudulent diploma and He considered that to be debt and theft. I was determined to do what was right and I asked the Lord to help me through this problem and to show me an easy way out because this was a serious crime which could send me
behind bars. He directed me to go to the Department of Education and confess what I had done. I was ready to go to jail if this was unavoidable. I experienced the Lord s favour ‟ in a big way. The officials in the Department of Education told me that I should decide what I wanted to do: whether to pay back the salary I had received from the government or not. They promised not press charges against me because they were stunned by my confession. Our God is a faithful God who honours His Word.

If you are in a situation similar to the one I was in, I want to encourage you to do what is right, no matter the consequences. You might be incarcerated in the earthly jail but that is temporal. No pain or shame will compare to Eternity separated from God. Hell is not a nice place: it is better to allow God to judge you now before it is too late. We must not fear God‟s judgment while we are in the time of Grace: we must allow Him to expose whatever is wrong in our lives while we still have time to make right with Him because there is no forgiveness on the other side of the grave. 


2nd Trip to Hell

On October 18 2005 I woke up at 05H30 but I could not go to work. I was feeling very weak and drunk; I could not move or turn around in my bed, and the presence of the Lord was very heavy in the room. I was trembling and felt electricity going through my body. The Lord came to take me just before 8:00 because the last time I had looked at my watch, it was 7:48, and he arrived very shortly after that. He greeted me and said that we should go again because time was fast running out. I stood up and we began to walk. The way we were walking on this day was very different from all other times; although our legs were doing the walking movements, we were sort of floating more than walking. While we were on our way, Jesus told me that all sins are bad and there is nothing such as small sin and big sin. All sin will lead to death, no matter how big or small. The Lord told me that we were going to visit Hell again and then He asked me if I was afraid. I answered that I was afraid. He said, “The spirit of fear is not from My Father or from Me, it is from the Devil. Fear will cause you to do things that will land you in Hell.”

Without faith it is impossible to please God and fear is the direct opposite of faith. It is obvious that fear does not please God because it destroys one s faith. For the whole ‟ time we were on our way, we were walking side by side but as soon as we arrived at the gate of Hell, He took my hand into His and held it for every second we were in Hell. I was very happy that the Lord was holding my hand because the firm grip of His hand removed all the fear from me. The place was still the same: nothing was different from the first time. There were flies, worms, extreme heat, the smell, skeletons, the noise: everything was just as it was the first time I was there. We entered the same ugly gate again and the Lord took me to one group of people. There were many people I knew when they were still alive on Earth. The poor people were in a terrible state; they looked miserable and in great agony but the worst of all was the look of hopelessness on their faces.

The Lord pointed out one middle-aged woman whom I knew before her death. She had died in a car accident at the beginning of 2005. I was shocked to see that woman in Hell because we all knew her as a God-fearing and God-loving person. The Lord told me that that woman loved Him and He also loved her; she had served Him when she was on Earth; she had led many people to the Lord and she knew the Word very well. She was kind to the poor and needy; she gave to them, and helped them in many ways. She was a good servant of the Lord in most ways. 

Those words of the Lord shocked me even more and I asked Him why He would let someone who had served Him so well end up in Hell. The Lord looked at me and said that this lady had believed the deception of the Devil. Although she knew the Scriptures well, she believed the lie of the Devil that there are big sins and small sins. She thought that a “small” sin would not lead her to Hell because, after all, she was a Christian.

The Lord continued, “I went to her many times and told her to stop what she was doing but many times she would reason that what she was doing was too small and she attributed my warning to her own feelings of guilt. There was a time when she stopped for a while but then she convinced herself again that the warning was not from Me but her own voice because that sin was too insignificant to grieve the Holy Spirit.”

I asked the Lord again to tell me what the sin was that this woman has committed and He answered me thus, “This woman had a friend who is a nurse at Oshakati Hospital. Whenever this woman was sick, she would not go to hospital and pay for her hospital card as normal practice; she would just pick up the telephone and tell her friend to organise medicine for her from the Hospital Dispensary. Her friend would always oblige and tell her to pick up the medicine at a particular time. Firstly, she decided to accept the lie of the Devil about small and big sin and rejected my truth; she caused somebody else to sin and steal on her behalf but, worst of all, SHE GRIEVED THE HOLY SPIRIT. This is what caused her to be in Hell. It does not matter whether you bring millions of souls to the Lord; it is still possible to go to Hell for grieving the Holy Spirit. You must not only care about the salvation of others but you must be careful not to forget about your own soul. Be sensitive to the Holy
Spirit at all times.” After the Lord said those words He said that we should go back.

Many Christians who have heard this story do find it problematic. They would always ask me, “What about justification, mercy and grace?” and “Is it possible to lose your Salvation after you have received it?” “Is that not a bit too harsh?” “Can God be so cruel?”

Well, as I have said elsewhere in this book, I am not presenting any theology here. I am just telling you what the Lord has shown and taught me - and what He has allowed me to experience. Please refer to your Bible for answers. Look at the following verses and make your own judgment.

“But I discipline my body and bring it into subjection, lest, when I preached to others, I myself should become disqualified.” (1Corinthians 9:27)

“What shall we say then? Shall we continue to sin that grace may abound? Certainly not! How shall we who died to sin live any longer in it? (Romans 6:1-2)

“Do not let sin reign in your mortal body, that you should obey it in its lust.” (Romans 6:12)

“For if we sin willfully after we have received the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain fearful expectation of judgment and fiery indignation which will devour the adversaries.” (Hebrews 10:26-27)

Can I go to Hell after having served the Lord and led many to Christ? You be the judge!



On Monday 6 March 2006, I was woken by my alarm clock at 05H30. I started to pray and realized that there was a heavy anointing on me. My body was very weak and I was trembling; waves of electricity were going through my body. 

In the afternoon, as I was lying on my bed, I saw a brilliant light filling the room. I saw tiny, white, round beads, the size of a pinhead. The beads were falling like rain and would sink into my skin on contact. In addition, I saw a cloud of something like white mist coming from above;

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