» Religion » Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗

Book online «Revelation of Heaven and Hell, Othusitse Mmusi [ebook reader with highlighter txt] 📗». Author Othusitse Mmusi

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it clearly but in the spirit realm. As I looked in the west, something happened. It’s like you are watching a movie but at the same time you are participating. I saw motion pictures flying before my eyes at high speed, as it started I was moving. I was traveling in the Spiritual Universe of GOD. It’s like the Spirit world was opened to me as if GOD wanted to show me everything in the Universe at a very high speed. I was switching between many times, realms, dispensations, visions, and Spiritual worlds. I was traveling and switching back and forth in time. I saw the ancient world. I saw the lifetime of the Old Testament saints like Abraham, many others, their lives were revealed to me: significant peaks of their lives, all of it in split seconds. I was taken to the earthly life of JESUS CHRIST, HIS disciples, and was even shown glimpses of the Cross. I came into the present times. I was flying at a rapid and incredible speed, over creation.

I saw modern cities, trees, lakes, oceans, large bodies of water. I saw jungles, lakes, and animals. I was taken to space, then under the earth also shown Hell, many things in the whole universe, even into the future, many things that I cannot say. I am just giving a summary of what I saw. As we were approaching this place, which GOD revealed later to me as Heaven, we began to travel slowly for me to take it all in. We were coming from a very high altitude; I noticed white, extreme whiteness. I was asking myself, “What is it?” But I did not worry because we were descending from there. This was the peak of the experience, as if I didn’t have enough ad enture already! Won’t you like to have an adventure and tour with GOD to see his big universe, how the earth and Heavens were made and many other things? Sure you would!

As we approached, I saw what can be explained as very incredible, the whole region was nothing but uncountable, unnumbered hosts of angels, probably millions of them. I had seen angels before, but not that many! These are description of the angels. They were very clear. I could see them as clear as I can see an ordinary human being here on earth! Very solid, each one of them was dressed in the most pure, whitest robes, the finest of the fine linens, very clean, that’s what got my attention. Also I could look up to any angel and see his features. Their faces were color of golden olive oil, very glorious. There were other large ones with wings, the most beautiful whitest wings. I believe these are the archangels. These angels were so busy. I saw the angels with wings give assignments to the other ones, bustling and moving quickly. Some were flying to leave the place, others coming down and very busy. I was allowed to watch them for a long time. I had believed that angels existed also I had seen some, but I was so thrilled I said, “Angels!” It was such a stock reality check. These angels were very beautifully created and heavily busy, no time is wasted among them. One angel stood and looked at me showing that he noticed me. That’s how I saw their faces, eyes, and their features. We passed that world, I was very intrigued, as we left, and I was then returned back to them. I was very overjoyed: what did I do to deserve such a visitation? I had never seen angels that many, very pure, clothed in the most clean and whitest robes. It was my best experience with the angels of GOD. We then left that world. I came out of the spirit realm and the experience I later asked GOD about it. I knew we had cycled the Universe in the entire experience, but I asked about the last place, so I said, “GOD, what was that place?” HE replied, “That was a part of Heaven.” I said, “Why did you show me that?” HE said, “To show you, that I love you.” I said to HIM, “Then what should I do to return the favor?” HE said, “Just preach MY Word and win souls.” I love my GOD; I know HIS Work is not burdensome! Amen.


Coordinating Scriptures


1 Corinthians 14:13: Wherefore let him that speaketh in an unknown tongue pray that he may interpret.


Genesis 2:4: These are the generations of the Heavens and of the earth when they were created, in the day that The LORD GOD made the earth and the Heavens,


Genesis 28:12: And he dreamed, and beholds a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to Heaven: and behold the angels of GOD ascending and descending on it.


Revelation 15:6: And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles.



My Visit to Heaven [May 2012]


While praying, I heard GOD’s Voice say, “An angel will come to you, with a message.” It was midnight, when suddenly I felt a wind blowing inside of me, like a great storm! I felt a sensation of my spirit getting disconnected from my body then in a few seconds I left my body. I felt I was floating over my body, before I knew it I was traveling at a phenomenal rate of speed with wind blowing in my ears. I had gone right through the ceiling into the sky. I could feel the cool breeze of the wind outside, also the chill of the clouds in the air. Then I found myself deep in space moving at an unbelievable speed going to see GOD The FATHER in Heaven. The night was peaceful: millions of stars at every side shining brightly. I became a bit scared as we continued higher and higher, I was floating on top of a solid cloud. I even moved my right foot a slightly forward as I felt I might fall. We passed by the moon, it was very big and shining brightly. I said, “Wow! This is the moon we always see on the earth, but now it was just nearby.” It was an awesome experience.

