» Religion » Marriage Supper of the Lamb, Susan Davis [reading fiction txt] 📗

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and lovely to behold. She watches for MY Return, MY Soon Return. She keeps her eyes fixed on ME. I love her with all MY Heart. I embrace her with MY Eyes. I watch her every move. She never leaves MY Sight.

Soon she will be with ME in MY Heavenlies tucked away safely while the world she leaves comes apart at the seams.

John 16:33. These things I have spoken unto you, that in ME ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

This event is unfolding now children. There is tribulation coming - great tribulation. Nothing like the world has ever witnessed before. You all seem to be so complacent about MY Warnings, MY Signs, MY Book.

Do you not understand that trouble is coming to the earth? It is coming and no man can stop it. This stems from a world that is abandoning its GOD, rejecting its GOD. This world has no regard for ME and MY Ways. So I must pull away MY Protective Hand and retreat with MY bride. Soon the world will understand what real terror means.

1 John 4:1-8. 1Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of GOD: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. 2Hereby know ye the SPIRIT of GOD: Every spirit that confesseth that JESUS CHRIST is come in the flesh is of GOD: 3And every spirit that confesseth not that JESUS CHRIST is come in the flesh is not of GOD: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. 4Ye are of GOD, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is HE that is in you, than he that is in the world. 5They are of the world: therefore speak they of the world, and the world heareth them. 6We are of GOD: he that knoweth GOD heareth us; he that is not of GOD heareth not us. Hereby know the SPIRIT of Truth, and the spirit of error. 7Beloved, let us love one another: for love is of GOD; and every one that loveth is born of GOD, and knoweth GOD. 8He that loveth not knoweth not GOD; for GOD is LOVE.

I will not lie to you children, I am GOD. This world will not be a place that you will want to remain behind in to see the outcome of this event. You will not survive what is coming if you want to remain with ME. All those who profess ME after MY bride is removed will die for their faith. It will be a hard time for MY children.

Do not be foolish thinking otherwise.

2 Timothy 3:12. Yea, and all that will live godly in CHRIST JESUS shall suffer persecution.

I will not be mocked. This world cannot continue on in the same vein and believe there are no consequences. I am tired of protecting and caring for a world that hates ME so and mocks ME. This era is about to come to a close. Soon, I will allow the world to have its way, a world without its GOD holding back the evil that will soon come upon it. The world does not value ME as its GOD, so I will let it have its greatest desire, to run itself apart from a HOLY GOD, its DIVINE COMPASS. Then the world will find out the importance of abiding in MY Rules and Laws and following MY Ways Everlasting.

A world without restraint, that is what MY left behind children will witness. It will be a horrible time for mankind. Do not stay behind. Come to ME now. Do not wait.

Clean yourself in MY Blood and MY Word. Dig deep into the Pages of MY Word.

Repent and surrender your life to ME. Let ME save you from what is coming. I am willing. Time is short. Make haste. This is the hour to run into MY Arms. MY Love waits on you.

Let ME save you from the worst. Come under MY Blood Covering to safety. I am anxious to save.

These Words are True and Pure.




Let US begin again. Children it is your LORD Speaking to you: MY children, I am coming in short order, so do not become discouraged. This world is running out of time to set things right with ME. Soon those who refuse to make things right with ME through repentance and full surrender will suffer the consequences.

MY opponent is blood thirsty and ruthless. The world will know terror like it has never experienced before. This hour approaches swiftly.

I will not withstand much more from this evil, callous world. I have seen and heard enough. It is a world that rejects its GOD and turns its back to MY Ways and MY Truth.

James 4:4. Ye adulterers and adulteresses know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with GOD? Whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of GOD.

Children you are being led by the blind if you continue to run aimlessly after the world. There is absolutely no benefit in chasing after a dying world that lacks a moral compass. You must be realizing this by now. Come to grips with the Truth.

There is no hope for this dead, dying world that rejects its MAKER. You must come to attention. Open your eyes. You are being led astray off MY Narrow Path.

Children, few find this path. Sober up! Clean the matter out of your eyes and pull the scales off of them. Come to ME for SPIRITUAL eyes. Let ME open you up to the Truth.

Stop playing with the enemy as if it is all harmless play. He is deadly, ready to strike you when you least suspect it. You are no match for him apart from ME.

You must come close to ME to be protected. It is only by being near ME that you are safe. It is only by staying in MY Book and forging a close relationship with ME that you will survive. Do you understand this? If you go it alone, you will not make it. Don’t delude yourself. Don’t be foolish. A man’s heart is above all else is deceived. MY enemy is too cunning for you. That is why you can only make it by having a close relationship with ME. If you are close to ME, really close, the enemy does not want to come near ME. Darkness can’t stand the Light.

So lay down your plans and your life, and render them over to ME. Let ME take them and make your ashes into beauty. Let ME show you MY Perfect Will for your life. I can do it. I am willing. It is MY Desire for you to be in MY Will for your life. This is MY Desire, to clean you up in MY Blood and bring you close to ME, even as a mother loves her child, I long to care for you.

Isaiah 66:13. As one whom his mother comforteth, so will I comfort you; and ye shall be comforted in Jerusalem.

Matthew 23:37. O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!

Children this hour approaches of MY Soon Return. You are not watching. You will be left. I am only coming for MY children who care to watch, who desire to seek ME in an intimate way. These are the ones who are coming. All others, sadly, will be left. Many among them will even be lost in sudden destruction.

This is a serious hour and these are serious warnings. Read MY Book, open its pages. Pray for MY SPIRIT to lead you to all Truth.

Time is wasting. Don’t spend one more minute chasing after a world that hates ME, your GOD. You are moving in a fatal direction. Come to your senses. Seek ME, seek MY SPIRIT, seek MY FATHER, seek US. WE are ONE and WE long to save you.

The hour has come for MY Soon Arrival. Don’t miss MY Rescue.

This is your LORD YAHUSHUA, WHO Loves you dearly.



Let US begin, MY daughter (March 4, 2012). Listen carefully as I give you new Words. MY child, it is your LORD. Please write these Words down: The hour is approaching for MY Return, so many are still not watching, so many have their blinders on and refuse to listen to reason. The hour of MY Return is coming swiftly. You must be ready children. You must make ready.

Be alert and watching. This is essential to being prepared. Only those watching will be taken. Only those who care to know about MY Return can be made ready.

Those who care not and do not abide in MY SPIRIT will remain to face the worst.

Many will be surprised that they were left. Many will be shocked that they were not taken, so many who think themselves ready are fooling themselves. They are far from being ready. They are tied up in the things of the world. They have their minds on other things. They do not care to watch for MY Coming. They are preoccupied with themselves and the things of the world. They do not spend time with ME. They are not watching for ME.

They mock and persecute those who do, yet they will be dumbfounded when they are left behind, thinking that they know ME. They do not know ME at all.

They only think they know ME. Their hearts are far from ME. They never come to ME in the secret place. They run to the things of the world. Their eyes are not interested in watching for ME. They love to handle and touch the things of the world.

They plan far into the future. They make plans that will never come to pass. They never inquire of ME about these plans, if they did I would tell them to focus on ME, to come near ME, to lay down their plans and surrender them to ME. This is what I want…a full surrender, to lay your plans at MY Feet, to give ME all

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