GOD takes me in this manner on trips to Heaven; to show you how Big, HE is the CREATOR of the huge universe. We reached a very dark space with no creation whatsoever. The darkness was so dense, but I was not that afraid. I assume it’s the second Heaven. As we passed it, I could see two huge glowing planets approaching from afar. The reason why Heaven glows from outside is because there is a protective shield around it, made up of fire, lightnings, and peals of thunder. Only authorized spirits can enter (at the Command of GOD). I don’t know why I saw two. I don’t know how we got inside but I was dropped in the middle of Paradise.

Where I was standing, it was a place of very green grass. It was well-manicured. The place was a vast and endless creation. I could see this very clearly. Just a distance to the south, I saw a big golden palace. It had two big pillars. The doors were shut. Right there I saw two big angels from the palace. I saw that their colors were similar to the palace. They were huge, holding golden books or scrolls in their hands. As they were walking towards US, I heard the vision voice speak in my right ear saying, “That’s the Throne of GOD” (Since there are many Throne rooms in Heaven used for different purposes such as instruction, intercession, this was one of them, but there is a central one in the Middle of the City, where the Almighty GOD sits, where myriads, upon myriads of angels and Heavenly saints attend public worship). The voice continued telling me the names of the angels, what they do (their duties), and several other things explaining what I saw!! 

I saw a wide stream of water or river flowing from the right side of the palace, flowing right in front of me going towards the East. This river was carrying crystal clear water. There was grass between me and the river, as well as between the river and the palace. I saw some Heavenly saints busy doing their chores. I then saw Joseph, the second last born of Jacob, the Biblical character passing. In Heaven, you just know things intuitively and function with revelation knowledge. I saw some intense rays of Light coming from my left eye. At this point, I had been focusing on the wonderful majestic, Golden Palace in the South, with the huge crystalline river flowing from it. So I turned around to see the source of this magnificent Light. On turning to face the east gate of the city, I saw the multi-colored light rushing towards me; it had many living colors in it, such as gold, red, white, and yellow mixed up together yet retaining their own individual properties. This Light was projecting from the Central Throne Room of GOD, in the middle of the City of GOD! It is like I walked into a well lit auditorium. There was an explosion of all the attributes of GOD: such as love, peace, and joy in my spirit. It’s like I was bathed into pure waves of GOD’s Presence. Nothing could hold the instant burst of mar el, excitement, praise, and adoration to GOD. I was given a revelation and told, “Where you are standing is where one day all the raptured saints will gather in Heaven.”

I could see through the Light, the beautiful landscape of Heaven, GOD’s beautiful planet, ast endless jungles, mountains, hills afar, trees, grass, just creation of Heaven going on forever and ever: The River of Life passing through the middle of Paradise. It seemed that the Light I saw kept this creation alive and adding vigor and vibrancy to them. There were many people around: some very far, very busy doing different tasks. For some period I just stood there in amazement. There were too many words coming to my mind at the same time to express praise to GOD, so I shouted, “Wowwww!” It’s like the realization and awareness of the beauty of Heaven was impressed deep in my soul. I could not contain the breathtaking beauty of Heaven: all the love, the peace, the glory, it was very marvelous. I felt that if I stayed there for sometime in this arena for a longer period, I would explode. It was too much for me. I didn’t know what to say. I tell you; in Heaven you will be thrilled. You can spend one hundred years looking at an incredible flower, never ceasing to be amazed. Imagine gazing upon HIM WHO Created all these wonderful things? There are many things I can’t describe. There is no word in the dictionary that can be used to describe the beauty I saw and the feelings I felt adequately.

Then, I found myself in my room getting in my body. I saw a gold light escaping through the window. I wanted to rush and hold it, but it was too late. I assume it was the angel guide who takes me to Heaven. In the spirit realm, there is no time. My trip could ha e been hours. I didn’t have time to look at the clock when I came back; I was so overcome by what I saw. I got in my body, I opened my eyes! I knew I had just come from Heaven!


Coordinating Scriptures


Jeremiah 31:35: Thus saith The LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night, which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of

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